Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Some more completed areas on Wits’ End. Satisfied with the layout, now I need to start working on arranging flowers, organizing fruit trees, and collecting more items for my house/island.



Dreamy clouds



I've been waiting for the sombrero to show up at Able Sisters but good ol' Gulliver came through and sent me one.Now I have the complete mariachi outfit......Yo miro como Vicente Fernandez.........
Gave Walt an Outdoor Bath. Also his birthday is getting closer



Not really that important but have you looked at this little detail on the character's feet?


Pietro actually called me his muse!!! I guess having that as my custom title on this account paid off :cool:
OOOh I'm gonna sneak up on Gonzo and wake him up!

Lol. He must be a deep sleeper.


Here is my party for my original 10 villagers. Tammi and Marcel are just shocked at something Phil just said. Bill said something embarassing to me and Raymond is laughing about it. Hazel is on turntables while Dizzy feels good about a compliment that Skye just gave him. Meanwhile Willow and Gonzo are chatting it up


Raymond admiring the fossils. He told me right after this that he thinks this flying dinosaur was the "Raymond" of the dinosaur era.

Ok. The way these party poppers looked when they exploded in the dark and rain just looked sooooo pretty. I had to share.


Gonzo admiring flowers and comparing them to the ones in his book.


Dizzy sitting in a "baby chair." Lol


Me and Tammi rocking out to K.K. Metal.


From back when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I found Velma sitting on my airport's dock! It was a bit frustrating but I let her stay and she eventually moved. I still can't believe that villagers can do that!
As I've shown off here before I've got Judy, Audie, Raymond, and Sherb. "Cool I got all the non-amiibo villagers I wanted now."

On my second day of Stitches as an amiibo fully prepared to invite him over tomorrow. For funsies and needing more wood I thought I'd island hop around cause I genuinely like seeing villagers walk around.

Was on my second island hop and then...



*sigh* Another day, Stitches. Another day.
I'm sure there are better items out there to make an awesome Black Lodge, but for now, I'm very happy to be trapped in this one!
this is so cool! if we get art back, the beautiful statue or something similar would be so perfect for a Black Lodge!
this makes me want to make a whole Twin Peaks themed house with the Double-R and Great Northern and everything!! :0
this is so cool! if we get art back, the beautiful statue or something similar would be so perfect for a Black Lodge!
this makes me want to make a whole Twin Peaks themed house with the Double-R and Great Northern and everything!! :0

Oooooohhhh... What a great idea!!! I think I'll need a lot more furniture and decor before I could pull that off in style, but something to aspire to!