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I absolutely love seafood. I haven't tried too much of it since I find it's mostly expensive, but from what I've had it's amazing. Salmon, tuna, shrimp, lobster... it's delicious. I wish I could try more.
I love eating seafood! My favourites are salmon, squid, octopus, scallops, jellyfish (sesame jellyfish salad), shrimp, oysters (Taiwanese oyster omelettes), and lobster legs (steamed with garlic, ginger, green onions, and white wine). It's yummy deep-fried as well (using frozen seafood only, though--gotta save the fresh stuff for the nicer dishes).
Tuna and salmon are good, but they need some seasoning, otherwise I'm not really a fan. I'm not a big fish eater, but it's healthy for you. Just stay away from the stuff with mercury or a lot of it. Omega 3 is best, and for some reason Omega 6 isn't really good for you.
I live on the East Coast of the US, so seafood is readily available here but not too prominent in my area. There are a lot more steakhouses than seafood restaurants in my city. But beef, chicken, pork, and seafood are all pretty much available in any restaurant even if they specialize in something else.

I can't stand seafood at all, though. Shrimp is only tolerable and I refuse to eat anything else. I find the fishy taste and smell disgusting and the texture of most seafood makes me sick. I also take a somewhat moral stance on it because sea creatures are some of my favorite animals and commercial fishing is destroying their habitats and environments.
I haven't had extensive experience with seafood, only really having had stuff like salmon or tuna and some other stuff like pollock or whatever, but I want to expand my horizons in the future. I'm curious about trying stuff like crab and lobster.

I'd have to say I'm fond of seafood from what I've had of it so far.
Aw yeah. Seafood is good. My favorite is eel. If I see unagi, it's mine! I love crab and lobster. Octopus and squid.

I enjoy hotpot, lobster burritos, sushi, shrimp pasta, to good ol' cracking the snow crab legs open. Very versatile.
I've cooked salmon for my mom and now she loves it.

I will say I don't like my seafood raw. No poke bowls or ceviche or those oysters. I.. don't like tasting the ocean and the texture gets to me when it's raw, lol.
Seafood can be good in my opinion, it really depends on what I'm eating. I don't really like eating squid or octopus but like fish, lobster, crab, and other kinds of seafood like that. A large part of it also depends on how it's cooked, I don't care for it being boiled.
I love seafood! :D If I was an animal, I'd be some kind of sea bird for that reason! 😆 I love pretty much all types of fish, crab, lobster, seaweed, eel, shrimp. I love crab cakes, lobster rolls, lobster bisque, fish pies, fish'n chips, clam chowder, sushi, and fried/baked fish.

The only seafood I'm not as crazy about is shellfish (oysters, mussels, clams), not because they aren't tasty, but because the risk of serious food poisoning and contaminates.
I'm not super into seafood, although some of that is just because I live several hundred miles inland so it isn't the freshest.

The seafood I do like though:
- Seaweed (I love it so much, it's my favorite)
- Crab
- Eel
- White fish (I love fish and chips, only have it whenever I visit somewhere that's close to the ocean though)
- Calamari

Aside from these things, I'm not really into seafood. Oysters really squick me out both from the way they look and how they smell and I also suspect I might be a little bit allergic to them. I work in a restaurant that has recently started serving them and while it's not a popular item on the menu, the steam from them when they're cooked makes my throat feel kinda weird.
I have always wanted to live on or near the coast partially for this exact reason. I love seafood all kinds cooked all kinds of ways. Yum! <3
I love seafood. Grew up in MD eating lots of blue crabs. Anytime I eat out, I always look at the seafood options first before anything else. I honestly love all kinds of seafood, but the only time I don’t eat seafood is when it’s raw. I’ve tried a raw salmon roll once cause my sister said it was so good, I was not a fan. Since then I only opt for cooked sushi. I hear raw oysters are good, but I’ve never tried it and I doubt I ever will regardless. Something off putting to me about eating raw seafood, plus I feel like my stomach is too weak for that and I’ll just end up sick with food poisoning. I love me a good seafood curry from Thai spots. It’s a plus for me if it’s a seafood dish and it’s spicy. Yum!
When I was a kid my family used to go to Mexico every year and visit some of the places on the Gulf of California like Guaymas and Puerto Peñasco(Rocky Point).Most of the restaurants there served seafood and sometimes we'd bring back big packages of freshly caught shrimp.Shrimp is my favorite but I also like clams,oysters,crab,most kinds of fish and scallops.I also am a big sushi fan and have had octopus and eel sushi.
I love seafood but I live far from oceans. My dream is to move somewhere with a nearby ocean and mountains.

My least favorite seafood is mussels but this is only because I've eaten too many overcooked, tough mussels and it's ruined my perception of them.

I eat a lot of korean cuisine and there's a culture of eating raw squid, fish, clams, and crabs. I enjoy this a lot! It maintains the "seafood smell" (kind of salty, briny, and fishy) and has a texture I'm not squicked out by. But seafood is also good in a hotpot where the umami gets infused into the broth.

my best friend and I tried going for raw oysters before the pandemic and we found out the hard way she has a shellfish allergy :(
I love seafood but I don’t eat it often. Eating fresh crab and shrimp is one of my favorite things about going to the beach. Mmmmmm 🤤
I love seafood. However, where I live isn't close to a coast so imported produce/seafood isn't very good.
Where we plan to move has better options though. <3 Iove pretty much everything...crab, squid, mussels are probably pretty high up there.
My least favorite probably lobster just because I don't care for the after taste of it - in linguine it's great though.
I like seafood
Is not my fav food in the world
Inprefer pizza and burgers
But fish is also a great deal
But there are a few dishea that im a little bit scares to try
Like the scallops pascal love ao much