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It's not letting me enter... It keeps me at the "submitting an inquiry" and then tells me for some unfathomable reason I cannot enter...
TwilightKing said:
It's not letting me enter... It keeps me at the "submitting an inquiry" and then tells me for some unfathomable reason I cannot enter...
That means someone else was entering at the same time, try again, I left.
[quote="Toon]u have wiispeak?[/quote]Are you in a hurry, Toonlinksmaster?

The letters "Y" and "O" are present on the keyboard infront of you, right? Please take the time to construct the word "You" when needed.

Also, avoid posting 4 times in a row.

Because reading all your posts is making my eyes bleed, quite frankly.
SpikeHawk said:
TwilightKing said:
It's not letting me enter... It keeps me at the "submitting an inquiry" and then tells me for some unfathomable reason I cannot enter...
That means someone else was entering at the same time, try again, I left.
Trying again for a third time... ;(
TwilightKing said:
SpikeHawk said:
TwilightKing said:
It's not letting me enter... It keeps me at the "submitting an inquiry" and then tells me for some unfathomable reason I cannot enter...
That means someone else was entering at the same time, try again, I left.
Trying again for a third time... ;(
O.K., I will wait, tell me when it works. :)