
I know you can buy stuff with the bells you earn on here . what about the seashells, What can I do with those ?
If you're referring to the seashells you get once you register on TBT, then those can be used for certain site add-ons (like username changes and user title colors). In that case, it's not a game mechanic, but basically forum currency.
Also, seashells are limited, because you can only get 20 in total; the 10 you have now and 10 more after your account turns 2 years old. So you have to make sure to spend them wisely.

technically, is only 20 if you registered after welcome bells got discontinued, as the seashells were a replacement for welcome bells due to members abuse of that system

for people who were around early enough to recieve welcome bells, 10 is the maximum number of seashells obtainable

edit: also, as mentioned above, they're non-expiry. I've been sitting on my 10 since the system was implemanted and I got with no problems
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technically, is only 20 if you registered after welcome bells got discontinued

as the seashells were a replacement for welcome bells due to members abuse of that system

for people who were around early enough to recieve welcome bells, 10 is the maximum number of seashells obtainable

edit: also, as mentioned above, they're non-expiry. I've been sitting on my 10 since the system was implemanted and I got with no problems
Ok thank you 😊. Sorry I must of missed the non-expiry part . I tend to read fast 😂