Seeking help on a short film for uni - voice acting. (UPDATE 29/04)

I would love to help out! If only my mic's quality wasn't crappy. :c
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Hi there! :)

Keeping this short because I somehow managed to break my laptop charger yesterday...

We started filming yesterday four hours behind schedule, and it took us two hours longer than I anticipated to film it. What was meant to be a 12pm-5pm shoot turned into 4pm-11pm. It was crazy - which was only amplified by the narrative.

I'm glad there is interest for this. I will respond here and to PMs tomorrow or Tuesday with more information. :)

Pierrot and Marie, March 28 2015.

With so much happening lately I'm only just now getting around to work on the edit with two weeks to go until the deadline. If anyone is still up to helping me out on this I'd be hugely grateful! oath2order is voicing the role of Pierrot, and I believe Yuni is down for Marie, assuming she's still up for it. But I still need other voices, which are going to be heard when Emily begins to lose her mind hits rock bottom.


Having a fancy microphone isn't necessary, for those who've listed that as a concern. Even using the microphone on the pair of earphones I got with my phone is producing usable results. I also use my phone as a microphone when I do voice recordings sometimes and quality is generally good.

The easiest way to submit anything would be to use Vocaroo, save it, and then forward me the link either in this thread or via PM so that I can download it.

For anyone with more experience (knows how to do this without me having to give step-by-step instructions) and can use software / their phone to create the recording that would actually be better, but as it's more work I'm not expecting people to do that. If you decide to do it this way and would prefer to email rather than upload your file, PM me and I'll send you back my email address.

What I'm looking for / advice:

  • Find a quiet place with as little background noise as possible.
  • Speak at a normal volume - gives the best quality result.
  • Say the name "Emily". Preferably a few times in different intonations (questioning / urgent / sing-song / etc), but even just once is fine.

Thank you to anyone who is willing to help out. You will be credited. :)
Eeep! this sounds fun, I might try to send in a little audition to try to help out. <3
Give me a chance to get home and I'll give this a shot. Sounds interesting.
Hey Tina!

When saying the name Emily in all the different ways, is that all in one voice clip? Or a different clip for each type of voice?
Eeep! this sounds fun, I might try to send in a little audition to try to help out. <3

Give me a chance to get home and I'll give this a shot. Sounds interesting.

Thank you both for taking an interest! :)

Hey Tina!

When saying the name Emily in all the different ways, is that all in one voice clip? Or a different clip for each type of voice?

Whichever way works best for you is fine. :)
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If you're still looking I would LOVE to be involved, I can do a vocaroo for you when I get home, I can do a bunch of different voices. <3

Emily, March 28th 2015.

I've started receiving submissions for this but it would great to have a few more. If anyone could spare the five minutes it takes to record something for me I would really appreciate it.
