Mayor Jasmine
Senior Member
Cabana wardrobe, table, and wall for 1mil?
Cabana wardrobe, table, and wall for 1mil?
oohh my office flooring for your tiger tee? :>
Okay! I'll be over soon, if you're readyYup!
I would like to buy your Coral Tee and Tiara hair but I have absolutely no ideia of their values, so If my offer is too low please just tell me okay? 200K for both? :3
I'm Annie from Toontown.
Sure! If you're open I'll be over soon
Can I buy the bathhouse wall for 200k?
100 k for the pics?
I'll be home in onde hour so we can trade if you are online too! My FC is 0946-3435-4357
i have 20 blue roses for 2m?