Trading / [Selling] Diana


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2013
Carnival Coins
100% (8) +
I've just been told Diana is thinking about moving, so I am able to get her out in anywhere between 20mins - 3/4 days. I would like her gone ASAP, so priority will be given to those able to pick her up immediately/reasonably quickly.

I would LOVE to trade her for Stitches but I don't think that's very likely.

Other villagers I'll most likely accept: Beau, Kyle, Punchy, Tangy
Villagers I will consider: Blanche, Gaston (lowest priority since I already have 2 crankies)

There may be other villagers I'd accept/consider, although none come to mind right now, but do feel free to offer although I probably won't accept.
I may also take bells, but am mostly interested in villagers.

The best offer I've had so far is 10 million bells (Creame) or Tangy (Eloise).

I'll stop accepting offers at 11pm GMT+1 today.

I forgot to mention, she doesn't have all of her original furniture. I'm unsure of what she actually does have, but I know it's not all her original stuff.
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I could offer you 10m! :3 I really hope it's getting close to what you're looking for. Sadly, I don't have stitches or so!
I have Tangy! I'll also throw in some bells too if you want.
Thank you for the offers! I'm actually a bit hesitant to accept cat villagers since I'm just realised I'm going to end up overrun with them, but I'll keep your offers in mind!

Since this has turned into an auction type thing, I'll stop accepting offers after 11pm GMT+1 today and decide which I'm going to accept then. (I'm still hoping there's a chance someone will offer Stitches, so I'd like to wait a while before accepting any other offer! I hope that's okay!)
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If I get no more offers within half an hour, I'll accept Eloise's offer and trade for Tangy (if it's still okay with her).
Is her furniture still the same?

I should have mentioned this in the first post, but no. I have no idea what furniture she actually has, but she definitely doesn't have all of her original furniture.

If this matters to anyone who posted previously, please let me know!
Are you looking for any specific sets ? If I have any I can you'd like, I'll add it to Creame's 10 million bid :)
I have gaston moving out if you ant to offer bells for him?

I already have diana~
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