hello! ill buy the master sword and 'I love you' for about,, 50k? (eagletears)
hello! ill buy the master sword and 'I love you' for about,, 50k? (eagletears)
Hero's Pants for 50k?
50k for Bill Blaster?
Sounds good! I need to order that, the nookings is closed, so itll be a few /: sorreh
Eagletears, can I get all of your minimalist furniture for 20k?
I think i went bald from reading ur list hahaha X)
Triforce for 50k? Eagletears! > u<
Resetti Model for 65k ?
Eagletears :3
*edit* will not be needing the item anymore, very sorry!
*edit* will not be needing the item anymore, very sorry!
Triforce for 50k? Eagletears! > u<
Um I have a LOT of stuff I would really really like. 28 or so. If I posted it all could you give me a price? I'm willing to spend like 200,000 on all of it
e a g l e t e a r s