Selling Selling stuff I've been hoarding (Pics, Orderarbles, Gracie items and more!)

You have these listed for 2 tbt each

Sweets sofa
Gracie tank
Festive Tree Dress
Sweets bed
Banana split hat
Hot dog tank

You have these listed for 1 tbt each

Dotty's pic
Jay's pic
Blanca Pic
Kidd's pic
Eugene's pic
Benedict's Pic
Stitches Pic
Muffy Pic
tortoise specs
ice floor
squid chair

How much do you want for them all?
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Well somebody has already asked for the squid chair, kidd pic, Eugene pic and Sweets chair so i'm afraid I cannot sell you those.
But everything else I can sell you.

So in total for everything, that would be 18 tbt I believe.
But I'll sell them for 14.
I didn't read all of the posts in the thread to save time browsing. That's why I listed what I was looking it. It's totally fine though. I'll PM you my FC, time arrangements, and sending the tbt now in advance.

Thank you.
when would be a good time to trade? i can right now if that works for you :)
I didn't read all of the posts in the thread to save time browsing. That's why I listed what I was looking it. It's totally fine though. I'll PM you my FC, time arrangements, and sending the tbt now in advance.

Thank you.

Alright! Sounds good to me~!

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when would be a good time to trade? i can right now if that works for you :)

I can trade right now.
awesome! could i pick them up?
awesome! could i pick them up?

Mhm! I'll add your FC and open the gates.

Edit: Apparently I already have your FC and I just forgot, silly me. I'll open the gates now!

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Enjoy your items! Thanks for the trade.
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awesome, i'm ready to trade now. adding your fc atm, then i can come pick up if thats alright.
can ii get

Whitneys Pic
BB tee
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