Currently I'm watching Attack on Titan on Hulu. I will say, this anime just hits differently.
It's an amazing show, little hard to follow at times but keeps you on the edge. Each episode is just filled with exciting action, depressing backstories, amazing dialogue, beautiful scenery, and more.
These writers really know what they are doing and do a phenomenal job bringing it to life from the manga.
I really recommend if no one has seen it, season 3 is by far the best ever! With season 4 very close behind.
American Horror Story (rewatching on Hulu) definitely is one right now, I constantly go back to season 3 (Coven) and season 4 (freakshow) as my favorites, and personally I do think they are the best and showcasing was horror really is about for this show. The acting is amazing and I LOVE me some Jessica Lange in television <3
Amazing world of Gumball (hulu). No need to explain it's great
Stranger things (Netflix), rewatching for the fifth time and I still love each dang season lol
Good morning Call (Netflix), it's an Asian drama about this popular boy and another (not-so but I love her character) girl who accidentally end up living in the same apartment together. (wow amazing right c
It's a cute show for sure