• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Seriously done. Vent thread.

If you feel as if the game is pressuring you to play all day, every day, then perhaps it would be a good idea to take a break from it. Its purpose is not to make one feel like they need to play, but rather, to be an escape or just a bit of relaxation whenever one needs/wants it. Your conflict seems to stem from the fact that you want to do so much but don't have nearly enough time to do so. In this case, it'd be best for you to play the game whenever you can and keep it to where the game progresses daily as it was meant to. Time traveling can have overall poor effects on villagers, town health, visitors, etc. You know what they say: Patience is a virtue.
That may be, but is it your place to say it? No. That is a highly personal thing. You just called the OP stupid for purchasing outside of "his/her market" which is not really an exact science. He/she is just venting and does not need someone telling them that they should not have purchased the game in the first place.

Wow, I never implied Purin was stupid! Of course it's not for me to judge. I was just SUGGESTING that maybe it isn't the right game for her. Thank you everyone who backed me up :)
Animal Crossing is a game that everyone can enjoy! If you hate relaxed games and prefer shooters, then it wouldn't be right. However, she is just angry that the real-time clock is pressuring her to have to play at certain times when she has a life to get back to. Ordinances can change some parts of this, but it's just frustrating having to miss something because the real-time clock doesn't give you time when you have a life.

Yes, you could TT and solve this. Some people are dedicated not to, and this is where the problem comes in.
Animal Crossing is a game that everyone can enjoy! If you hate relaxed games and prefer shooters, then it wouldn't be right. However, she is just angry that the real-time clock is pressuring her to have to play at certain times when she has a life to get back to. Ordinances can change some parts of this, but it's just frustrating having to miss something because the real-time clock doesn't give you time when you have a life.

Yes, you could TT and solve this. Some people are dedicated not to, and this is where the problem comes in.
Thank you everyone for your input.
Yes, merely the fact that it's based on real time is what bothers me the most. And how villagers just randomly move in too. But that wouldn't as much if it wasn't based on real time.

I actually think this game is targeted for people who like simulation games. Which I do. I don't regret buying this game at all. I love the AC series.
Ever since I was 10 (20 now), I've played Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing/Legend of Zelda. I've been happy that my child hood games grew up with me. But what I am saying is, the makers should give in thought the whole audience. I know a bunch of people online(none of my irl friends play games lolz) who are 18+ and play AC. A lot of these people are full time college students and full time workers. And also I am sure high school students don't have as much free time either. Especially the juniors and seniors. I remember when I was in those grades I was busy with some honor classes and studying for my SAT.

I feel it'd be really awesome if they made it at least an option to have an in game time setting or real life. For example, it would've been a great ordinance choice.

There are some people who get bored easily with games that make you wait. And I am one of them. That doesn't mean I don't like the game it just means I get tired of waiting around. I feel like (as someone said) I already wait enough for things in real life lol. I remember in Harvest Moon I'd even sleep early for certain events lol.

Anyways, thank you everyone. Also I don't feel offended at all by what any of you said, because we each have our own opinions ^^.

Also Whimsy, I will of course still pay your commission asap. I am just giving AC a break, I am not deleting my town =)
I agree. I think the reason a lot of people are getting bored is because they're trying to get everything done as quickly as possible and want a specific group of villagers yesterday.

I really don't think the real-time element will ever be removed. I like it, it means that there's something different at different times of day. Plus it sets it aside from other "life sim" games, as far as I'm aware it's the only one that uses real time? It also, in theory, gives the game a lifespan of at least a year in order to collect everything (obviously time travel removes that for some people).

So agree with all of this. Also agree with Pallie that it's good to quit playing if it stresses you out that much D:
I know how you feel, Purin. I took a relatively long (well, it was only a month, some might not consider that "long") break from the game, but you know what? I came back to it and now it feels new and exciting again. Yes, I lost a villager in my absence, but to me that's just part of the spontaneity of the game. It doesn't make me feel like "Oh man, I shouldn't have stopped playing for so long!" it just makes me look forward to whatever villager will end up taking that one's place (also, it helps that I got that villager's picture in her goodbye letter :rolleyes: )

I think people need to stop worrying about who the "target market" is and admit, sometimes you just need a break from a hobby! Even one you really love. I used to read all of the time, in pretty much all of my spare time, but then I got burnt out doing that and you know what? I barely ever read any books now thanks to that. I think it's way better to enjoy things in moderation, the human brain isn't wired to just focus on 1 thing forever. We're pro at multi-tasking and switching up our focus, we should enjoy doing that sometimes! :)
Animal Crossing is meant to be played at it's own pace :) I would take a fresh break for a fresh start!
Seeing as you're having a hard time moving people, I found a guide that might help.
Just talk to the villagers you love, and ignore the ones you want to move. But make sure you greet new villagers even if you want them to move out, so you can increase your friendship level with them. If you completely ignore them from the get go, when they ping you to move and you let them, they'll say they aren't friends enough with to move away. ( which is dumb :I )

And place public works projects over areas you don't want houses to be build. (Like a fountain).

On the other hand, taking a break might be needed. You shouldn't be stressed out by animal crossing. ^^
Sorry you're not enjoying the game. D:
Not to mention, AC just seems to get more disappointing. When will they make this game have it's own in game time? I hate how it's based on real life time. I go to college and work, I also have homework/studying. I hardly have time to play on the weekdays so I play on weekends depending how much free time I have. Also, this is just my own opinion but I feel how it's based on real life time that it promotes anti-socializing. What do these game makes expect? Do they want us to literally spend our holidays and all our free time playing this game? It seems as though they want people to revolve their lives on this game. It annoys me when villagers ask to visit your house at a certain time. I always think, "No. I am playing now because I have free time. In an hour I will be at work/studying/with a friend."

I agree with you. I graduated school and won't start university in 5 months so for now I have plenty of time to play. I don't know how in the world I would be able to get a "Perfect Town" rating if I played on a "fair" way. School is like 8 hours, to go there and get back home is 2 hours. On top of that is my social life, which unlike many people I have IRL more than online. The only time when I have an opportunity is to play when I go to bed (at 12:00 AM). My progress was SO slow! I hated this game in the beginning, but purely because I bought the 3DS special edition ACNL ver. I wanted to make a beautiful town. I actually bought this 3DS because it looked "better" than all others, I didn't even care for the game.

If it wasn't for time traveling I would never have gotten into this game. Because of time traveling I got so far, I basically was stuck with my town for 1 month because I got discouraged of TT because a lot of players say "players who TT are cheaters". I decided to not give a bleep and look now, I have a nice looking town with the Perfect Town rating.

However I don't think if the game has it's "own time" it would work in my favor as well. I like its concept now. It's like the best of both worlds; if you want to play the hard way, you leave the clock as it is. If you want to play the easy way, you touch that clock now baby. And you made a great point with villagers wanting to come over in an hour and not having time for that. It's really true! I hate it when they do, so I always say NO. Except when it is my favorite villager then I just TT an hour further. Another thing what I don't like is when they celebrate their birthdays basically demanding me to play the game on that date.

In a way this discourages socializing because it demands you to invest your time into the game. But I guess if you play online with friends it encourages socializing even though the player on the other 3DS doesn't know who you are IRL.
You are playing it right, Purin. There's just that added Luck factor whenever you're trying to procure Dreamies. It's frustrating to be so close to achieving the things you desire. Don't let New Leaf stress you out or control your priorities- your town will be there when you want to play it again. Take care & good luck! =)
Not to mention, AC just seems to get more disappointing. When will they make this game have it's own in game time? I hate how it's based on real life time. I go to college and work, I also have homework/studying. I hardly have time to play on the weekdays so I play on weekends depending how much free time I have. Also, this is just my own opinion but I feel how it's based on real life time that it promotes anti-socializing. What do these game makes expect? Do they want us to literally spend our holidays and all our free time playing this game? It seems as though they want people to revolve their lives on this game. It annoys me when villagers ask to visit your house at a certain time. I always think, "No. I am playing now because I have free time. In an hour I will be at work/studying/with a friend."

Listen. I work 5 days a week, and whatever free time I have to play this game should be the valuable time left for me to play. I don't even set Night Owl Ordinance, and if I missed a day of playing, the fruits on the trees are regenerated, hence I can make more bells for deposits, pwp payment and mortgages. I don't need to complain that I have limited time to play on the weekdays because I'm going to have a lot of time to play in the weekend, no matter how much chores I have to do.
I don't believe this game promotes anti-social-related things, New Leaf is my very first AC game, and I really do enjoy playing this game, even my friends stop by my village sparingly. It's about managing a village in the first place, so make it welcoming to villagers and visiting friends :)

Of course it's good that you priortise things, but don't be so hard on yourself. If you have time to play the game, help yourself. Don't feel pressurised that you didn't get all the dream villagers, sometime one or few will move in without even knowing. Just saying, you know.
real time? who wants to wait off 12am-6am? no thanks. take a break if you want~
I also work five days a week, doing that clich?d 9am-5pm slog. I use the Night Owl ordinance despite the fact I'd prefer the Beautiful Town ordinance but, without it I'd never get into my shops in time.
It is annoying that I seem to only ever play in my town in twilight/darkness.
Eh... There's such a thing as burn out even for hobbies you really love. I'm a gamer. I've been gaming since I was 5. I'm 30. That's 25 years of my life with gaming as my main hobby. But there have been times I've played video games little to zero. The biggest time I can think of is the early 2000s. I played a few games, but for the most part, I fell out of love with gaming for a few years. Then suddenly I started playing again one day.

Maybe you need a break from AC for a while. Maybe you're pushing yourself too hard to try to get your dreamies. It's stressing you out and making things not fun anymore. Just wait until you're ready and then you'll probably fall in love with AC all over again.

Edit: Should also say that, from my age, you can probably guess that I work full time. I do. And I have lots of other hobbies and interests and responsibilities. I don't play AC every day. I can't. Sometimes I'm too tired, sometimes I'm too busy, sometimes I just don't feel like it. And that's OK.
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Why don't you just enjoy the game?
Doesn't matter how many hours you can play in a week.

Why not try to play the game casually & naturally without using any tricks?
Who knows, it might be more fun than your usual playing style.

I'd rather play for just 30 minutes listening to DJ K.K. & have fun all the way,
than play for hours, get millions of Bells, etc but feels like it's a must thing to do everyday.
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Why not try to play the game casually & naturally without using any tricks?
Who knows, it might be more fun than your usual play .

This. Once you've had your break you might find it more fun to play it this way :)
This. Once you've had your break you might find it more fun to play it this way :)

I know right. Not just in ACNL; In every game, when you already have everything you want, usually the game will become more boring each time you play. Besides, AC is a 'very' long term game. TS just need to make use of this game feature where everything is gained one step at a time, so that (s)he won't get bored so quickly.
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I have some advice for the people who get bored and TT out villagers to create their ideal town:

Don't TT.

Just accept whatever villagers you get. They may not look aesthetically pleasing but everyone deserves a chance. Instead of desperately TTing people in and out and trying to make everything perfect, just relax and enjoy the game at a slow pace. I find if I work too hard on making my town perfect I just get fed up and then, what will you do when your town is finally perfect? You'll get even more bored and restart.
Listen. I work 5 days a week, and whatever free time I have to play this game should be the valuable time left for me to play. I don't even set Night Owl Ordinance, and if I missed a day of playing, the fruits on the trees are regenerated, hence I can make more bells for deposits, pwp payment and mortgages. I don't need to complain that I have limited time to play on the weekdays because I'm going to have a lot of time to play in the weekend, no matter how much chores I have to do.
I don't believe this game promotes anti-social-related things, New Leaf is my very first AC game, and I really do enjoy playing this game, even my friends stop by my village sparingly. It's about managing a village in the first place, so make it welcoming to villagers and visiting friends :)

Of course it's good that you priortise things, but don't be so hard on yourself. If you have time to play the game, help yourself. Don't feel pressurised that you didn't get all the dream villagers, sometime one or few will move in without even knowing. Just saying, you know.

See with me, I work and attend college and I am taking 19 units so it is a lot.

Basically my schedule 8am-2pm work, at 3:30pm-6pm I have college.
I live an hour away so right after work I leave and I get home around 7pm.

Then I am so worn out and tired but still do studying/homework through out the whole week and weekend.

I just feel AC should be able to give the players the option to have their in-game time. Like how Harvest Moon has a good in-time game system.

Just my opinion. And I don't feel playing it at normal pace is enjoyable...really I don't. I've done it sometimes since I've been playing at the age of 10. I get bored way to easily.

Anyways I just wanted to vent yesterday, so thanks for your support ^^
Sometimes, i envy other towns i saw in dream suite & get annoyed by my town layout when i want to build a PWP.

My town's rocks are all at strategic spots, such as right in front of my train station, near my town hall (left & right), right in front of my Retail shop, etc. Also, i have been thinking of restarting my town for like... twice every week. But i still enjoy playing in my current town.

Edit: As for play time...
I'm 24, i have a job, & i can only play at night starting from 6 PM (earliest) until 12 AM (latest).
Of course it depends on my condition. If i'm too tired, i'll just listen to DJ K.K. for 30 minutes, if not then i'll just do some gardening or collecting medals/bugs at the island for 2~3 hours.
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