Share Your Cleaning Tips Here!

My tip is to set a timer, like set a timer on your phone or watch for like 15-20 minutes and see how much you can get done in that time. It's pretty surprising how much you can get done. And getting started is the hardest part, so once you've done that you've gained momentum and the motivation comes naturally and you usually keep going :) That's what has helped me, as a major procrastinator
having a place for everything is really the most important. i recently moved into a new place and even as a minimalist it was getting really cluttered really fast. this made cleaning even harder because it meant i had to keep shifting things around as i cleaned because they didn't have a designated place.

i find it's easier to keep up with cleaning regularly now that i've organized my stuff and have a home for most* of it. i've realized that it takes the same amount of time to leave something where it doesn't belong than it would to put it back. only difference is when you leave it out, you have to spend extra time putting stuff away.

that's my 2 cents--don't do extra work, clean as you go!

p.s. if you're looking for containers for organizing but don't want to spend $$$, use packaging your purchases come in. i try and reuse my jars, plastic containers, boxes, etc, for storage purposes. you can use boxes to organize things in drawers, jars can store little things nicely, just get creative with it honestly!! plus it helps divert waste from landfills if we reuse packaging instead of tossing it right away. (just make sure to wash it!!)
You don’t need to spend a fortune on cleaning products - a disinfectant is a disinfectant regardless if it costs 25p or £3. I also love diluted white vinegar and baking soda to unblock drains/clean washing machines. To get into tight spaces I’ll use a toothbrush (like the drawer in your washing machine - it can get filled with mould if you don’t clean it regularly)

also take your cups downstairs if you’re heading down, and if you’re not in the mood to clean one day(but it needs doing), try to set yourself one job. More often than not you’ll continue cleaning once you’ve started 😊
I'll list a few tips here since I'm a clean freak lol

1. it's a good idea to have a weekly list of things you need to clean. like once a day sweep the floor, M/W/F mop the floor, T/TH dust everything, every Saturday wash bedding, every Sunday do laundry, etc. that way you can get into a routine.
2. every few months maybe just go through your stuff and see if there's anything you can throw out or donate. I'm still in the process of doing this and I've already thrown away tons of stuff and given 4 more boxes of stuff to goodwill.
2.5. it's a really good idea to detach yourself emotionally from everything since that can make it really difficult to throw stuff out that you actually don't need.
3. definitely invest in a good duster, especially if you have pets. my dog sheds constantly so I get a lot of dust in my room, I have one of those fluffy swiffer dusters and it works really well.
4. always keep some disinfecting wipes around. even if you don't think you need them it's good to wipe down stuff often, mostly stuff you touch a lot like computer keyboards, phones, gaming stuff, etc.
5. have a dedicated area for cleaning stuff so it's easy to access (makes it easier for people with exec. dysfunction, like myself, to clean without getting overwhelmed). I personally use the bottom drawer of a large dresser.
6. make sure you wash dishes daily, and get into a routine w them. I personally use dishes throughout the day and then wash them the following morning, but you could even wash them right before bed so they're done.
6.5 BIG TIP! make sure that you wash your dishes off as soon as you're done using them!! as in, get any food particles off and rinse with water until at least mostly clean. this will make cleaning them later sooooo much easier and even if it sounds like a hassle it's very much worth it!
7. also I second what Kaiaa said, having just a few dishes is really helpful. I have 4-5 plates, one small pot and one big deep pan, 5-6 of each piece of silverware, and a few cups
8. always put something away as soon as you're finished using it, not only so you don't have to pick it up later but also so it doesn't get lost.

if I think of any more I'll post them for you :)
Just throw tasty treats around each room and let the local dogs do all the work.
This thread is super helpful!

Something I often forget to do is dust BEFORE you vacuum or sweep! Also, a hefty corner scrubber is great for cleaning bathroom tiles. Shower curtains can be washed and reused! Just throw them into the washing machine with a rag and laundry detergent.
I use plastic silverware and paper plates/bowls. This eliminates the need to wash dishes, and it’s easier to just throw everything away when you’re done eating. I honestly don’t own much at all. I’m a self-proclaimed minimalist, but this helps so much with clutter, or lack of. I think living the simple life is where it’s at. You can spend less and have a lot more time for what’s important.
i dont know but i used to use toothpaste and combine it with soap and water to wash out some dirty hard to clean items (especially clothes).