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Setting a placeholder. It's night and not much to see right now, so I'll wait until tomorrow to upload my dream.
I love how organic your island feels. There's nothing forced with how you design. Very peaceful.

I try to balance what's visually appealing to me with practicality. Running around my island with ease is important to me. The restaurant I built was my most recent creation, once I decorate the outside of it, I'm moving onto a more mushroom forest feel for my remaining space. :)
My is DA 7307-8762-9767 is my island and some feedback is nice too
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Mine is DA-0085-9016-0406
A lot in progress by I hope you enjoy your dream
i’m going for an elegant/ethereal/royal pink and white theme for my island but it’s nowhere near complete! if anyone wants to check it out and give me some constructive criticism and/or suggestions on things i could do for my island i would appreciate it!! especially struggling on where to put my nooks and abel’s!

Mine is DA-9245-6918-8547! Please let me know if you stop by~
Moondust is still under construction but there are some areas I'm quite happy with! It's a foresty town with black, grey, and white colors!
Mine is a European themed town. There are three player house: The botanical garden, the restaurant, and my house.
To me my town square has the most action, but I also like my countryside (right-side) for its simplicity.
Mine is DA-4461-0212-3680

Ive got a spin on a couple of ideas that I haven’t seen in other islands. Ie photography area near museum and a whole high cliff fishing area cause I love fishing.
I'm visiting. I like all the spots and so want to steal the idea of a stable! :D ;)

Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback :D. It makes me happy you like the idea 😊. I used to have the corral fence around it but decided to replace it with a cliff since it was too big anyways.
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Mine is DA-4531-1650-0774
Visit Lilac!
It’s like a touristy colonial island, where you can bike around town and down the river path! Lots of brick, flowers, and iron benches🙂

also I’m not completely finished but I’d love for other to explore what I have done!
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