i'll check it out too.Hey was wondering if anyone wouldn’t mind checking out my island and telling me what they think, much appreciated!
Island name: Lewtopia
i'll check it out too.Hey was wondering if anyone wouldn’t mind checking out my island and telling me what they think, much appreciated!
Island name: Lewtopia
HOLY CRAP CAN YOU HELP ME WITH MY ISLAND!!?!?!!I GOT MINE!![taken out; see my post above! it's #2 in this thread] Will probably take out later but here it is for those who are curious
Open to feedback!!
Your island is so beautiful omgg!! I just toured a few hours ago- I LOVE IT!! You inspired me to encorporate more bamboo into my forest- and I really love how it adds more depth!! Thank you! <3I'm having trouble uploading my island due to internet connection issuesAnyone else having issues?
Finally got mine!!It is DA-1114-0753-5738 Feel free to share feedback
Will probably take code down later (if I take it down please DM me for the code)! Island is named Pluton, a 5-star naturey/Asian themed island in cherry blossom season
A preview pic! Most is done except for my house, which I'm working on becoming a temple/ monastery.
Main highlights: long bridge, monastery area (smaller neighborhood area w/ coco, dobie, and cole), sculpture garden (wip near the end)
mine is DA-8705-8312-5314
lol thanks !Wow. Your island is so pretty. Every space is well-utilized. I have to admit, I got lost but I had fun exploring every corner. It's also the first time I've seen rocks on the shore NOT on water.
Just visited. Gorgeous island!! I love your fish market. Soo cute!!Mine is a European themed town. There are three player house: The botanical garden, the restaurant, and my house.
To me my town square has the most action, but I also like my countryside (right-side) for its simplicity.
Here's my Dream Address: 3510-3100-5627
Island Name is: Tierinsel
I am also looking for feedback regarding my island. Nothing too special on my island to note, besides the beach cafe, neighbourhood area, and extended beach area (done legitly via the sand pathing and some beach decor). But I want to know how some of you would recommend I work on in regards to making my island better. I wanna keep that seasonal area (the spot with the 4 coconut trees, and sanding in the neighbourhood area), so keep that in mind when recommending feedback.
this is probably the most gorgeous island I’ve ever seen ;-;I'm having trouble uploading my island due to internet connection issuesAnyone else having issues?
Finally got mine!!It is DA-1114-0753-5738 Feel free to share feedback
Will probably take code down later (if I take it down please DM me for the code)! Island is named Pluton, a 5-star naturey/Asian themed island in cherry blossom season
A preview pic! Most is done except for my house, which I'm working on becoming a temple/ monastery.
Main highlights: long bridge, monastery area (smaller neighborhood area w/ coco, dobie, and cole), sculpture garden (wip near the end)