Sherb looks like every other lazy villager...


Freshly Delivered Something Or Other
May 24, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Cherry (Fruit)
Don't get me wrong! I think Sherb is cute and he was a delight to have in my town while he was there. I'm happy I got his picture, too! But at the same time, I found something interesting... I find myself getting a lot more attached to very similar villagers...

Sherb may be cute, but he's far from unique. Take a look!

You showed three villagers, that's not all of the lazies lol

A lot of the villagers in the game have a similar eye shape or color scheme, regardless of their personality type. It's just the Animal Crossing art style

I do see what you're trying to say though, I like Sherb but he does have an extremely simple design
I recently let Sherb go after having him on my island since launch. He's cute, but a big part of why I liked him is that I'm really just drawn to blue villagers. He was 'more of the same' as far as design goes - and hey that's a safe formula!
Wow, you’re right! He looks almost the same as those other two! All blue villagers with all the same eyes. They’re all very cute though!
I had Hornsby for a short while. Then had Filbert. Currently I have Sherb. So many blue lazies. I agree that they can be very same-y, but they're all adorable.

I want Bob and he'll replace Sherb. But I'm torn if I should let Sherb go or not because he doesn't have an amiibo...
I never noticed this before tbh, I agree that he looks quite similar to the other two villagers there, mainly because of the shape of the eyes. I had Sherb back then and while I actually love his house (in particular the interior decoration), he becomes a bit boring after a while, probably because of his simple design. At some point, I let him go and replaced him with another lazy. Overall, he's not a bad villager, but not really a favorite of mine.
I’ve been saying this all this time. I am baffled at why people are ranking sherb so high. Sure, he’s cute (I think he’s the best-designed goat) but he’s also kind of boring. There’s not much going on with his design that screams “popular pick” like stitches or lucky have. He doesn’t have the old-timer status of the likes of Bob. Now that you put him right next to several other lazies (which have perfectly fine designs but by no means have interesting ones) it makes it even more confusing. I don’t think he’s BAD but I don’t think he’s as amazing as people hype him up to be. I’d put him at around equal to Megan (another newcomer who’s kinda cute but you don’t hear any hype about her).

And yes, I do have him on one of the islands I use at the moment. I still don’t think he’s all that interesting (especially since he replaced one of my favorite lazies, Zucker).
i love sherb but i can agree that he isn't very "out there" in terms of design. still, i don't think he's the same as other villagers. he's just a little basic but still very cute. my avatar might be quite telling in how i feel about sherb but Yeah
Sherb does share a lot of the same characteristics as the others you posted! However, like a few said here, it's just a design formula. I don't think there's anything wrong with him having a simple design, and I don't think that makes him boring, per say. I would go so far as to say his simple, cute design paired with his pastel color scheme is probably what makes him as popular as he is, people love pastels! Personally, I do find him as cute as someone like Hornsby or Dizzy, but I think people also tend to prefer the deer animal/model to the rhino or elephant models. In the end, Sherb is cute and his simple design is endearing, though I have a lot of other favorite lazies with much more unique designs! With that being said, I think out of the villagers introduced in NH he's one of my favorites!
Personally, I do find him as cute as someone like Hornsby or Dizzy, but I think people also tend to prefer the deer animal/model to the rhino or elephant models
One thing that I have to note is that he’s a goat, not a deer. The main difference is their mouths: goats have mouths that are like stickers (think cat villagers) whereas deer have mouths like a puppet (think wolf villagers).
they are somewhat similar in design (being even-toed ungulates) but they’re different species.
One thing that I have to note is that he’s a goat, not a deer. The main difference is their mouths: goats have mouths that are like stickers (think cat villagers) whereas deer have mouths like a puppet (think wolf villagers). they are somewhat simila!r in design (being even-toed ungulates) but they’re different species.
Thank you for the correction! Yes, I actually meant goat, I do know the difference and simply misspoke, so my bad!
Is that...a bad thing? Not every villager has truly unique and interesting design, but it doesn't stop people from loving them. Sometimes "simple and cute" is better than "too much details which creates a very messy design". Plus, it's just an art-direction of Animal Crossing as a whole. I personally don't really like Sherb because of his...weird nose-mouth placement. He's got one biiiiig chin x)
So you are telling me that Sherb, a Lazy villager, looks like other Lazy villagers because thats what he is? Shocking!
But seriously, his design is supposed to be adorable and fun-loving and thats honestly the only thing that matters....well to me.
Thank you for the correction! Yes, I actually meant goat, I do know the difference and simply misspoke, so my bad!
It’s no big deal!

In fact, your earlier quote may answer one of my questions. I have a feeling that specific villager popularity is tied into species popularity. @Crowsie brought up in the Raymond opinion thread that if Raymond was something like an account pig or accountant bird he’d be less popular than he is. On the inverse, I think if Klaus (a Roman emperor bear) was a wolf or a deer, he’d be one of the higher rated villagers. Goats are ranked middle-to-high, which may explain his popularity.

I myself don’t really like the design of the goat villagers (their snouts are shaped really weirdly), which is why I’m not terribly excited by sherb.
It’s no big deal!

In fact, your earlier quote may answer one of my questions. I have a feeling that specific villager popularity is tied into species popularity. @Crowsie brought up in the Raymond opinion thread that if Raymond was something like an account pig or accountant bird he’d be less popular than he is. On the inverse, I think if Klaus (a Roman emperor bear) was a wolf or a deer, he’d be one of the higher rated villagers. Goats are ranked middle-to-high, which may explain his popularity.

I myself don’t really like the design of the goat villagers (their snouts are shaped really weirdly), which is why I’m not terribly excited by sherb.

I definitely agree with you, that was my point exactly! Villager popularity is definitely tied to species popularity, in my opinion. There are so many villagers (like Klaus, who you mentioned) with really interesting, unique designs that simply get less love because their species is one of the less popular types. In the end, I think that's the reason a villager like Sherb, whose design is simple and similar to that of other villagers of different species, is more popular than others. :) As you put it, someone like Raymond definitely wouldn't have been nearly as popular if he hadn't been a cat!
No, he doesn't look like "every other" lazy villager! Maybe he looks similar to other blue lazy villagers? But if you think about Cole (my favourite lazy) and Stitches etc, there's no similarities in design. Anyway idk I just think Sherb is adorable. He's the cutest of the goats imo.
He may look similar to others but that’s okay! I have him in my town currently after he showed up at my campsite. I now have three lazies (whoops 😅) and I might let Beau go if he asks but I think I’ll hold onto Sherb! At least for the holidays, I think his blue colouring will look so cute with the snow and festive decorations 🥰