Sherb looks like every other lazy villager...

As someone with three lazy villagers, I gotta disagree! Even compared to those other two villagers, he's much cuter imo even if his eyes look similar to theirs. But he's very, very different compared to, for example, Lucky and Zucker.

He's not that remarkable though, I gotta agree. He matches my blue island aesthetic which is why I had him down as a dreamie. He's kinda just a generic goat, a cute goat though.
A lot of the villagers aren't very unique tho haha. Look at Mable, June, Olive and Molly all look very much the same to me and I think they're all pretty popular?
Not really. There are some with eyes like that and being colored blue. The rest look much different.
You showed three villagers, that's not all of the lazies lol

A lot of the villagers in the game have a similar eye shape or color scheme, regardless of their personality type. It's just the Animal Crossing art style

I do see what you're trying to say though, I like Sherb but he does have an extremely simple design

Is that...a bad thing? Not every villager has truly unique and interesting design, but it doesn't stop people from loving them. Sometimes "simple and cute" is better than "too much details which creates a very messy design". Plus, it's just an art-direction of Animal Crossing as a whole. I personally don't really like Sherb because of his...weird nose-mouth placement. He's got one biiiiig chin x)

It's not a bad thing by any means! Just an interesting observation. I also titled the thread "every other lazy" because it wouldn't be as fun as the more accurate "Sherb looks like at least two other blue lazy villagers."

My aim is to invite conversation and discourse, so I'm happy to see all your opinions!

So you are telling me that Sherb, a Lazy villager, looks like other Lazy villagers because thats what he is? Shocking!
But seriously, his design is supposed to be adorable and fun-loving and thats honestly the only thing that matters....well to me.

It makes sense that they'd follow a formula for personality types--no surprise--but it's always better to stand out.

For example, in Pokémon, there's that terrible trend with fire-fighting starters as well as the generic regional bird/rodent formula. These types of Pokémon always benefit from spicing up, whether they change the species up or use a different type combination. The same goes for Animal Crossing villagers in my opinion.
I had Hornsby for a short while. Then had Filbert. Currently I have Sherb. So many blue lazies. I agree that they can be very same-y, but they're all adorable.

I want Bob and he'll replace Sherb. But I'm torn if I should let Sherb go or not because he doesn't have an amiibo...

I am in a similar dilemma. I think I may want Dom back since I feel like I didn’t fully appreciate him and his expressions when I had him (not to mention that I forgot to take him to Harv’s studio ><). I really love Sherb and would love to keep him since he doesn’t have an amiibo, but there are so many other villagers I want to give a chance too and Judy took up one of my temporary villager spots and I am also reluctant to let her go because she has no amiibo card as well >< and I got attached to her.

I really love Sherb’s color and his eyes and he still is the only goat that I like atm. I think I can understand both sides of the argument. There is something special about sherb to me regardless though aside from the fact he doesn’t have an amiibo lol. But at the same time, I think there are other villagers whose designs may appeal to me equally or perhaps more including Hornsby whose amiibo I do not have. Sorry if this makes no sense. I’m kinda torn how I feel and am trying to find a reason to justify letting him go even though I am attached to him lol.
I am in a similar dilemma. I think I may want Dom back since I feel like I didn’t fully appreciate him and his expressions when I had him (not to mention that I forgot to take him to Harv’s studio ><). I really love Sherb and would love to keep him since he doesn’t have an amiibo, but there are so many other villagers I want to give a chance too and Judy took up one of my temporary villager spots and I am also reluctant to let her go because she has no amiibo card as well >< and I got attached to her.

I really love Sherb’s color and his eyes and he still is the only goat that I like atm. I think I can understand both sides of the argument. There is something special about sherb to me regardless though aside from the fact he doesn’t have an amiibo lol. But at the same time, I think there are other villagers whose designs may appeal to me equally or perhaps more including Hornsby whose amiibo I do not have. Sorry if this makes no sense. I’m kinda torn how I feel and am trying to find a reason to justify letting him go even though I am attached to him lol.

No, you're good! Honestly, if you have to come up with reasons to justify letting go or keeping a villager, it's a sign you need to do the opposite. You are attached to Sherb, yet are coming up with reasons to let him go? Keep him. If you have to come up with reasons instead of having a firm idea one way or another, play it safe and keep him for now.

If you want to try new villagers like Hornsby but play it safe, cycle out a villager whose amiibo card you do have and then maybe compare Hornsby and Sherb side by side. Since they're so similar already, this would be the ultimate test for you! :D
I have two lazy villagers, Stitches & Pudge. And even though they are both lazy and both bear cubs, they look quite different.
I am in a similar dilemma. I think I may want Dom back since I feel like I didn’t fully appreciate him and his expressions when I had him (not to mention that I forgot to take him to Harv’s studio ><). I really love Sherb and would love to keep him since he doesn’t have an amiibo, but there are so many other villagers I want to give a chance too and Judy took up one of my temporary villager spots and I am also reluctant to let her go because she has no amiibo card as well >< and I got attached to her.

I really love Sherb’s color and his eyes and he still is the only goat that I like atm. I think I can understand both sides of the argument. There is something special about sherb to me regardless though aside from the fact he doesn’t have an amiibo lol. But at the same time, I think there are other villagers whose designs may appeal to me equally or perhaps more including Hornsby whose amiibo I do not have. Sorry if this makes no sense. I’m kinda torn how I feel and am trying to find a reason to justify letting him go even though I am attached to him lol.

I have Bob's amiibo. Bob's birthday is January 1st and I'm contemplating on having him on my island before Toy Day and New Year. I might have to say goodbye to Sherb this December. 😭
hm. now that you’ve pointed it out, i do see some resemblance between him and other lazies. however, as someone who likes sherb but isn’t obsessed with him, the traits that i find unique about him aren’t necessarily appearance-related; disregarding his simple design, there isn’t really another goat who looks like him (keeping in mind that the only other blue goats, iggy and sven, have not made an appearance since animal forest e+) and he’s the only currently existing lazy goat, too.

so, while his design may not be all that unique, he’s at least unique to his species, which is nice aha ^^
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As others said, it's how the formula is! On the top of my head I can also think of the crank villagers generally looking grumpy or uninterested.
His popularity is probably because of his pastel color and his being new to the series c: I have him on my island and he's a cutie!
I can understand why he has so much appeal to people, but at the same time I just can't understand it lmao. I've tried to like him - I've even had him on my island a few times but I just can't get myself to like him. I think it's just the fact he's a goat lmao. I hate all the goat villagers.
Sherb creeps me out!

I think it's his weird, human-like chin.

Plus the fact he's a goat.
I love Sherb with all my heart, but I agree there’s nothing that interesting about his design besides the obvious intention to make him as cute as possible. I picked him up randomly on a mystery island early on in the game and am considering letting him go so I can hunt for Erik... another lazy with a pretty normal “cute” design.
Sherb is very simple in how he looks, and he is cute. I do like dizzy and Hornsby, and seeing them together is a fun way to see how a similar design works across species variation.

Pashmina is my favorite of the goat villagers, and I think Nan is also quite cute. Sherb’s design doesn’t grab me, but I can see that he would be easy to like, and really when it comes down to it, it’s so subjective and mysterious what makes a certain villager click for someone.
My favourite lazy villagers (and their female counterparts, the normals) are the ones with simple/natural, cute appearances. Dizzy, Hornsby, and Sherb all fit that bill with their uniform colour schemes in their respective shade of blue and large, innocent-looking eyes, though I prefer Dizzy and Hornsby over Sherb because I'm personally not a fan of the goat species' flat face design.
Yes he's similar to the blue lazies, but he's not similar to every lazy.

Take my favourite boy, Alfonso for example. Completely different species and colouring.

But anyways, Sherb is still a cutie and one of my favourite villagers as well. He was on my island briefly but ended up kicking him off because my island is overrun with lazies xD
I think sometimes they see a design works and replicate it a little, like how raymond seems similar to marshal for me, and they are both smug. That being said, even though there are similarities between the three, i prefer dizzy. I also dont really like hornsby's design XD Maybe it is the color, most of my villagers like marshal and olive dont have colors as bright. Might be also why i like dizzy more.