Crowned Clown
Hi! I'm Seph! For the last few months, I've been pretty active at playing Pokemon X, and have bred/traded a couple of Pokemons which led me to thinking there might be people who need them too. So, I've finally decided to open a shop here that caters to those who play, collect or even compete with Pokemon!
Shop Rules and Guidelines
1. Everything listed below are the ones I currently have ingame. If you find yourself looking for some Pokemon not on the list, feel free to let me know! But please, no weird requests! (shiny shiny-locked pokemons, absurd moveset of pokemons, etc)
2. Every post below will be always be checked. Please do not rush me as I also do have a life outside of TBT. But I will make sure that your trade will not be skipped and I'll get to you as fast as I can.
3. Feel free to offer out your prices as I haven't had a grasp on how the prices for these will turn out.
4. My shop will be updated every now and then, so feel free to dropby once in awhile!
5. Enjoy!
Please use CTRL+F for your convenience!
6-IV Shiny Battle Ready Pokemon: 50 TBT each!
Legendaries: 30 TBT each! On Sale!
Event Pokemons New!
Note: Price would vary. The older the event, then the price would increase as well. I would not probably go below 100 TBT for them but feel free to offer.
Note: All are untouched with their ribbons intact.
Update Notes
Shinrai's Pokemon Shop!
Hi! I'm Seph! For the last few months, I've been pretty active at playing Pokemon X, and have bred/traded a couple of Pokemons which led me to thinking there might be people who need them too. So, I've finally decided to open a shop here that caters to those who play, collect or even compete with Pokemon!
Shop Rules and Guidelines
1. Everything listed below are the ones I currently have ingame. If you find yourself looking for some Pokemon not on the list, feel free to let me know! But please, no weird requests! (shiny shiny-locked pokemons, absurd moveset of pokemons, etc)
2. Every post below will be always be checked. Please do not rush me as I also do have a life outside of TBT. But I will make sure that your trade will not be skipped and I'll get to you as fast as I can.
3. Feel free to offer out your prices as I haven't had a grasp on how the prices for these will turn out.
4. My shop will be updated every now and then, so feel free to dropby once in awhile!
5. Enjoy!
Please use CTRL+F for your convenience!
6-IV Shiny Battle Ready Pokemon: 50 TBT each!
[Jolly/Super Luck] [Knock Off/Sucker Punch/Play Rough/Swords Dance]
Aegislash [Quiet/Stance Change] [King's Shield/Swords Dance/Sacred Sword/Shadow Sneak]
Ariados [Jolly/Insomnia] [Sticky Web/Toxic Spikes/Megahorn/Sucker Punch]
Articuno [Timid/Pressure] [Substitute/Roost/Hurricane/Freeze-Dry]
Bisharp [Jolly/Defiant] [Knock Off/Sucker Punch/Swords Dance/Iron Head]
Blaziken [Adamant/Speed Boost] [Flare Blitz/High Jump Kick/Brave Bird/Protect]
Carracosta [Jolly/Sturdy] [Aqua Jet/Shell Smash/Knock Off/Stone Edge]
Carbink [Bold/Sturdy] [Calm Mind/Rest/Sleep Talk/Moonblast
Celebi [Level10/Bold/Natural Cure] [Recover/Heal Bell/Safeguard/Hold Back]
Charmander [Level 5/Timid/Solar Power] [Fire Blast/Hidden Power/Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse]
Chesnaught [Impish/Bulletproof] [Wood Hammer/Spikes/Leech Seed/Spiky Shield]
Cloyster [Jolly/Skill Link] [Icicle Spear/Rock Blast/Shell Smash/Protect]
Crobat [Jolly/Infiltrator] [Brave Bird/Roost/Cross Poison/Defog]
Delphox [Timid/Blaze] [Switcheroo/Psychic/Fire Blast/Grass Knot]
Dragonite [Adamant/Multiscale] [Iron Head/Dragon Claw/Fire Punch/Extreme Speed]
Dratini [Level5/Adamant/Marvel Scale] [Dragon Dance/Extreme Speed/Dragon Rush/Iron Tail]
Entei [Adamant/Pressure] [Sacred Fire/Stone Edge/Bulldoze/Giga Impact]
Espeon [Timid/Magic Bounce] [Light Screen/Reflect/Baton Pass/Psychic]
Flareon [Jolly/Guts] [Facade/Wish/Flare Blitz/Protect]
Froakie[Level 5/Naive/Protean] [Acrobatics/Hydro Pump/Substitute/Hidden Power]
Froslass [Timid/Cursed Body] [Spikes/Taunt/Destiny Bond/Icy Wind]
Gallade [Adamant/Steadfast] [Close Combat/Earthquake/Knock Off/Swords Dance]
Glaceon [Modest/Ice Body] [Blizzard/Hidden Power/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam]
Goodra [Adamant/Sap Sipper] [Outrage/Fire Punch/Power Whip/Iron Tail]
Gorebyss [Timid/Swift Swim] [Hydro Pump/Shell Smash/Signal Beam/Substitute]
Heatran [Calm/Flash Fire] [Lava Plume/Earth Power/Roar/Will-O-Wisp]
Ho-oh [Jolly/Pressure] [Sacred Fire/Earthquake/Brave Bird/Recover]
Landorus [Adamant/Sand Force] [Earthquake/Rock Slide/Knock Off/U-turn]
Leafeon [Jolly/Chlorophyll] [Swords Dance/Leaf Blade/Knock Off/Synthesis]
Lopunny[Jolly/Limber] [High Jump Kick/Fake Out/Return/Fire Punch]
Lucario [Impish/Justified] [Earthquake/Power-Up Punch/Drain Punch/Poison Jab]
Lugia [Bold/Pressure] [Recover/Calm Mind/Aeroblast/Psychic]
Luxray [Jolly/Intimidate] [Volt Switch/Wild Charge/Crunch/ Ice Fang]
Mew [Timid/Synchronize] [Nasty Plot/Psyshock/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse]
Mewtwo [Jolly/Pressure] [Bulk Up/Drain Punch/Zen Headbutt/Rock Slide]
Nidoking [Timid/Sheer Force] [Sludge Wave/Earth Power/Ice Beam/Shadow Ball]
Nidoqueen [Bold/Sheer Force] [Sludge Wave/Earth Power/Toxic Spikes/Dragon Tail]
Porygon-Z [Modest/Download] [Tri Attack/Dark Pulse/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam]
Raikou [Timid/Pressure] [Thunderbolt/Volt Switch/Hidden Power/Extrasensory]
Rampardos [Adamant/Mold Breaker] [Head Smash/Earthquake/Crunch/Fire Punch]
Reshiram [Mild/Turboblaze] [Draco Meteor/Fusion Flare/Earth Power/Steel Wing]
Suicune [Bold/Pressure] [Rest/Scald/Calm Mind/Sleep Talk]
Swampert [Adamant/Damp] [Waterfall/Superpower/Ice Punch/Earthquake]
Thundurus [Timid/Volt Absorb] [Nasty Plot/Hidden Power/Discharge/Volt Switch]
Togetic [Calm/Serene Grace] [Nasty Plot/Baton Pass/Roost/Dazzling Gleam]
Treecko [Level 1/Modest/Unburden] [Leaf Storm/Dragon Breath/Hidden Power/Substitute]
Typhlosion [Timid/Blaze] [Solar Beam/Eruption/Thunder Punch/Hidden Power]
Umbreon [Careful/Synchronize] [Flash/Wish/Toxic/Payback]
Uxie [Relaxed/Levitate] [Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave/Psychic/U-turn]
Victini [Jolly/Victory Star] [Zen Headbutt/Wild Charge/V-create/Flare Blitz]
Walrein [Calm/Thick Fat] [Toxic/Stock Pile/Encore/Protect]
Weavile [Jolly/Pressure [Icicle Crash/Ice Beam/Knock Off/Poison Jab]
Zapdos [Timid/Pressure] [Thunderbolt/Roost/Volt Switch/Hidden Power]
Zygarde [Impish/Aura Break] [Glare/Earthquake/Dragon Tail/Substitute]
[Calm/Fur Coat] [Charge Beam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Dark Pulse]
Dwebble [Level 5/Jolly/Sturdy] [Stealth Rock/Spikes/Rock Blast/Knock Off]
Kingdra [Adamant/Sniper] [Outrage/Waterfall/Dragon Dance/Focus Energy]
Roserade [Timid/Natural Cure] [Toxic Spikes/Sludge Bomb/Giga Drain/Sleep Powerder]
Altaria [Adamant/Natural Cure] [Dragon Dance/Return/Earthquake/Roost]
Legendaries: 30 TBT each! On Sale!
[JPN/Greatball/Level30] [Sassy/Pressure] [Swagger/-/-/-]
Latios [ENG/Pokeball/Level50] [Timid/Levitate] [Draco Meteor/Luster Purge/Hidden Power/Shadowball]
Reshiram [KOR/Ultraball/Level50] [Docile/Turboblaze] [Dragon Breath/Slash/Extrasensory/Fusion Flare]
Mesprit [ITA/Ultraball/Level56] [Modest/Levitate] [Shadow Ball/Future Sight/Blizzard/Extrasensory]
Regice [GER/Ultraball/Level40/Nicknamed:BEN] [Impish/Clear Body] [Bulldoze/Curse/Ancient Power/Amnesia]
Azelf [JPN/-/Level50] [Modest/Levitate] [Uproar/Future Sight/Nasty Plot/Extrasensory]
Kyurem [JPN/-/Level70] [Bold/Pressure] [Scary Face/Glaciate/Dragon Pulse/Imprison]
Event Pokemons New!
Note: Price would vary. The older the event, then the price would increase as well. I would not probably go below 100 TBT for them but feel free to offer.
Note: All are untouched with their ribbons intact.
[ENG] [GF/05016] [Timid/Bad Dreams] [Dark Void/Ominous Wind/Nightmare/Feint Attack]
Darkrai [FRE [2011HVR/11011] [Brave/Bad Dreams] [Dark Void/Ominous Wind/Nightmare/Feint Attack]
Darkrai [ENG] [ALAMOS/103808] [Docile/Bad Dreams] [Roar of Time/Spacial Rend/Nightmare/Hypnosis]
Darkrai [ENG] [FEB2015/02135] [Impish/Bad Dreams] [Dark Void/Dream Eater/Dark Pulse/Phantom Force
Victini [ENG] [Pスクラップ/12014] [Sassy/Victory Star] [Confusion/Quick Attack/V-create/Searing Shot]
Victini [ENG] [Movie14/12031] [Adamant/Victory Star] [V-create/Fusion Flare/Fusion Bolt/Searing Shot]
Volcanion [ENG] [ネーベル/04116] [Impish/Water Absorb] [Steam Eruption/Overheat/Hydro Pump/Mist]
Volcanion [JPN] [ネーベル/04116] [Impish/Water Absorb] [Steam Eruption/Overheat/Hydro Pump/Mist]
Xerneas [ENG] [XYZ/05116] [Timid/Fairy Aura] [Geomancy/Moonblast/Aromatherapy/Focus Blast]
Xerneas [JPN] [XY&Z/10295] [Naive/Fairy Aura] [Geomancy/Moonblast/Aromatherapy/Focus Blast]
Yveltal [ENG] [XYZ/05206] [Rash/Dark Aura] [Oblivion Wing/Sucker Punch/Dark Pulse/Foul Play]
Yveltal [ENG] [Descartes/05026] [Adamant/Dark Aura] [Oblivion Wing/Sucker Punch/Dark Pulse/Foul Play]
Yveltal [EJPN] [XY&Z/11055] [Adamant/Dark Aura] [Oblivion Wing/Sucker Punch/Dark Pulse/Foul Play]
Update Notes
06-11-16: Opened up the shop. Currently added Box 1 of BR Pokemons. Still Updating..
06-16-16: Just came back from Korea. Added Extra Legendaries as well. Will update again in a few..
06-16-16: Started adding Event Pokemons..
06-18-16: Added 'Newly Added' Section for easy browsing
06-23-16: Added New Pokemons on the List. Removed 'Newly Added' Section and replaced with "New!" so as to avoid confusion
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