order form:
○ac name: purple
○town name: purely
○your fc: (if not in the sidebar) sidebar
○pre-order: 15 purple pansies and 5 purple tulip
○price: 20 tbt
Zebra fact about population
Overall, plains zebras number at around 750,000. Historically, there were over 15,000 Grevy's zebras. However, there are only about 2,500 remaining today. There are 600-700 cape mountain zebras and around 800-1300 Hartmann's mountain zebras in the wild.
order form:
○ac name: Chantal
○town name: Chocolat
○your fc: sidebar
○pre-order: 15 black roses
○price: 30 tbt
Kiwis lay eggs as big as their own body. "Kiwi" is the sound they make during mating season. They have wings but are flightless- in myth, they were the only bird that was not too vain to give up their bright feathers and flight and were rewarded by becoming the symbol of a country.
○ac name: Bry
○town name: Magix
○your fc: sidebar c:
○pre-order: 25 pink roses please
○price: 50tbt
Here are some hamster fact i learned when researching them: hamsters are nocturnal. they are natural borrowers and can travel huge amounts of distances overnight, causing them to have a need to have a wheel if in captivity, though the wheel can not be wired, and must have a solid running surface. The back of the hammy must not be arched. Hamsters cant just live off of one hamster food, and should have other types of food mixed into it for extra nutrition.
edit; i found spelling mistakes lol
○ac name: --- Ixchel
○town name: --- Rainbow
○pre-order: --- 10 purple pansies, 10 blue pansies
○price: --- 40 TBT
EDIT: Squirrels plant thousands of trees per year simply by forgetting where they put their nuts.
Also, the squirrel that lives in my neighbors tree likes to flip me the bird when I don't let him eat out of the bird feeder.
order form:
○ac name: --- naomy
○town name: - zebilage
○your fc: --- (if not in the sidebar) sidebar
○pre-order: 10 black tulip and 10 black Cosmo
○price: 40 tbt
Barn Owls have lop-sided ears! One is higher than the other, which helps them to pinpoint exactly where tiny sounds are coming from.