Should I restart?


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2016
New Horizons Token
Hi all, Ive been playing since release day without time travelling and have just unlocked terraforming. Im having issues as ive put all the houses in the wrong place as well as the shops and with the island map I chose it would be very difficult to terraform it all how I want. I know you can move everything but its just so expensive and since im not too keen on time travelling (personally) I don't know if its worth waiting around to move all these houses and shops.

My problem is I dont want to restart in the middle of the bunny day event so im thinking ill put my switch back to release day and just play from there back up to where I am now but obviously now that I know how the game works ill put everything where im wanting so that it doesnt cost as much if I need to move everything.

Whats everyones thoughts?
I'd suggest keeping with it. Earning enough bells to move stuff isn't impossible, you should be able to earn enough to shift a house or two with maybe an hour/hour and a half of fishing trips.

If you do restart, there's always the chance to this exact same thing happening again - you think up a nice plan for your island and realise the way everything is laid out currently just will not work, and once again you put yourself in the hole of infrastructure costs vs resetting.

On top of that, despite how many bells you spend, it will be so much more rewarding to stick with it and complete your town with what you have now when you are considering if it's even possible.
even if you were to time travel backwards, your progress is saved so it's not like you'd get to change anything. if you're upset with your map and think rearranging everything would be a hassle since it's relatively early into the game i'd reset since you already don't mind playing back up to where you are now (also you should still be able to do the bunny day event and it's going on for 11? or so more days)
Normally I'd say keep your island, especially since we do have the ability to terraform and move everything as we want. When first unlocking terraforming, it can be quite overwhelming, but there's almost always a way to work around that to get your island to where you want it.

Time consuming as it may be, if you don't want to really reset, I would say maybe try moving buildings around. You could even work with a map editor and try out different placement possibilities? Bells are easier to earn in this game, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you were to time travel, you could time travel backwards and work from there?

If you do want to reset, see if someone would be willing/able to hold the items you have so you don't have to start from the very beginning. (If you want, of course).

It comes down to if you'd be okay with going through choosing a map and all that all over again. Best of luck!
I think it's best if you try to move around things bit by bit instead of restarting from scratch. Not only because of how long it takes to unlock terraforming (among other things), but also because of how events currently work.

Someone in another thread TT'd to 2021 to check whether the Bunny Day event had become a permanent part of the game and there was no event in sight. It's probably safe to say that events (at the moment) are currently only active for the year they're distributed on and/or promptly removed from the game when they're over so they're not abused via TT.

I'd assume that once all game content has finished being distributed they'll probably add them permanently, but who knows. It might mean that each year may have slightly different events or rewards adjusted accordingly from everyone's feedback.
I think it'll take more work and more bells if you restart than if you were to just move all the buildings how you want them. I say don't restart! It'll keep you busier in the long run and you can take your time terraforming.
Do you have other reasons to reset other than needing bells to move things around? because maybe you can try to sell things you dont need to raise bells, like hybrids and nooky tickets as they go for lots of bells as i have seen.
I restarted a few days after launch on the 22nd when I unlocked terraforming. It's really up to you if you want to restart. There are just some things to consider. Do you have animals you like in your island? Do you like the orientation of the airport and the town hall? Is it possible for you to let someone hold your items for you while you restart your game? Now that you have terraformed your island, is it becoming a daunting task to make it to your liking? These were questions I asked myself and went through with restarting. I would honestly, at this point in time, keep your island because of the events. Just keep playing and see if there are changes you can enact. Sometimes it takes a second glance at something to turn it into something you'd be [at least] okay with.
From someone who restarted to keep layout in mind for terraforming to move less buildings around, it didn't help. I restarted and I know I'm still going to be moving stuff around. I couldn't help it. :/

I TTed my first 'playthrough' to get terraforming. And it has given me some foresight into how much TF I like and what I'm able to change, in the end I don't think it really helped restarting. I'm happy I just enjoy my current theme more than my original.

If moving things around is the only thing bothering you, I wouldn't restart. As tinysaif said, bells /are/ a lot easier to make this game. I'm planning on moving all housing out of my main area, and then moving them back after TF what I need to. I'm making a bay and canal system! Cottage country!
Hi all, Ive been playing since release day without time travelling and have just unlocked terraforming. Im having issues as ive put all the houses in the wrong place as well as the shops and with the island map I chose it would be very difficult to terraform it all how I want. I know you can move everything but its just so expensive and since im not too keen on time travelling (personally) I don't know if its worth waiting around to move all these houses and shops.

My problem is I dont want to restart in the middle of the bunny day event so im thinking ill put my switch back to release day and just play from there back up to where I am now but obviously now that I know how the game works ill put everything where im wanting so that it doesnt cost as much if I need to move everything.

Whats everyones thoughts?

I restarted on Day 5 when I realize the terraforming tool had limit such as not being able to change my river mouth. Restarting was the best decision I ever made, not only did I get a much better layout, I got my dreamie (Fuchsia) but RNG has been much better for me on this playthrough. I like my town, I like all of my five villagers, and I don't plan to terraform for at least 9 months to a year down the line because I have everything set up where I want them to and because I build every buildings and home on the first part of the island, I can terraform to my will of course right now my entire island is fill with regions. Each regions produce resources for money.

However I restarted quite early on whereas you have been playing for too long. Also restarting after 35+ hours help me learn the in and out of the game and what mistakes to avoid. Best thing was helping me understand the geography of the map much more clearly.
From my perspective the time and effort it would take to restart would be worse than the relocating of the structures. Think about it—that’s two whole weeks of progress and potential attachment to your Island you’d lose. Rushing to catch up with the current date might also make it harder to form a real connection to the new town.

This is all subjective of course, and you might play and prioritize very different aspects. From my own experience this week, I can say that major restructuring can actually be quite fun. I was in a similar situation of needing to move several structures around, but I just decided to play into it:
I threw on some overalls, built additional little construction zones with rope fencing and decorations, and put a notice about the work on my message board. It ended up making my game more fun, and the effort seems really rewarding now!
Thanks everyone for the help! I think im gonna just stick through with it. It sounds like when ive done it all it'll be rewarding in the end!