should i stop taking so many screenshots?

you know... i think it's time i deleted the days that i've already put onto my discord... i mean, there's on there if i need them... & i despratly need the space on my switch/sd card... & i REALLY... don't want to keep buying sd cards anymore... not if i don't have to.. you know ? :<
How about ypu transfer them to ypur laptop or computer?

i'm on the computer & i have already put the days that i have said that i transfered, i transferred them onto discord....

& that's what i'm saying: that i think it's time i deleted the screenshots that i've posted onto my discord so far... so as to make a lot more space on my switch/sd card...
Maybe go tbroygh each og them and keep the ones you really like :) Thats what I do

i could... but that's so hard... i wouldn't know which ones 🥴 i guess i could delete the beginning of the game isabelle speeches... they are sometimes repetetive after all 🥴
Maybe the ones your most proud of, and you might not be able to take again

like builds? oohh, good idea, i'll keep them :> *& i'll delete the beginning of game isabelle screenshots... *

i really love this screenshot that i took, though, for example :love:
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Maybe the ones your most proud of, and you might not be able to take again

i've decided that i'm going to delete the balloon popping, the rock hitting & the isabelle speeches & keep the rest :> i mean, they're on my discord now, so if i need them, i can get to them :>
i've decided to transfer my 1/8/21 screenshots to discord last.. cause i have a heck of a lot of screenshots from that day 🥴 😓
Im going to be a bit harsh with you.
There is absolutely no reason to take photos and timestamp when you get balloons, when you find the daily bottle, when you get money etc.... you or anyone will never need to look up info on what ypu did a week ago in ACNH. If this activity brings you joy, by all means continue, but seeing the cost in time, worry and actual money I would wager that it doesn't really and youre doing it for another reason. (Like fear of forgetting a moment) cherish important moments and let less important moments pass by. Youre spending so much precious time on organizing and posting this for no reason i can comprehend ( i have looked in your diary) . Sorry if you take it as me being mean, just trying to help.
Im going to be a bit harsh with you.
There is absolutely no reason to take photos and timestamp when you get balloons, when you find the daily bottle, when you get money etc.... you or anyone will never need to look up info on what ypu did a week ago in ACNH. If this activity brings you joy, by all means continue, but seeing the cost in time, worry and actual money I would wager that it doesn't really and youre doing it for another reason. (Like fear of forgetting a moment) cherish important moments and let less important moments pass by. Youre spending so much precious time on organizing and posting this for no reason i can comprehend ( i have looked in your diary) . Sorry if you take it as me being mean, just trying to help.

i do know you're trying to help.... thankyou...

i've already decided to delete the balloon popping & material rock & money getting from my switch... i've been doing that bit by bit :>

i'm glad you looked at my journal ^^
i just think it looks best with screenshots... but my switch/sd card... it doesn't like too many screenshots... so i'm deleting the ones i mentioned :>
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If this activity brings you joy, by all means continue, but seeing the cost in time, worry and actual money I would wager that it doesn't really and youre doing it for another reason. (Like fear of forgetting a moment)

it's not so much fear of forgetting a moment, it's more like, i wanted to do a journal... but i didn't know how to do one...
any tips on how to take it easy on taking screenshots from now on? *really sorry if i sound repetitive...*

with the 1/8/21 fireworks... i didn't go nearly as crazy with the screenshots on the 2nd day :>

i only didn't take screenshots of my new, 3rd character, Ra'S new Nookmiles, cause i didn't feel like it... & i was running out of room 😓 😓 😓

i know one thing, though... the villager conversations, builds & my side characters are super important to keep ^^

as for these kinds of screenshots -
he's just gonna say the same thing everytime.. so i'll delete them off my switch from the 2nd time onward...
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been such a long time since i've been on here, but....

i think i'll try to stick to the screenshots i actually like :> such as house screenshots, new player residents, that sort of thing.... that's what i decided to try & do

anyone else think that's a good idea? ^^
Do you go back and look at the screenshots on your old Dd cards? I think four is a lot. I only have one and it’s nowhere near full. Sometimes uploading them in other pages also helps. Sometimes one picture is enough. Having multiple pictures of the same area, sometimes doesn’t make sense.
Do you go back and look at the screenshots on your old Dd cards? I think four is a lot. I only have one and it’s nowhere near full. Sometimes uploading them in other pages also helps. Sometimes one picture is enough. Having multiple pictures of the same area, sometimes doesn’t make sense.
the sd cards that i have? not really, currently

since i made the post above your post, i deleted a bunch on my switch album while waiting for a reply.... so a bunch of screenshots are already gone, such as a few screenshots of the helloween event & festivale event, a few screenshots of hhp, a couple of screenshots of getting reactions *but not all* :>

i did put previous screenshots onto my discord, though :3
I think you should buy an external hard drive to save your pictures to and just continue to enjoy yourself without having to worry about making a plan to enjoy yourself :p

You should have at least one and best case 2 external hard drives which are mirror images of themselves to save files which are important to you locally vs trusting a service provider in the cloud who doesn't have your best interest in mind. It doesn't cost much for a 4TB or bigger external hard drive or 2 vs having to keep buying sd cards and while both SD and HD's will eventually fail, you can monitor more easily HD's to for warning signs but SD cards will most likely just fail without warning.
I think you should buy an external hard drive to save your pictures to and just continue to enjoy yourself without having to worry about making a plan to enjoy yourself :p

You should have at least one and best case 2 external hard drives which are mirror images of themselves to save files which are important to you locally vs trusting a service provider in the cloud who doesn't have your best interest in mind. It doesn't cost much for a 4TB or bigger external hard drive or 2 vs having to keep buying sd cards and while both SD and HD's will eventually fail, you can monitor more easily HD's to for warning signs but SD cards will most likely just fail without warning.
i've deleted a bunch while waiting for replys on this, after i made the recent post on here, so i'm quite happy :3

plus, i don't really make plans for it... i enjoy myself anyway, when playing :>

*edit at 7:21 pm: i just deleted another bunch of screenshots off both the main switch & the sd card that i appear to have left in there & i have 662 screenshots on the main & 9,168 left on the sd card :> so when i get back onto the game after pokemon sword, i'm gonna try my hardest to not take as many & enjoy myself on the game *i do anyway :3 * *
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Yeah, I think the most important thing is to have fun whenever you can and don't overthink it unless you have to!