Should I use a new batch? Or keep the ones I have

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
So, Ive been playing Animal Crossing for about two months, and my current game is possibly my favorite of all time.. my villagers are all great, thanks to people helping me get villagers which I loved, and I highly appreciate it

But its gotten kinda stale. Plus a package arrived this morning that Im conflicted about doing.

My favorite animal species is by far the Horses, and I was thinking a bit back (a month ago) about having an island that only had horses. Which really excited me. Because I looked up all the horses, picked ones I loved the most, bought them specifically, and now have all these Horse Amiibo looking at me

But, Im sorta attached to my current villagers, even though they keep wanting to leave. But, bonds grew, I managed to gain photos from three of my favorites. Some are pretty rare, and only in game.. though one Im not the biggest fan of. But that person made me take an outh and promise, and in return I was gifted that villager. Id feel very bad about moving that one out

But, its getting a bit boring, I dont know why Im thinking its stale. But I spent real money to get these horses, and want to use them, but Im conflicted about leaving my old villagers behind, even though they all, always want to leave (Or say they're bored) So, I think maybe a fresh batch would maybe make it not so stale?

Im very conflicted on what to do. Help?
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I also once had a set of "permanent" villagers but I'm now letting some of them go and honestly, it's a breath of fresh air to see new faces in the island... really depends on you if you could bear letting them go, maybe try letting go of one that you least like and invite a new one over and see how it feels? I feel conflicted before as well but once I let one go and hunted for villagers it became easier for me to let go of the next ones that want to leave...
I'd suggest if there's one in particular that you think you could move out for one of your horse amiibos (particularly if you already got that villagers photo), try exchanging one first and see how you feel. Maybe once you get in a new villager for your favorite species and get used to the change, you'll feel better starting your journey towards an all horse island.

If you end up having regret about moving said villager out, you could always find someone trading off that villager again on TBT pretty easily. There are plenty of people with villager selling services who own all of the cards etc to make it easy to regain them.

At the end of the day though, it's definitely up to you, but if you're getting bored with some villagers, starting anew is never a bad idea. Especially when the option to regain them, if you have a change of heart, is quite easy tbh.
I'd suggest if there's one in particular that you think you could move out for one of your horse amiibos (particularly if you already got that villagers photo), try exchanging one first and see how you feel. Maybe once you get in a new villager for your favorite species and get used to the change, you'll feel better starting your journey towards an all horse island.

If you end up having regret about moving said villager out, you could always find someone trading off that villager again on TBT pretty easily. There are plenty of people with villager selling services who own all of the cards etc to make it easy to regain them.

At the end of the day though, it's definitely up to you, but if you're getting bored with some villagers, starting anew is never a bad idea. Especially when the option to regain them, if you have a change of heart, is quite easy tbh.
The three I actually love the most I have amiibos of, so I qouldnt loose them... just their bonds, which is a bit hard to think about
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I also once had a set of "permanent" villagers but I'm now letting some of them go and honestly, it's a breath of fresh air to see new faces in the island... really depends on you if you could bear letting them go, maybe try letting go of one that you least like and invite a new one over and see how it feels? I feel conflicted before as well but once I let one go and hunted for villagers it became easier for me to let go of the next ones that want to leave...
It would probably be a big breath of fresh air? Did it make the game more intetesting for you? Not seeing the same faces?
The three I actually love the most I have amiibos of, so I qouldnt loose them... just their bonds, which is a bit hard to think about

Yeah I feel that. Well if you have lets say 3 that you SUPER love, keep them first. Then select one of the other 7 to leave and replace with one of your new horse amiibos. Then see how well that fits in on your island. :) Could either be the start of an all horse island, or maybe the start of a mix of horse + your other favorites. No need to 100% do a horse only island, but you could always do a half horse villagers, and 5 of your other favorites.
Yeah I feel that. Well if you have lets say 3 that you SUPER love, keep them first. Then select one of the other 7 to leave and replace with one of your new horse amiibos. Then see how well that fits in on your island. :) Could either be the start of an all horse island, or maybe the start of a mix of horse + your other favorites. No need to 100% do a horse only island, but you could always do a half horse villagers, and 5 of your other favorites.
Yeah that is possible, not a bad idea. But two of them Im not super attached too, but rare, and given to me. Only can be found in game, so, thats another confliction. Even though they both act bored. One the person made me promise to always have, still not super attached to them. They want to leave after being on my island for not very long
It would probably be a big breath of fresh air? Did it make the game more intetesting for you? Not seeing the same faces?
It did for me, I guess it's because I could interact with new villagers I also really like so it made the game more interesting than before!
It did for me, I guess it's because I could interact with new villagers I also really like so it made the game more interesting than before!
Yeah, it would defintly make it more intetesting to not talk to the same person every day,
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I guess my main confliction is changing say Audie, a rare wolf, to a peppy horse thats not so rare. Id probably like the horse a bit more. I guess I'll try out removing one, then see how it feels. Thpugh I did already add two, because they kept asking to leave, so maybe Ill keep my favorites, and see how it goes.

Thank you for the advice
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I agree with another commenter on here -- it is certainly a breath of fresh air! I used too be set and very sentimental about all of my villagers too but when I restarted my island I decided to take in some different ones this time. I kept my ultimate favorites, like Bob and Ed, since they're always gonna be with me but I let myself be more open to other villagers I liked but never adopted before and I'm having so much fun with it!

Also -- I barely ever see anyone else who loves the horses like I do!!! I love the horse villagers!!! I've always had a soft spot for the horses in this game. They're super cute in this game and they don't get enough love at all!!!
Yay another horse fan! I think they're adorable, and need way more love. My first one was Julian, and he was so adorable, esspecially when I saw the others. I was so jealous when my friend got Ed as their first smug.

Yeah, the two Id find the hadest to part with would be Marshal, and Kid cat. Since Kid cat is my favorite AC villager, and I like Marshal, hes grown on me

But, I could part with the others. I was thinking on it for a bit actually.
Its just this one villager, someone made me swear to take care of, im not a crazy fan of them, but id feel bad letting them go. But Im sure there ate crazy fans that would love her more

I would restart my island like you said, but Ive made so many patterns, and hours designing it, so I probably wouldnt. But, Im gonna move some horses in.. i already moved one in because my duck wanted to leave
Rotating villagers keeps the game fresh and interesting. This is why I have never subscribed to the concepts of "dreamies" or "permanent villagers".

Remember that even if you send those villagers on their way they're not gone forever - you can get them back again someday. If you change your mind and want them back then you can just go hunting for them again.
Rotating villagers keeps the game fresh and interesting. This is why I have never subscribed to the concepts of "dreamies" or "permanent villagers".

Remember that even if you send those villagers on their way they're not gone forever - you can get them back again someday. If you change your mind and want them back then you can just go hunting for them again.
Yeah, I didn't really have any dreamies beside Kid Cat, I do agree on rotting villagers is more interesting.

The ones im most attached too are actually amiibos, its more the bonds id hate to loose with them.
Yeah, it would defintly make it more intetesting to not talk to the same person every day,
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I guess my main confliction is changing say Audie, a rare wolf, to a peppy horse thats not so rare. Id probably like the horse a bit more. I guess I'll try out removing one, then see how it feels. Thpugh I did already add two, because they kept asking to leave, so maybe Ill keep my favorites, and see how it goes.

Thank you for the advice

This is is where the whole tier list becomes an annoyance in my mind. There is no “rare” villager. I passed Judy 3 times and Raymond twice on my last villager hunt. I can't imagine keeping a villager around that I don't like as much just because they are “rare” and people want them more than other villagers. If you want all horses then go for it! You can always get villagers back whether it’s hunting, trading, or amiibos. The only hard part about the new villagers is there is no amiibos for them, but they’re often traded, given away, and on the islands so they’re not gone forever.

I keep pretty much the same villagers, but i have their amiibos so when i need something new i switch it up and then if it doesn’t work i bring them back. Do what makes you happy!
I let my villagers go once they ask to move AND I have their photos.

It keeps the game interesting for me to have a goal to get someone’s photo and it brings a freshness to the game when I have a change of villagers. Otherwise, if all 10 of my villagers are always the same, it kind of does get boring quite fast.
This is is where the whole tier list becomes an annoyance in my mind. There is no “rare” villager. I passed Judy 3 times and Raymond twice on my last villager hunt. I can't imagine keeping a villager around that I don't like as much just because they are “rare” and people want them more than other villagers. If you want all horses then go for it! You can always get villagers back whether it’s hunting, trading, or amiibos. The only hard part about the new villagers is there is no amiibos for them, but they’re often traded, given away, and on the islands so they’re not gone forever.

I keep pretty much the same villagers, but i have their amiibos so when i need something new i switch it up and then if it doesn’t work i bring them back. Do what makes you happy!

i agree with this. I see people mention rare villagers and I am never quite sure who they mean or where that idea comes from. Is it just the new villagers, because no amiibo cards? Is it villagers you don’t see on people’s islands much (it seems to never be this one)

they may not have amiibo cards but they are popular, and so pretty easily available to trade, especially if you are patient. You also have the ability to find them again in game as easily as any other villagers again and again.

if rare villagers means something else to you, idk, but bottom line, there really are no rare villagers. No individual villager is more difficult to find than any other, or less common relative to the others. So don’t worry about popularity, it isn’t related to any objective measure of the villager’s worth.

bottom line, it is okay to be attached to the villagers you have and not replace them all just to have an island of your favorite species.And it is also okay to more out all of your current villagers, so you can try something new.

nothing is permanent and there is no right answer. You should make your decision purely on what will add to your enjoyment of the game. And you can easily change your mind again later :giggle:
I'd maybe replace one of your villagers you don't care about with one of the horses and then see how it goes from there. Maybe you'll stop there or maybe you'll be motivated to replace another.

As far as the bonds go, you can always form new bonds with the villagers and it makes it especially easy that you have amiibos so you can bring them back whenever you want to.
Wait, someone made you take an oath to keep a pixelated villager forever? That’s.....pretty weird. I don’t have a problem with people giving away popular villagers on the condition that the other person doesn’t turn around and sell them (I’d advise letting this particular villager be a giveaway) but it’s totally unreasonable to make someone commit to never letting them move regardless of how your tastes and in-game experiences evolve over time.
Wait, someone made you take an oath to keep a pixelated villager forever? That’s.....pretty weird. I don’t have a problem with people giving away popular villagers on the condition that the other person doesn’t turn around and sell them (I’d advise letting this particular villager be a giveaway) but it’s totally unreasonable to make someone commit to never letting them move regardless of how your tastes and in-game experiences evolve over time.
I think its reasonable to tell them they have to keep them. After all, they did not have to give them away at all, and no one had to accept the offer.

Its certainly a strange request, but it was agreed upon so would be unfair to break the deal. I would say the best course of action be to offer them back before doing anything else.
I think its reasonable to tell them they have to keep them. After all, they did not have to give them away at all, and no one had to accept the offer.

Its certainly a strange request, but it was agreed upon so would be unfair to break the deal. I would say the best course of action be to offer them back before doing anything else.
Mmhm, It was strange but I do agree that it was kinda odd. Basically Judy was up for grabs for tickets, and I was just kinda curious

Then when I said that I didnt gave enoygh, a very generous person offered to give me all that I needed. But in return made me promise to never let her go

Which, I agreed to, mixed about why. But Ill probably end up keeping her, since I promised to take care of them,
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This is is where the whole tier list becomes an annoyance in my mind. There is no “rare” villager. I passed Judy 3 times and Raymond twice on my last villager hunt. I can't imagine keeping a villager around that I don't like as much just because they are “rare” and people want them more than other villagers. If you want all horses then go for it! You can always get villagers back whether it’s hunting, trading, or amiibos. The only hard part about the new villagers is there is no amiibos for them, but they’re often traded, given away, and on the islands so they’re not gone forever.

I keep pretty much the same villagers, but i have their amiibos so when i need something new i switch it up and then if it doesn’t work i bring them back. Do what makes you happy!
I didn't understand the concept of a rare villager until I came to this form. I guess I should change rare, to popular?

I just thought villagers were bollagers, till learning about that. Eh, ill probably end up with my majority being horses
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Mmhm, It was strange but I do agree that it was kinda odd. Basically Judy was up for grabs for tickets, and I was just kinda curious

Then when I said that I didnt gave enoygh, a very generous person offered to give me all that I needed. But in return made me promise to never let her go

Which, I agreed to, mixed about why. But Ill probably end up keeping her, since I promised to take care of them,
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I didn't understand the concept of a rare villager until I came to this form. I guess I should change rare, to popular?

I just thought villagers were bollagers, till learning about that. Eh, ill probably end up with my majority being horses

villagers are just villagers, you are right! Their only meaning and value comes from what they mean to you.

you have the same chance of finding Audie as any other wolf, I’ve seen her on several mystery islands, so you do have the chance to get her back, even not through trade. What makes it special is whether you like her.

and when I found Tabby after 9 tickets, I understood exactly how all the people getting lucky finding Raymond felt (same mystery island odds, cause they are both cats ;) ).