Should New Leaf get a Switch port a la MH:XX


Hispanic! at The Disco
Mar 19, 2014
With the recent announcement that Monster Hunter: XX would be getting a cross compatible port of the game for the switch, do you think New leaf should get the same treatment? The ability to see your town in HD glory, while still being able to play with your friends on the 3ds, would be amazing. While i'm hoping for a whole new AC title for switch, I would happily welcome this idea. Your thoughts?
no absolutely not its been quite awhile since a new ac game and if they just ported new leaf thatll be basically telling us they dont care about animal crossing anymore, we need a completely new game not a port
No, I want a whole new title. I would be incredibly disappointed if it is a port.

I'd probably destroy every Nintendo system I have, and also throw a bunch of chairs.
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That would be so disappointing. The Switch already has a reputation of being a console of ports. They do not need to further that image. Especially not with Animal Crossing. It's time to announce a brand new Animal Crossing.
While I would be disappointed, I would also be very happy, because this would at least mean I could finally play Animal Crossing online on a console again, instead of a handheld like I've been doing for over three years.
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I would be super disappointed honestly, I love new leaf but I really want a new title already
Much like others have already said, I'd be completely disappointed if we got a port of New Leaf to the Switch especially as Switch New Leafers would be charged for online play. I'd much rather have a newer game with more features and more to do online with friends.