Should the 2018 Eggs get a repeat next year?

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Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
This year, they didn't sell as well. Very few members were active, and very few eggs are sold. If you're looking for a Disco Ball Egg or an Eevee Egg, you're gonna have a hard time getting one. Very few have them, the only ones that have them won't sell them or are just not active enough. Do you think the Easter Fools thing messed it up, or do you think it has to be the lack of activity due to no new AC game is causing the eggs to be rarer?

I'm not looking for these new eggs (I already have an Eevee Egg btw), but I can't believe how rare they are. There are even more Pokeballs to find on this site. I'm hoping those who are seeking for the Disco Ball Egg gets it.
it's more than likely caused by the lack of activity from no new AC game yet, i'm pretty sure similar things occurred (in terms of site traffic going down and less active people) before New Leaf came out/was announced so hopefully the site traffic goes back up again when or if AC:Switch comes out/is announced
I don't really mind too much, to be honest. It's kinda nice to own a collectible only 17 other people have. Was the Eevee egg really that terrible of a seller? I thought it got just as many as the Leaf Ticket one.
I joined a couple of weeks after the Easter/April fools event, so I'd love to have a repeat to get the disco ball egg ;v;

But the inactivity is definitely due to the lack of new games ^^
I want the disco egg, I was 2 eggs away from getting it. :/ But I completely understand every hanging on to theirs.
I have an evee egg and a leaf ticket egg.
I think the eggs didn't get alot of buyers since the clue were rather difficult, and specified some part of the forum I don't use often, I think a lot of people were like that; some of just hang out in the actual ACNL part and some hang out in the general discussion or the gaming forums.
I rarely got to the gaming forums or general discussion so I didn't get most of them.
I don't really mind too much, to be honest. It's kinda nice to own a collectible only 17 other people have. Was the Eevee egg really that terrible of a seller? I thought it got just as many as the Leaf Ticket one.

It did sell as much, but it's now in the hands that want them. And there are fewer Eevee Eggs on TBT than there are yellow letters.
I dunno if the 2018 eggs should be repeated, this was the third straight egghunt offering only brand new eggs. I kinda like how each year has its own set now.

as for the rarity of the disco ball egg, seems like that's due to less egghunt participation than in years past, given that they did not even sell out when they were in the shop (only 14 sold). to me the clues this year were tricky but slightly easier than the last two years. however, there were only 21 clues, instead of the usual 25, so there were fewer opportunities to accrue currency eggs. perhaps that's why none of the collectibles cost 15 currency eggs in the shop this year.
The lack of activity is most likely the cause of the eggs so low, I'm somewhat certain that the appearance of the joke eggs caused people to be too disgusted to buy them too.

I would not mind seeing these eggs return, but I'm pretty sure new eggs will be introduced instead.
It may also be due to the difficulty of the search! I searched a lot through the forums for eggs but I wasn't able to find anything. For newer members of the site, I think a lot of others were in the same boat that I was in.
I've been inactive for years, and just recently came back, since I expect Animal Crossing Switch to be revealed soon enough, and just wanted to talk about animal crossing.

The amount of people who've been messaging me through Twitter etc to ask if they could have my pokeball was pretty crazy though, the fact that they even went looking for me on other sites were pretty intense too considering my username is pretty much impossible to trace via Google, unless you know all the secret tricks to narrow down search results.
Just letting you know, I don't want the Disco Ball Egg. I want those who want it to own it.
I don't think it should be repeated the next year. Yes, there was a lack of users on the board during the event but that doesn't mean no body participated at all. There was a good amount of people who did play and doing the same event or reward the same prize again would seem repetitive and unoriginal if the staff choose to do so. I would rather the collectibles be considered rare and using new collectibles for 2019 event rather then reusing them for the next event so it would be fair for the unlisted people who really want the egg.
I wouldn’t be opposed to the staff adding the old eggs back to the shop in addition to brand new eggs. That could go for all the retired eggs, so that hunters have the option to purchase old eggs they missed and also giving people who did participate this year new eggs to purchase.
Meh, they should just release the "fools" eggs. They were x10 better ngl.

But yeah, they should have, idk either made easier clues or made it go on for longer so people had chance to buy everything. And yeah ik that rare feel with pinwheels x.x
I have no interest in a repeat of this year's egg hunt collectibles occuring. They look fine and it's understandable that people might still be interested in them, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm just looking forward to another new, different batch of eggs next year. I wouldn't be opposed to the past ones returning alongside new ones as has been mentioned in an earlier post, but eh, I think it would be more worthwhile to just have unique collectibles for each event, aside from those occasional raffles that give you a shot at all past collectibles.
I would prefer new eggs but I mean maybe I shouldn't be talking since I got the eggs I wanted this year :p
Interesting premise for the thread... I actually thought the same thing myself before, in that these eggs are very high quality yet there are almost none of them in existence, so I suspect they will be very expensive in the future when the forum picks up.

We have brought back previous eggs with a mix of new eggs in the past. Although as someone else pointed out, in recent years it's been all-new. Personally though, I'm in favour of having a mix of both -- a future where we have 100 egg collectibles might be a bit ridiculous so I don't mind less new ones...
I doubt that the prices will go up, but that's because it's not about how many are there. It's more about if the owners will sell theirs. Remember when I wanted to get a party popper? Nearly everyone that had one refused to sell theirs, no matter how much I will pay. The same is essentially true for the Disco Ball Eggs right now.
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