blockers definitely, hrt isnt possible until puberty is supposed to start and you dont operate people under 18.
teenagers are able to make those decisions and i dont think people on here really understand gender dysphoria. do you really want these children to be suicidal for most of their youth just because some other people were like "uhhh youre nOT REady???" like Bro do you want your kid to want to die or to let them at least go on blockers lmao.
also, unpopular opinion but i think one reason many kids "lose" their desire 2 b another gender often is bc of how extremely unaccepting society is of transgender people lmao. some people still feel those feelings but ignore them and convince themselves that they would never want to be anything but cis
also replying to this since its Important
my best friend is NB and was DFAB. theyve been trying to transition (no medical stuff as for now) by wearing a binder, cutting their hair short and requesting people use their chosen name and pronouns, but people just keep telling them that they dont know what theyre doing or its just a phase or just dont care and use their deadname anyway (they specifically asked their parents to. they still call them their daughter and use their deadname) however their six year old brother siply replied "okay!" and has never once called them their deadname or misgendered them since.
i genuinely think that if children are allowed to express themselves / know that not everyone is the gender they were assigned at birth or only attracted to people of the opposite gender than them, then the child will be much more accepting to people. if children are allowed to express themselves, it means that lgbtphobia in schools especially will be less common, and people will be much happier with themselves.
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blockers definitely, hrt isnt possible until puberty is supposed to start and you dont operate people under 18.
teenagers are able to make those decisions and i dont think people on here really understand gender dysphoria. do you really want these children to be suicidal for most of their youth just because some other people were like "uhhh youre nOT REady???" like Bro do you want your kid to want to die or to let them at least go on blockers lmao.
also, unpopular opinion but i think one reason many kids "lose" their desire 2 b another gender often is bc of how extremely unaccepting society is of transgender people lmao. some people still feel those feelings but ignore them and convince themselves that they would never want to be anything but cis
also replying to this since its Important
my best friend is NB and was DFAB. theyve been trying to transition (no medical stuff as for now) by wearing a binder, cutting their hair short and requesting people use their chosen name and pronouns, but people just keep telling them that they dont know what theyre doing or its just a phase or just dont care and use their deadname anyway (they specifically asked their parents to. they still call them their daughter and use their deadname) however their six year old brother siply replied "okay!" and has never once called them their deadname or misgendered them since.
i genuinely think that if children are allowed to express themselves / know that not everyone is the gender they were assigned at birth or only attracted to people of the opposite gender than them, then the child will be much more accepting to people. if children are allowed to express themselves, it means that lgbtphobia in schools especially will be less common, and people will be much happier with themselves.
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If they are 100% sure and go through proper treatment and counselling for it, go ahead. I think the OP is more if they should be allowed hormones and female/male parts surgery etc. like doing it fully.
I mean I see no hindering talking to shrinks, doctors etc. when they are small since that wouldn't do more harm than maybe if the therapist is an ass or such. As for blockers depending on how late/early they are, sure but ya just don't go treat yourself or start heavy just because you feel it.
well i mean if the op is refering to surgery then its illegal under 18 anyway lmao?? surgery that you chose to do you have to be 18 to decide ???