no and even more a no when its proven that a sexchange doesn't help anyone really since it is a mental thing
inb4 triggered replies ohno
wow wheres your stupid ass "proof" lmao that's a straight up lie
No. They are CHILDREN. I believe you should chose your sexuality or transition to a different gender once you become an adult. Let's be real here, people who are mostly LGBT are in like Junior High when they're 12-14. That's WAAY too young to decide your sexuality, and gender preference.
buddy being lgbt isnt a choice. how is it too young for kids to be lgbt when it's clearly not too early for them to have straight crushes and identify as their given gender
or do u think we should completely remove gender since obviously we cant let these young children be harmed by such a dangerous thing as a gender identity
Well it's different giving minor hormones etc. at young age and do a full transition just like that. Most aren't even ready that young (let alone a few cases and persons). As for the dysphoria issue, I think yes a lot of people(read parents and therapists) are ignorant as heckle and don't bother do understand... with that they should get better education and be taught how to deal with those people so people don't "lose" or whatever you point out there. On the other hand you should teach the kids it's acceptable to have those feelings and society as a whole needs to be turned around. I mean the best you can do is be there for them and for doctors and therapists to listen so they ARE prepared at later dates if they still want to do it. Like, force them to listen to you, and be serious with your parents/caretakers/relatives etc. I mean if they are a bunch of homophobes, well make sure to get help.
With this I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to express yourself, live out what gender you feel like, but yeah don't go treat yourself with shady stuff just because Internet (tm) is under your nose.
And I feel like a lot of older people/parents are uncomfortable and don't take their kids seriously and vice versa. And while it might be one factor to being suicidal, there are probably other reasons as well.
idk but the "it's ok to have those feelings" about dysphoria isnt ??? the ideal way to deal w it??? trans kids who suffer from dysphoria need emotional aupport and medical treatment with at least blockers so they arent forced to go through a puberty they dont want to go thru.
very very few people get on hormones early, i'm pretty sure many places don't even prescribe hormones until youre 16. idk exactly why they do that, i guess it's kinda abt the whole Are U Sure thing. the Living As The Opposite Sex For A Year (lmao) thing was still used in sweden last year, idk what it's like now since i stopped going to the clinic but i'm pretty sure it's still there if you want to get surgery.
it can be really damaging to go through puberty if u have a bunch of gender dysphoria because it usually just makes everything feel so much worse. thats why i 100% think that every trans kid should be allowed to get on blockers if they want to, obviously u cant b on them forever but it will give people more time to decide what to do and at least they dont get all the irreversible effects of puberty before theyre sure it's what they want hhh
n yeah it's super stupid and dangerous to self medicate with hormones.
Yeah or they act miffed because they are entitled to all privileges and stuff yeah then you are a ****.
And yes I have respect for that, I'm just saying don't be a dick person who thinks you have all the rights and act high and mighty because of it and sure I will give you respect back.
Back on topic, I don't think all of the people are "phasers" or such but really there are large differences between a 5 and a 10 year old kid so yeah be there and ask and support before you do anything. Small kids often play with everything and maybe just snap it up wherever. Explain to them as long as you can on their level what it is and if they are decisive enough when they are old enough to see therapist they can do that and talk to them. And obviously don't refuse them to like fix their hair, other clothes, bind their chest etc. if they are serious about it.
literally no one lets a five year old medically transition, theres not even anything that can be done at that age....
Yeah, I've heard some horror stories about "trans" 3 and 4 year olds lmao
If they're above a certain age, you should respect their decision, whether they'll change their mind on it or not
or you could try not being transphobic and accept people no matter what their age is. so what if it's a phase, just accept them and dont call it a horror story. it's never okay to be like "uh no u are This Gender" to someone else, no matter how old they are. i thought you made this thread about medical transition..??
Absolutely not. Had I been given the opportunity to become a girl when I was 10, I probably would've said yes. Now? No way.
wow because everyone definitely has the same experience as you and transitioning can be done in the blink of an eye........ also 10 is usually too young to do anything.
if were talking about young children (say 4) then they definitely shouldnt :,>
at an age than young they dont understand the concept of gender well enough, whether queers kids stuff has educated them or not (im joking you see ... no kid should watch that)
however if theyre older then parents should respect the decision and allow their child to dress differently et cetera
at 18 plus theyre free to do what they want ... who cares <;
theres not even anything you can do to medically transition as a four year old why is this even brought up