Show me how you fill empty space on your islands!!

my island is still heavily a work in progress, but here's a few things that i've done that have taken up some of the extra room i didn't know what to do with so far 🖤





omg i love Shari's beach house !!! sooo cute. i used to have Shari, i still regret letting her go.
I should do something like this!! i love it c; your pics inspire me lol. especially since i haven't started designing my island much rip
I have this small area between a bridge and my east beach that was too small do really do much with. I ended up putting a small pond there and putting stone fencing most of the way around it with an entrance at the bottom. I also put a bamboo bench, bamboo plants, white lillies, a cherry blossom bonsai, and a tall lantern in there to make it like a little zen area. I think it turned out great! 🤩
omg i love Shari's beach house !!! sooo cute. i used to have Shari, i still regret letting her go.
I should do something like this!! i love it c; your pics inspire me lol. especially since i haven't started designing my island much rip

i kept racking my brain about where to put her, and her house honestly doesn't really 'match' the outdoors-y theme i'm going for. and the bamboo matches really well with it in my opinion, so i plunked her with my dock 🖤 i'm really happy about how her exterior turned out. i really hope you can figure something out for your beaches; they're really nice areas to decorate if you can get a good groove going!
I like to have lots of greenery, so I try to shove bushes and trees in places. You said you don't want any more trees/bushes, so maybe some weeds, stumps, furniture that resembles outside things (like stumps stools, rocks, mushroom stools, lamp, tables, parasols, plants ect...) flowers. Also if you don't want a fully grown tree you can stunt it's growth with a fruit tree sapling so it stays tiny. I think the tiny trees are cute and add a nice visual appeal with the different sizes.

If you area can fit it, maybe like a small seating spot with just a table and chair, and somethin on the table like a food item, radio/music player or flower pot or a picnic area. I also have small-ish (like 5x5) areas on my island that I make into decorative pieces with some water terraforming and a pretty centerpiece, a statue or colourful flower arrangement. I really like to use the bamboo baby doll thing and the bamboo speaker to add a natrual look or some music without it sticking out too much. I also shove small crop gardens. Also another idea, though not so naturey, a little instrument performing area.

I don't have any pics on me now but I'll try to get some.
I've got a pretty rustic cosy vibe happening on my island and I use a lot of log items (stools, benches, and chairs) and things like mum cushions to fill in little areas. I just recently went crazy and ran around putting Way too many ducks everywhere because I learned the decoy duck DIY haha, but for larger areas I'm slowly working my way through them and I've recently made a post office which I really enjoy, and I've also got little parks and picnic areas, a honey farm, a pumpkin patch, a plant stand, and a little outdoor restaurant!

I would agree with the water thing, I've got several areas that I've just put a small pond in when I didn't know what else to do, I've got sun and moon lakes, and I've been playing around more recently with waterfalls (still a struggle for me haha)

I don't have any photos atm, but you could always check out my DA if you wanted to :)