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Mar 20, 2015
Tasty Cake
Candy Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
What's with all the SHS sigs going on and why does everyone refuse to tell me what it means? I'm just curious as to why it's so popular.
Whoever's a part of it, they say that the creator wanted it to be kept secret. I think it's just a Skype group created after peoyne's giveaway though.
If it's so secret, why are they putting it everywhere...?
it's a skype group okay? you all know that. it's literally a group of friends, so stop asking about it. you don't need to know what it stands for, or what we talk about because you aren't in it.
There are actually lots of people in SHS who don't put it in their sigs so they don't start a huge revolt

Its not a huge deal really, just leave it alone :)
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oh my god why the heck do you even care I don't think your life depends on knowing what SHS is
it's a skype group okay? you all know that. it's literally a group of friends, so stop asking about it. you don't need to know what it stands for, or what we talk about because you aren't in it.

If I knew, why would I be asking? You don't have to be rude about it, and if it's just a group of friends why do you need to place it in your sigs?

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh my god why the heck do you even care I don't think your life depends on knowing what SHS is

Because I'm really curious as to why it has to be on loads of people's sigs of its so secretive? You don't have to be so harsh about it, and I never asked about what you talk about.
it's a skype group okay? you all know that. it's literally a group of friends, so stop asking about it. you don't need to know what it stands for, or what we talk about because you aren't in it.
No dont lie liz I know you want them to leave us alone but you dont have to. The Skype group never worked out we were way to shy to talk so we ended it. But SHS is something that i will never tell you after the rude tone you talked to me with. I tried being calm and friendly but now i will never tell you
Don't worry sweetie seems like it's not worth being a part of anyway with people that snap that easily.
If I knew, why would I be asking? You don't have to be rude about it, and if it's just a group of friends why do you need to place it in your sigs?

Because they can put what they want...?

All I know that it's a Skype group. That's all.
i'm really sorry if i came off as rude, but it's kind of annoying with everyone asking about it. we put it in our sigs because we wanted to since we're all friends.
o: wow everyone seems so harsh about it. I mean, it's just a skype group. There's no need for extra salt on those fries. Really.

So glad I was one of the lucky few not asked to join~
Please don't start fighting, it's only their group, it might be a little frustrating that they won't say
But there is no need to fight about something like this, it's a tad silly ;w; [Not the group, the fighting]
There's really nothing to get so worked up about here. While I do think it's rather ridiculous to promote a group of some sort and then snap at people when they ask what the heck it is, there's no need to get upset just because the cool girls won't let you sit with them, am I right? It's no group I'd want to be part of, for sure. Wow.
i really would rather not start a fight with anyone so i'm just going to leave the thread now. i didn't mean to snap or come off as rude, it is just annoying that everyone wants to know so badly when it is just a friend group.
Look its just a group of 14 people thats all we talk about private things and we have the sig as a fun mystery thing its only a group of close friends so we dont just invite randoms
Don't worry sweetie seems like it's not worth being a part of anyway with people that snap that easily.

If they're going to be this mean about people asking, then I'm certainly glad I'm not part of it. People like Jacob who don't cause a huge fuss about it seem like the only nice people in it...
Temporary signature change, to suit the occasion.

What are you eating?


If they're going to be this mean about people asking, then I'm certainly glad I'm not part of it. People like Jacob who don't cause a huge fuss about it seem like the only nice people in it...

Agreed. There's no way I'd want to be in a group when they're rude salty to everyone asking about it who's not in it. Tbh I think the whole ordeal is just silly, I mean really.
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