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ok seriously guys, its literally just a skype group. there is no need to be salty.
edit: also the reason why its a "secret" is because the information we share in here is supremely personal and such, and theres members in here who don't want to talk about that personal info to others.
its just a fun thing. stop being so up in arms over it. ok? ok.
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"Snap that easily" Yknow when you've (mayor evvie) been bugging my friends about it for what seems like way too long lol.

It's just a stupid joke.

Yes it is silly, that's the point. We laugh, we have fun, so be it.
This is just making me laugh now you guys. :p

I'm really tempted to start my own Skype group and just block anyone who asks what it is or basically asks for any information on it at all.

In all seriousness, this is all just silly. A group is a group, and I can't speak for everyone, but nobody really cares in the first place. Just don't behead people for being curious.
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"Snap that easily" Yknow when you've (mayor evvie) been bugging my friends about it for what seems like way too long lol.

It's just a stupid joke.

Yes it is silly, that's the point. We laugh, we have fun, so be it.

I'm sorry, but the first time I asked about it was today, so I haven't been bugging your friends for "way too long"
I'm really tempted to start my own Skype group and just block anyone who asks what it is or basically asks for any information on it at all.


but it won't be full of 15 year old salties acting like its fight club
Would everyone stop fighting?
This is toatlly pointless, I'm asking a mod to close this thread
All this is is people fighting, what a useless waste of time when you can be happy and not sitting at your computer being yelled at.
I personally think it stands for 'Skype Haters Salty'
naw JK JK. But really i think its just a bunch of people who chat. idk xD
If there is salt going around, i wanna be involved.
Would everyone stop fighting?
This is toatlly pointless, I'm asking a mod to close this thread
All this is is people fighting, what a useless waste of time when you can be happy and not sitting at your computer being yelled at.


Okay, now can this end?
Not from what I've seen. The bystanders here just haven't seen it.

I'm Sorry? I've only started asking today, you must be getting me confused with another user.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm really tempted to start my own Skype group and just block anyone who asks what it is or basically asks for any information on it at all.

Pls can I join?
I'm really tempted to start my own Skype group and just block anyone who asks what it is or basically asks for any information on it at all.

In all seriousness, this is all just silly. A group is a group, and I can't speak for everyone, but nobody really cares in the first place. Just don't behead people for being curious.

This. I was ready to post something here asking about it myself, but seeing what's gone on here, I think I won't need to.

I'm sorry, but the first time I asked about it was today, so I haven't been bugging your friends for "way too long"

Things like this show who you should and shouldn't be friends with; take it as a learning experience with a little grain of salt c:

I remember when I was a little kid, there were always these types of "SHS" groups. They were rude and mean, so I ignored everyone in them. Bam, problem solved.

Some nice person/ mod please close this I wanna get on with my life
also- if someone gets offended that you asked, thats on them. we're not angry/salty people asked. most of us aren't. we may get annoyed when people ask "what does it mean?" but we're not trying to "shame" anyone or block anyone. i know one or two members may have been getting annoyed but everyone as a whole doesnt mind if you ask.
it's just a group. perceive shs any way you want, its just a group.
Before this closes, I wanna say that this group has made me happier than I have felt in a while. These are some of the best friends I've ever met. You guys don't know us, so I ask for you not to judge us. We just want to have a few laughs and we care about each other. We stick up for each other. I'm sorry for any commotion
The big question still remains, people. What does the bloody thing stand for?
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