Selling Silver Axes for 39k a piece/75k for a pair! Also willing to Trade!


Nooklings Shopaholic
Jun 11, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (6) +
Okay, I'm just going to try my luck at remaking this whole selling thread... >_>

I have a small trove of silver axes right now, lol! They're priced to GO! Usual asking price is ...I don't even know any more... I'm willing to part with them for 39.

If you need more info, the silver axes do these things:
- Always makes a rare stump
- They do break, however they last longer than regular axe
Due to recent dissatisfaction, I am now to believe that these silver axes actually DO NOT last any longer than the regular axes. I'm so sorry for any confusion! If you would like to haggle the price a bit lower (I know 75k is a lot for an axe that breaks that quickly), feel free to. :(
- Rarely come up on island, and that's the only way you can
purchase them (as far as I know)​

So, make your offers here! If you would like to trade for them instead, here's a list of items I'm looking to trade for or buy:
- Mermaid chair (x5)
- Mermaid Table
- Mermaid screen
- Mermaid side table/chest (x2)
- Mermaid Vanity
- Mermaid lamp (x2)
- Mermaid clock (x2)
- Mermaid closet (x2)
- Mermaid sofa (x2)
- Mermaid carpet
- Mermaid wallpaper
- Almost any regal items EXCEPT the bed or the shelves
- Any rare Island items (except for the axes obviously... lol and the Diving Dan)

And in case you're wondering why I want just about double of everything... it's because this is sort of a joint thread for vdizzie and me. I'm the one with the silver axes, but if you'd like to just sell some extras of your Mermaid furniture, feel free to PM her! :)
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Okay, let me just go ahead and post this here: due to trial and error, I think there was some misinformation that has been spread that I actually believed! The silver axes DO NOT last any longer than the regular ones. I repeat: THEY LAST AS SHORT OF A TIME AS THE REGULAR AXES. I'm sorry for any confusion I have caused/encouraged... :(
aflyingpenguin: Do you still want the silver axe(s) now knowing they don't last longer (or much longer, people are still in disagreement about it... :/

I'll give you a better deal, especially since you're offering some of the items I'm looking for! I can give you three axes for those two items, how does that sound?
aflyingpenguin: Do you still want the silver axe(s) now knowing they don't last longer (or much longer, people are still in disagreement about it... :/

I'll give you a better deal, especially since you're offering some of the items I'm looking for! I can give you three axes for those two items, how does that sound?

Yeah that's great! I already knew that silver axes last around the same amount of time as normal axes though :p
I should get my order in a few hours so I'll let you know when ^^
Alright! And thank you for understanding, lol! There's been some crazy stuff written on the internet about New Leaf (hey, even I believed some of it!) so it would have been understandable if you didn't want the axes anymore. A few people already have dropped out of making a sale or two with me... x_x
Okay, I know you said a couple of hours so I'll probably be back by the time you're ready to trade, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be away from the computer for a while... I already added you to my 3ds friends list, so I'll try to keep an eye on whether you've added me or not. If I forget, I should be back within an hour anyway! :p
Attribule & AustinInMagic : Alright, sounds good to me! I'm back now, so if you're currently online go ahead and add me and my gates should be open once you get to your train station! c:

EDIT: Gate's open now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey Jessica I'm working on getting you the Mermaid Clock right now :)
Awesome! Thank you so much for your help! ^_^
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Interested in a pair of silver axes, if you still have them!

edit: 2 silver axes for mermaid wallpaper? pretty sure i have it somewhere, let me check
maarowak: Sure! I'll go ahead and add you because I'll do two axes for 75k or for the mermaid wallpaper! :)

...or you'll have to message me your friend code I guess! LOL!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, give me a few minutes. I have to go sell some turnips because my price today SUCKS! xD
maarowak: Sure! I'll go ahead and add you because I'll do two axes for 75k or for the mermaid wallpaper! :)

...or you'll have to message me your friend code I guess! LOL!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, give me a few minutes. I have to go sell some turnips because my price today SUCKS! xD

I'll PM you my FC! I have the mermaid wall. Your town or my town?
My town, please! My gate is open now. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, I want to keep what silver axes I have left for myself. Hope that's okay with everyone else! (I think one person still needs to get theirs, but that's fine... just pm when you get back online!) I'll leave the stuff about what items I want up, though.

...or actually, be on the lookout for a new buying/trading thread from me once this one falls off the first page! xD