Wooo I'd love a commission too if you're up for itD
Wooo I'd love a commission too if you're up for itD
i want a commision too haha
if you're up to it that is heh
Sorry Simple. Looks like I started a trend! But geez girl, give yourself some credit! These are coming along great!!
Haha, I may take a bit working on the other two, but sure is it an easy drawing? xD
- - - Post Merge - - -
Oh awe its okay, I love testing and trying new things! Don't look forward to it though haha
I'm sure it is! can you try her? she's based off a banana split, so her color palette is brown, yellow & pink
i'll color her in for you and you can draw her when i'm done ^^
WOAH! Are you sure you're at the right place? LOL!! Ardrey!! Like'in all my comments today! What an honor! I would gladly take a commission.. but my drawings are terrible! Long as you're okay with that, sure!
Interesting!!! Sure I'd love to see the coloring
:^) <3
NOO they're not! Feel free to choose any one of the 3 OCs in my sig, click on them for refs :3 Let me know how much it costs!
lolol actually i changed my mind, can you draw anna? she's my main bby and i've been neglecting her
Your art is soooo cute! >w<
I wish I could buy a commission ;w;
These pieces look super cute, they are much better than whatever I can muster. I like how much you improved throughout the times you've drew, it's very honorable.
Hm Been working on Aleshapie's chibi~Not sure if its even good... haha
Wow, you have made a lot of progress since your first time!
Just curious though, do you know the dates of the drawings?
So I colored it and outlined it, but... I do not like the outcome of it ._. I will be doing another sketch tonight or tomorrow~ I'm currently trying to improve the eyes!!!! GRR! STUPID EYES!!! (Haha)