You've updated with some really nice work since the last time I was here!! Good luck with finding your own style ;-]
You seem to be practicing a lot lately, so you're almost there haha
The latest sketch looks great c:
sketch AGAIN
Edit Edit!
totally colored for fun.. going to re-do later in the future with line art Q.Q
cute <3
These are so good! You're really talented and your progress is inspirational ;o;
That's a lot of improvement omfg
That's improvement I aspire to have looooool
Cute work, Simple!
I feel like you're in such a good place right now, improvement-wise. You should be so proud!
You did a wonderful job with the latest chibis \o/
(Also- I don't have a, so I wouldn't be able to tune in, but I think some other people will be interested!)
Awe, I missed you for a while!! I was just creating that text in memory of you! You don't need join. me to tune in, its just a url and you can look at it online! LMK if you are interested! It is my first time doing it online and to an audience. I draw in a funky and SUPER slow way, so might be annoying actually x3 ! I am so glad to see you around!
ahh that's cool to hear! and it's really sweet :-o
I do kinda disappear from TBT for a few weeks sometimes, but I always return eventually!! The Museum's my favorite section, so I'll always spread the love in my posting sprees, haha
and LOL WOW I had no idea that was how worked. So If I managed to catch one of your stream URLs in the future I'd definitely join in.
(I'm glad to see you around too!! especially since you're back to posting in this gallery ;-] )