Skill Wishes


winter firefly
Feb 28, 2020
Snowstorm Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Aurora Easter Egg
Aurora Easter Egg
Blue Holiday Candle
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Holiday Candle
Snowstorm Scenery
Is there anything you would like to learn or wish to learn one day or like to gain a skill about one day?
I think it would be cool to learn one day about what wild plants are edible in my region, foraging. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
I think it would be awesome to learn another language sometime. I think I would like to go with Japanese or Greek. I probably won't pursue this one realistically.
Currently I am trying to learn how to make video games through a slow processes. This one I actively want and not just a wish. I don't expect to go pro, I just think it would be fun and cool to do even if everyone else hates my malfunctioning creation lol.
I want to learn how to drive sometime in the future, so I can do Uber/Lyft full time and work for myself. I’m pursuing getting an apartment in a different city now, so I’m holding off on the car thing. I’m still not 100% if I’m getting a license either, so I guess we’ll see.
Oh boy…there are lots of things that I wish I had learned earlier in my life. Things like improving my art skill, or at least developing a style. Basic ones like learning how to cook, embroidery, how to use Excel or Google Sheets, and how to use a power drill.

In college, I did try to learn a third language. However, I had to give it up because the workload from all of my classes was too much at that time. I’m going to try again, but this time with a slightly easier language.
There are definitely a lot of skills I wish I had. I love languages and wish I was fluent in more than one. That is a goal I'm kind of working towards but it's slow going because I'm learning on my own with the help of online language tools. I'm currently working on Japanese, but I'd also like to refresh my Spanish one day.

I wish I was more skilled at art, but that's something that will never happen because my carpel tunnel and arthritis make it too difficult. Ten minutes of holding a pen or pencil is enough to have my hand cramping painfully. I admire all of the beautiful artwork that the members of this site are able to produce.
this might not count as i’m slowly working on it and is therefore more of a goal than a wish, but i’d really like to improve my art skills and become a better artist!

creating art has been something that i’ve been interested in for years, but i never really bothered as i just couldn’t do it and felt embarrassed by anything and everything that i did create. however, i decided to give it a go this year and not only am i having fun with it, i’m also already noticing an improvement in my recent works compared to ones i made only a few months ago!

i’m obviously still not the best artist and have lots more to practice and learn, but the tiny improvements that i’ve been making make me feel like maybe art isn’t so hopeless for me after all. :’)

but as for an actual wish, i’d really like to learn ASL one day!
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I’d love to return to learning a bunch of stuff; I took lessons for a few things as a kid up to high school and I regret quitting. I took horseback riding lessons, played and competed in piano competitions. I tried learning a couple different languages but couldn’t retain it or concentration issues (it is complicated; won’t go into details). Right now, my main interest is learning how to draw and improving it so I can maybe reach my favorite artists’ on twitter level. I’d also love to voice act but the more I learn about it, the more I think that I wouldn’t be capable of doing that. plus classes costs so much :/.
I'd love to have a black belt in multiple martial arts, but that's already a goal of mine and I've been working on that for over a decade now.

I guess if it were to be a skill I haven't acquired yet, it would be nice to become better at public speaking. I've done public speeches before and got through them in one piece, but I kept getting really nervous every time. I'd like to be able to do things like that without being so nervous. :)
Great question!

To start off, I genuinely believe we can learn anything as long as we're able to set up our mindset and environment for success. When I was a child, I was terrified of singing because I was literally tone deaf. My mom made me start learning piano at 4/5 years old, and fast forward to high school, I was in choir and jazz choir!

Understanding yourself in terms of how you learn (do you tend to learn things and forget them quickly, or do you tend to take a while to ramp up but you become a high-performer as soon as you have those "Aha!" moments) also does wonders.

As for skills I would like to learn:
- Speaking fluent Arabic, French, and Spanish (the only bucket list item I have is being fluent in five languages before I die)
- Art (seeing @xara's growth over a mere 3-4 months is so inspiring! Your progress is amazing! 💜 )
- Playing the violin

Skills I'm currently in the process of learning, to varying degrees:
- Writing SQL queries
- Elevating my emotional baseline
- Being more patient with myself
- Showing myself more compassion
- Negotiation
- Not being a doormat and expressing my ideas and feelings with less fear of how others will react
- Product management - namely experimentation, developing an eye for design, and strategic thinking
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I wish I could cook beyond just boiling water for noodles and I guess it's never too late to learn, but I'm always so busy 😔
im starting to get back into it but knitting and drawing were at one point big passions of mine. trying to rekindle that fire :) i still love doing them but a lot of silly life things got in the way. im devoting myself to making time for them.
There are some skills I've definitely been wanting to pick up. I think archery would be really cool to learn. I've also wanted to learn blacksmithing. I think the most practical one I need to learn though is cooking. I can't cook for crap.
I would love to learn fighting/self defense skills. I know nothing but running (barely anyway) lol and that barely counts so if I were to ever be in a situation like that, I'd be screwed. Probably would resort to biting I guess but I'd like to learn some really cool moves.
I want to keep learning Italian, and eventually Japanese. I'm in the process of learning to play songs on the Ukulele, so I'd like to continue to get better with that.

I also want to learn how to crochet, and to cook
Hooo boi I wish I had skills. Social skills would help, if that counts for this question.

Beside the ability to get over my awkwardness, also being able to play any instrument I want. I've always wanted to play an instrument but I'm not musically inclined-I have a hard time reading sheet music, I have a hard time associating a sound to a note while not lookin at a paper, I can't hear a sound then pinpoint the note that it is, just kinda important stuff like that. I think the Kalimba helps a little cause there's no scaling, not really alot of 3/8 or 2/4 time things goin on, and there's only 7 or 13 keys (depending on what type of Kalimba you have). The Ocarina is a little similar but more holes so lots more notes. Also those type of finger instruments I'm not really good at.

Also drawing in general. I want to get better but my motivation to draw is zero most days. And when I do draw, I don't step out of my comfort zone cause I don't want to put the effort in somethin that will end up looking bad. I want to be better thou, I need to figure out what my art style is (I know a style is really just things like shortcuts and patience, which I have little of) and be better with colouring, anatomy, dynamic posing, expressions, just basically everythin. My ideas far exceed what my skill level is.
I thought of another skill I wish I had. I've always loved music and I wish I was skilled in it in pretty much any way. I would like to be able to sing, play an instrument, or even just dance. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at all of those things, so I just have to appreciate listening to it.

I did try to take choir and get into band when I was in school. I was just lumped in with the group on choir and never really learned anything, and I was always rejected for band because I had trouble positioning my fingers or holding any kind of rhythm.
I'd love to learn Japanese and German! I've studied both a little here and there, but right now I've got a bit too much going on to really devote myself to language-learning. Japanese is a bit more practical for me (most of my entertainment is Japanese, and unfortunately a lot of things I'm interested in don't have translations), but I'm also interested in German just because I think it sounds nice and I have a little bit of ancestry there.

On the topic of languages, I'd also really love to learn floriography, or the language of flowers—ideally, I'd like to study both the form popular in Victorian England and hanakotoba, the Japanese form. I'm not sure it's a skill that'd see much use outside of fiction analysis and possibly writing, but I'd still love to have it just the same. But hey, maybe someday I will need to send someone cryptic messages in the form of flower arrangements, you never know.

Music is a definite weak point of mine (I can't read sheet music or identify notes, eheh), but I would also love to be able to play the handheld harp. Harps are one of my favorite instruments and I think they sound really beautiful, and I think the smaller variety would be the most practical for me if I were to try to learn, for a number of reasons. I've also heard that harps still sound quite pretty even if you play them badly, so as far as instruments are concerned, I think it'd be the easiest on my ego as well.
There are a lot of things I wish I could do lol but the first few that come to mind is that I wish I was flexible, I wish I could play the violin, I wish I knew how computers worked/how to put one together.
I’d like to improve on languages I’ve learnt to become more fluent in them and/or learn a new language. I studied French and Spanish throughout school but haven’t kept up with them in the last few years so it’s something I’d like to go back to and pick up again. After that I’d really like to learn German, it’s a language I’ve been considering trying to learn for a while so would like to find time to do so.

I also wish I was more creative either in something music related like playing an instrument or better at things such as arts and crafts. I could write strong essays for school but really that is as far as any creativity I have goes, my brain is a lot more heavily focussed on maths and the sciences and while I do enjoy both those subjects I wish it was more balanced between those and something creative or artistic.