Skill Wishes

Is there anything you would like to learn or wish to learn one day or like to gain a skill about one day?
I think it would be cool to learn one day about what wild plants are edible in my region, foraging. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
I think it would be awesome to learn another language sometime. I think I would like to go with Japanese or Greek. I probably won't pursue this one realistically.
Currently I am trying to learn how to make video games through a slow processes. This one I actively want and not just a wish. I don't expect to go pro, I just think it would be fun and cool to do even if everyone else hates my malfunctioning creation lol.
i want to keep learning japanese and violin! i used to go to classes for both of these things but sadly i cant afford them anymore...
I want to learn 5 or more languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian or German, and Spanish. I also want to learn how to draw/paint.