Sky High RP

DarthGohan1 said:
UltraByte said:
"Wow, that's weird. Usually I'm in there... I wonder what he did." Jason thought to Tom.

Miles came up. "Miles! Where were you?"
"Sorry, bro... I mean bud." *Miles noticed Tom was there, not allowing to talk about what he had intended to*

"So, uhhh... how's it going?"

*Then, Miles made his phone ring, picked it up, and said he had to go...

He sent Jason a psychic message though - "Tomorrow, same place, by yourself this time though!"
"I think you have one of my books. That's the only reason I came. And I can read thoughts like the one you just sent Jason"
Sara boarded the bus she was hoping her house would be in one piece after the disaster.
Dark sat alone, sort of near the back of the bus. But he couldnt help watching the people he had met throughout the day.

'Jason...insane...yet, doesn't seem like an enemy to me, he seems alright...'
'Tom...I don't understand this one..Too nosey, any mind reader is no friend of mine..'
'Miles, there must be more to him that meets the eye. I've heard good things about him throughout the day...'

Dark closed his eyes and slept throughout the rest of the bus ride.
Jason got on the bus and picked a front seat so he could get off fast. He pulled a CD player out of his bag and put it on and started listening to some crazy rock music.
" Some first day. Lonely still. Except I met up with Jason. Ah who am I kidding. I have no friends really. Heck my parents were killed. So all i have is this crummy house and the cruddy money."
Dark looked out the window, thinking. However, he began to hear some loud rock music coming from headphones a few seats above him. "ehem.." he coughed, and used telekinisis to slightly turn the volume down.
"my parents was killed too.But I can live through it."I like being lonely though."But I wouldnt mind a friend or 2."
" Got no friends, no family, all I do have is my dog Shiloh. There's that butt Dark and then Jason. What was I talking out loud?"
UltraByte said:
Jason noticed that his music turned down. He looked behind him to see Dark looking at him. "Oh, sorry..."
"Mmhhm..." Dark nodded. Dark remembered the book he was reading earlier, where was it? He found it in his backpack, but it slipped out of his hands and flew down the isle of the flying bus. "Rggh....Hmmph..." snarled Dark.
Jason saw the book and swiftly picked it up. Hearing Dark growl, he knew it was his and tossed it back to him.
UltraByte said:
Jason saw the book and swiftly picked it up. Hearing Dark growl, he knew it was his and tossed it back to him.
Dark slightly smiled (very rare). "Hm...Thank you..." he said as he flipped through his book, found his page, and continued to read.