Jason twitched. "He really is human..." He muttered, "He smiled."Gengar said:Dark slightly smiled (very rare). "Hm...Thank you..." he said as he flipped through his book, found his page, and continued to read.UltraByte said:Jason saw the book and swiftly picked it up. Hearing Dark growl, he knew it was his and tossed it back to him.
"Hey what's this here?"Gabbylala said:Sara hands the book to Tom."There mostly about the school"
{Seems like it huh Jason?}UltraByte said:Jason twitched. "He really is human..." He muttered, "He smiled."Gengar said:Dark slightly smiled (very rare). "Hm...Thank you..." he said as he flipped through his book, found his page, and continued to read.UltraByte said:Jason saw the book and swiftly picked it up. Hearing Dark growl, he knew it was his and tossed it back to him.
"Thanks." {I've monitored his thoughts and he's very dark like.}Gabbylala said:"poems"You can read them if you would like"
"Oh ok then bye." [What a nice girl.]Gabbylala said:Sara arrives to her stop."I am sorry I have to go"Sara grabs her book of poems."Bye."
No I don't think so. " Bed time I guess."Gengar said:'Hmm...same stop as Tom's...Hmmph...' Dark mumbled in his mind. He quickly glided down the steps and dashed to his house, arms folded.
((We should probably close this now, till tommorow))