Giveaway Skye is in boxes [CLOSE]

Thank you!
I will tip!
Ruby Mayor of Clouds


I'll keep a look out!

Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! I will definitely tip<3
Ugh- Witch why didn't you tell me before?

Ugh--- why do you always complain in forums seriously.
Nah, to be honest a lot of people dont like your attitude better change for a good

Most people in forums are adults just respect please :/
Thank you! You can come see Skye anytime it's no problem, you're always welcome to see her<3 she isn't ever leaving my town ever<3
Thanks Farobi but I already got Skye in an auction a few days ago :3

She can go to someone else who loves her.

Nevertheless, thanks for thinking of me, Farobi ^.^ That's really sweet!
Farobi is a really good person @Vida ^-^
Yes, he is^^
I'd like to give him Punchy in return if he doesn't have him already.
He's given away so many villagers :eek: