Sleepover Brithday Party

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Justin125 said:
Heh. I'm back. I thew a pillow at someone at 2am in the morning. And when I woke up a saw everyone throwing pillows and sleeping bags at me.

:p Heh. I did the primite maker thing... He's still has it on. :|
About a year ago I went to my friend's sleep-over B-Day party...
Me and my other friend that was there stayed up really late.At like 3 AM I jokingly said "let's draw on their faces xP" My friend thought that was a good idea and drew on their faces. XD
Then we got back to our little "hideout" thing which was some small, cozy closet under the stairs.I thought they would notice it so we drew mustaches and goatees on eachother.It worked for a while--- they blamed my friend's little brother.Until of course they woke us up and saw we had curly mustaches and goatees. :lol:
If I started counting my cousin's I would end like... never... yeah i would end.. but not anytiime soon..
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