Natty and I have agreed to fight on Sunday.
Never mind, I checked her profile. It seems I have to fight RedSonic!Anyone hear from Amichann? I'm due to fight her but I don't know how she is, she said something came up or something.
Means I'm up with AkatsukiYoshi next ^^
When would you like to play the match?
I have to go out soon to get a new phone, but if I'm back early enough I'm able to do it today. Otherwise I can anytime on Monday ^^
I am free to play at any time today or Monday. Feel free to send me a friend request whenever you can. I'll most likely be playing MP10, but if I see the friend request I'll just go on Smash Wii U and wait so we can play.
**** it sub me out in losers. I just broke my goddamn gamepad.