Smashing Child's Belongings for Disicpline

I was a really messy kid. Rarely cleaned my room. My mom would threaten to throw away anything on the floor if I didn't clean up. You guessed it.. perfectly fine things were thrown out

But it got the message across and now I'm somewhat more organized. There's always gonna be stuff on the floor of my room, but at least now I don't step on VHS and CD cases and break them haha

As a teen I'd get bad grades and have electronics taken away. It only mildly bothered me. I'd straighten up my act and get my stuff back. I didn't really care because I knew it wasn't permanent

So I would say only smash their stuff (or throw it away in my case) as a last resort
This is stupid for multiple reasons.

1. They're a kid, so most likely you as the parents bought them the object. You just destroyed your money.
2. You DIDN'T give the child the present, so you're destroying someone else's property. You jerk.
3....What lesson does this teach? That you can throw a tantrum? That a fit of rage will scare people into obeying you? No. This is not an efficient way of teaching the child a lesson.

Personally, I'm a fan of taking things away. My mom did it with me. Because privileges are to be earned. I talked fresh to my mother? Okay. The TV is gone until I learn to treat her with respect. I hit my dad? Whelp, there goes my PlayStation and bedtime story. Didn't play nice with my sister? Now I don't get to play with my friends. When I can behave, THEN I can have the things I want. It worked with me, so I plan on using it if I have kids of my own. Rage and destruction can never teach a positive lesson.
I think that it's pretty wrong to do this but it is true when the parent says that it was their money that bough whatever they broke.
I don't think most parents do that, especially considering that they're the ones that who buy their kids electronics.

I'm against smashing a kid's stuff because their grades are slipping or their behavior needs some work. It does nothing to help the kid out, and will only make them resent you. However, taking a kid's stuff away, explaining why you're doing it, and giving it back once they've made some improvements is rewarding good behavior and habits, and motivating them to keep up with the improvements they've made.