
Do you approve of smoking, and is it something you do?

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I don't smoke, I will never smoke, I hate everything about smoking, but I don't care if others smoke. It's their own body they're destroying, have fun.
my dads cancer patients always get pissed when he tells them to try to stop smoking lmao bye dumbasses
Update: I had some oui'd and smoked some of that lol, but the cigs were all bad, I didn't enjoy it. I'd probably try oui'd again some day it was pretty chill in a controlled safe environment. So ye that's my two cents, peace.
i never smoked, i can't stand the smell because it gives me migranes. well i grew up in a family with lots of smokers yet im taught to never smoke in my life. i dont think that rule will bring me any harm c:
I don't smoke and I never will, but tbh I don't care much as long as they don't smoke in public places. It pisses me off when people are smoking while walking on a busy street; they're literally affecting others' lungs. :/
I guess smoking is okay as a stress reliever, but I don't find it cool or something someone should do frequently. That's my take, but I'm not stopping anyone if they prefer it.
I hate cigarettes, the smell and everything. It's revolting. However, I'm not gonna deter people from smoking unless they're pregnant or have some kind of disorder that's gonna increase it. It's their choice really. But I'm never gonna smoke. The closest I've been to smoking is when you're cold outside and you can see your breath. Or you used to get those candy cigarette chocolate things as a kid. C:
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I hate it. My dad smokes tons, and my mom used to as well until she developed severe asthma. I developed some lung problems too from breathing in their smoke. I have a hard time inhaling and exhaling enough. I have to sigh a lot to get enough air because on my own I can't really. It feels like if you blew up a balloon all the way, but instead of letting it deflate you only let out half, before blowing it back up again. Not to mention I worry for my parents health. I don't want my parents to get cancer or something.

So yeah I hate smoking. I will never ever do it.
The laws about smoking are different in Japan. In America, smoking is barred from most establishments, but it's fine to smoke pretty much anywhere outside as long as it's far from an entrance to a building... Which is a rule that isn't always followed.

In Japan, a lot of bars and restaurants allow smoking, but it's actually against the law to smoke outside except for in designated areas. The thought process behind this is that if you're in a bar and someone's smoking, and you don't like it, you're choosing to be in that bar. You don't really CHOOSE to be outside; everyone has to go outside at some point, and if someone's smoking, there's no real escape for it.

I find some smokers disgusting, but the act itself isn't always so. In my case, for instance, I have asthma, and when I'm at a bar, I find smoking extremely light, menthol cigarettes opens my lungs a bit so the second-hand smoke isn't bad. I've always reacted far worse to second-hand smoke. If smokers are polite, as in, putting their arm away from people they're smoking around, ashing their cigarette often enough to not get dust everywhere, and ESPECIALLY taking care to blow smoke away from people, especially people they're talking to? Those people are fine.

It's the people who smoke around people who don't smoke, and then get offended when they cough... Those people make me angry. Same goes for the people who throw still-smoldering butts into the grass, or onto the sidewalk, or out their car window.

Smoking in general doesn't bother me, all health issues aside. Smokers, however, have a tendency to look out only for themselves, and they make the habit way more disgusting than it needs to be.
I've had 1 cigarette. It was not for me. I don't mind when people smoke though and there are some cigarettes that I think smell pretty good.

I would prefer the law in the US to be that people can smoke on their private property or designated bars and clubs rather than banning smoking indoors and forcing all smokers outside. Like the above person said people have to go outside at some point. It would be easy to avoid a smoking bar or club.
I can't personally stand to be around cigarette smoke and I don't think it's healthy, but I also recognize that a lot of people who smoke use it as a coping mechanism or have become addicted to it, so I don't judge or disapprove of people who do it.
Considering that I'm trained in smoking cessation counseling as well as educate people on the medications used to help quitting, I was pretty much taught to hate them.

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Wow looking at the judgmental responses towards people who do smoke. It's an addiction just like any other drug, calm your egos down.
wouldn't say i hate smoking because that's kind of a strong term, but i've never smoked and don't plan on it. it's pretty disgusting and what i do hate is when people romanticize it. my dad used to smoke but thankfully he stopped before my parents had me. i don't think anyone in my family smokes anymore. definitely wouldn't be interested in dating someone who smokes.
I don't wanna cross any boundaries of the forum but if you're going to smoke, cannabis is the best option, when you're old enough and ready and want to, of course. Cigarettes are ok but very expensive and full of disgusting artificial crap that as we all know will make you sick.

Any smoke isn't the best for your body, but a medicinal plant is the option I feel people who want to smoke should go for, responsibly of course; although, being high on nicotine is not 'good' either. That's just my thoughts on the matter; cigarettes are 'ok' and acceptable because they're legal but what's right is not always popular, and what's popular isn't always right. *i know full-well there's legality issues everywhere, sadly.

That said, cigarettes are ok and not super addictive if you have good self-control. I've never smoked them very consistently, though.
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I just want to add,

In band, I can't do the breathing exercises because it hurts to do them. I feel like I can't take a "full" breath. Please, try not to make it an addiction. (my grandpa, aunts, uncles, and most cousins on my dad side smoke)
I've had 1 cigarette. It was not for me. I don't mind when people smoke though and there are some cigarettes that I think smell pretty good.

I would prefer the law in the US to be that people can smoke on their private property or designated bars and clubs rather than banning smoking indoors and forcing all smokers outside. Like the above person said people have to go outside at some point. It would be easy to avoid a smoking bar or club.

Same here I like cigarette smell.
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I literally can't breathe when I'm around cigarette/cigar smoke so no thanks. Even the smell of it bothers me a lot.

I'd rather others didn't do it for obvious reasons but addiction is a hard thing to overcome so as long as they can handle not doing it around me, whatever.
My dad's smokes about 40 cigarettes a day and I used to, before I realised I didn't need to do drugs and smoke and be edgy to fit in. Even though I'm concerned about my dad's health, I can't do anything about it. You can't force a smoker to quit, you can't force a self harmer to stop cutting themselves, you can't force a drug addict to go cold turkey because there's serious consequences to that. It's an addiction just like anything else.

Reading some your replies (not all), I'm even more disgusted with you people. Have some respect.
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