So, about Joe Biden.

Was eligible to vote and voted Democrat. My family and I experienced SO MUCH MORE OVERT RACISM (especially recently due to Trump calling Coronavirus the "Chinese Virus" and people just automatically assuming all East Asians are Dirty because of this...), so my main voting goal was to ensure a Trump loss.

This makes me so hurt and angry for you and others who have experienced this kind of %$&#! that is just completely horrible and entirely Trump's fault. Yes, the racism was already there, but he stirred the pot every day with his hate-filled rhetoric, and his followers are like cultists - it's unreal. They believe everything he says and he has actually increased hatred and racism in this country.

I am actually really worried that he is attempting a coup d'etat. There have been some rumblings this week that are very disturbing. If he refused to leave the White House (literally and symbolically) the military will have to drag him out and I don't see that happening. And he has a bunch of armed paramilitary groups all over the country ready to kill anyone he asks them to. They're just itching to do it.

The election is over (mostly) but we are still in danger. This country is a tinderbox right now.
Not ideal...but, the world has been less than ideal for quite some time. For what it's worth...Biden will be a president. An actual president, and not a businessman pretending to be one. As far as chalking up small victories, I'll go ahead and put that one down. I'm sure we will continue to see more and more of these "personality" presidents as time goes on...but, I have to hope that none of them will ever be as destructive as Trump again. Kanye says he's running in 2024 again. Let's be real...he definitely won't win that either, so it's not a huge concern.

Honestly...this nation has a huge problem right now with facts and theories (more specifically, where the line is drawn therein). A lot of work must be done before the next election to urge people to do better research (or any research at all). People need to pull themselves out of this "everything is a conspiracy because it upsets me" mentality that has been fueled by Trump...and we need to move on. Biden will be fine for 4 years. I'm saying right now that he won't even try to run for a second it will be Kamala after that. I think she will do even better. Right now, the goal is simply to keep Trump (or a Trump clone from ever screwing this country so badly again).

As for Trump and the "Civil War" doesn't hold water, IMO. I allow myself to be mildly concerned about the possibility...but, the facts are these: DC is a blue territory. DC has plenty of good, honest police, military retirees, ect. If he refuses to leave on his final day, then some inside force will tell him exactly what's going to happen if he doesn't...and he will sulk out under the radar as to avoid himself the embarrassment. That is to say...if he is even at the White House when the time comes. The guy spends most of his time playing, we could theoretically just change the proverbial "locks" and say "you don't live here anymore". Not to mention, the White House is not the presidency. It might be an icon of the presidency...but Biden doesn't need to walk through the front door of the White House to be considered the president. He will earn that distinction regardless of Trump attempting to be a squatter.

And when it comes to Trump's followers and their propensity for firearms. That's all well and fine...but the major cities with the largest populations are all blue, and Biden will have control of the military. The local police will also defend their individual states, and any illusion that Trump or his goon squad was ever a party of "law and order" will come crashing down very quickly. So...yeah. I expect domestic terrorist events with white nationalist Trump goobers...but, to call that a "Civil War" is a gross exaggeration. Don't let the rhetoric of a conman get too deep in your head.
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For what it's worth...Biden will be a president. An actual president, and not a businessman pretending to be one.
For the record, my opinion is that it was imperative to get Trump out of office immediately because of the harm he was (is) causing to our country and the world. Nothing mattered more to me, though other things do matter a lot.
I voted for Biden, and like many people I voted for him simply because I strongly dislike Trump. And it’s about time there was a woman in office

I agree 100%.
I am very happy he won. What is worrying me is how Donald Trump has refused to concede the election result-to the point where his own Secretary of State said that they are preparing for "a second Trump administration"-and while I doubt these legal efforts to get the election result changed will work for Trump, this is already looking like it will be the worst presidential transition since when we went from James Buchanan to Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and 1861, and that transition oversaw the Southern states seceding in reaction against Lincoln's election victory. Outgoing President Buchanan did nothing about it, stating that while secession was illegal, it "couldn't be prevented", making things for Abraham Lincoln hell once he assumed office.

It is true that, if necessary, Donald Trump can be removed from the White House on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021. But, quite frankly, our democratic institutions shouldn't have to have come to that point-and I'm sorry, but numerous Republicans, even if you have high profile figures like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney congratulating Joe Biden, have bought into Trump's lies about "electoral fraud", and most notably, I consider Mitch McConnell to be one of Donald Trump's enablers in this area.
Yes, this moment is highly unusual, as the whole past four years have been. I feel like by electing Trump, the United States has opened Pandora's Box. Up until now, there was this idea of what it mean to be "presidential" and candidates wouldn't even be considered if they had any experiences from their past that made them look slightly human. Now, Trump has paved the way for future "leaders" to be outright criminals (sexual assault, tax evasion, etc), and behave horribly inappropriately for a world leader, and that not be a factor.

And I agree with the comment above by @nintendofan85 - I don't think Trump would be where he is today without his many handlers, Mitch McConnell among them. He doesn't seem to have the temperament to be that strategic. The Machiavellian moves we're seeing now are Mitch et al. Trump is a malignant narcissist who is upset and having a tantrum. The others are stoking the coals and urging him to act in certain ways, because they want to remain in power. He's a tool for them because, for reasons that I find rather incomprehensible, he's extremely popular with a huge segment of the country.
Trump is like an angry child who constantly throws things at people and goes lying around (on purpose!!) about everything to spin any story the way he feels like on the given day.

I'm not from the US or America so their policy doesn't affect me greatly but the president is the face of the States and that was just a tragedy to watch. I'm hoping that this person will at least behave like a proper adult.
Even though Trump is voted out, Mitch McConnell is still in office, and he’s going to be here for another six years. If either one of those two Georgia seats goes Republican, he’s going to control the Senate again for another two years. Also, the Republicans have control of the Judicial Branch. The Democrats are going to have a hard time for another two years.
I’m going to jump in as the minority here. I am not happy about the Biden presidency, nor am I convinced that he actually won. There is absolutely no way Joe Biden received more votes than Obama. Obama was respected by so many people, and it’s not even close.

I personally voted for Jo Jorgensen in this election. I wanted to vote for the person who in my opinion was best suited for the presidency. In my opinion, it was her. However, if I was given a choice between Trump or Biden, I would have 100% chosen Trump. I respect those who don’t necessarily agree with my opinion, and I would like the same in return. I just wanted to jump in from the other side.
I don't know much about Biden since I wasn't old enough to vote and I only recently became obsessed with politics, I was just glad that Trump was out so that the alt-right wouldn't be in power anymore
Currently identifying as a social democrat, I would've preferred that Sanders wouldn't have been shut out by the establishment, but for now I'll take the lesser of two evils
I’m going to jump in as the minority here. I am not happy about the Biden presidency, nor am I convinced that he actually won. There is absolutely no way Joe Biden received more votes than Obama. Obama was respected by so many people, and it’s not even close..

I know this was a post from February. But...

There is a lot to factor into this past election. Joe didn't get more votes than Obama because he's "better liked" than Obama. Joe got more votes because there were greater efforts than ever to get more people engaged with voting. Not to mention, the ease of which mail-in ballots made things for people who otherwise wouldn't have bothered.

I really don't see it as a shock, and definitely not a conspiracy. Half the country hated Trump with a passion, and half of the country (for whatever misled or woefully uninformed reasons) loved him. It was a record turnout on both sides. People didn't vote "for" Joe...they voted because they saw what would happen if they didn't.

Also, going back to the mail-in is notoriously difficult for minorities to have access to the physical polls. The gerrymandering in this country intentionally made things difficult for specific counties to be heard. When you took the physical polling out of that equation, you were sure to count those votes. Which is exactly why the right wing are so vehemently opposed to mail-in voting as a concept. It was never about fraud being a legitimate concern (they know that's not true)'s about them being angry that all of the efforts they've taken to make physical polls a chore have gone to the wayside. The truth is...republicans are not the majority in this country, and they are constantly going to great lengths to twist the numbers so it appears that they are. It takes very little research to see the full extent of their efforts in that area.

One of the most blatant tactics they love to use is the map with the red and blue states. On paper, it looks like 70% of the country is red. But when you look at the populations of those states, they don't come close to comparing with places like California, New York, New Jersey, etc. It's easy to say "all of the states deserve a voice"...but what's more important than that, is the actual number of people in the country having a voice. States are just places. People deserve the representation. And the majority of people in the US live in blue states. It's factual.
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