So about the wasps...


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
If you're gonna design your game around collecting resources on a daily basis so you can craft your own furniture, maybe don't have a punishment mechanic for doing said resources collecting?

I'm currently working on a bit of a medium-scale project that requires lots of stalls and, as many of you probably know, stalls require, like, 12 wood pieces to make. I have what feels like an unlimited amount of hardwood and softwood but I'm horribly lacking in regular wood pieces. So, y'know, no big deal, I'll just spend 5-10 minutes every day hitting trees to collect some. I feel like I get hardwood and softwood more often than I do regular wood, somehow, but whatever, I'll get there eventually. Except that, as you can guess, hitting trees in any capacity creates a chance to spawn a wasps' nest that immediately attacks you, wasting your time as you get stung and then either use some medicine, which gobbles up time, hit save & quit to de-spawn the wasps, which gobbles up WAY more time, or just suffer through your villagers' worthless comments about how you've been stung by wasps. In essence, it's more of a minor annoyance than anything else but when it happens so frequently, it becomes aggravating, at least to me. Imagine if, as you hit your town's rocks, you had a chance to spawn a tarantula that immediately stings you and forces you to pass out? It'd suck and it'd make me less inclined to actively hit my rocks: I shouldn't be punished for doing something that the game requires me to do in order to go through the game's main mechanic: crafting stuff. Not to mention that this is biologically inaccurate since it's winter right now and wasps shouldn't even be active: most wasps die out during the winter while mated queens will hibernate, that nest that falls off a tree with angry wasps ready to defend their homes in winter is a lie. That being said, I didn't come here just to complain, I have some solutions that Nintendo could but likely will never implement.

1. Have a functioning beekeeper's outfit. Maybe it's something you gotta order with Nook Miles using the terminal in Resident Services or something and it makes you immune to the negative effects of wasps: the wasps just buzz around you for a while, giving you the chance to catch them if that's what you wanted to do, or they just disappear after a few seconds of pestering you as they realize their attacks are useless. I could see such an item being very useful as something to wear during such resource collection runs.

2. Re-introduce town ordinances and have one to address that problem. This is much less likely to happen as it's sort of a game-changing mechanic that Nintendo probably would've included in New Horizons to begin with if they had the intention of ever including that, but if they did re-introduce town ordinances, you could have one called something like "Safe Haven" where it prevents wasps, tarantulas and scorpions from spawning. You could have the other ordinances from New Leaf in there as well while we're at it: I don't think anyone would mind seeing those return.

3. Make resources collecting simpler by having a recurring visitor who trades resources. Like I mentioned, I have a boat-load of freakin' hardwood and softwood. More so than I could ever see myself ever using because, gotta be honest, most of the furniture those are used for are just not that appealing to me, especially not enough so to be used in large quantity. The solution for that? Introduce an NPC who will trade all that useless hardwood and softwood for regular wood, or vice-versa if you feel like it. It could be one of the forgotten NPC from New Leaf with a rebranded purposes e.g. Have Phineas show up in town every few days or weeks as a traveler that's seen plenty of islands and wouldn't mind trading resources if we need to. It could also not be limited to wood products, either, he could trade, like, 30 iron ores for 1 gold nugget or 5 iron ores for 20 clay pieces and so on. That way, you don't have to rely solely on hitting wasp-infested trees to get your wood: you can just wait for Phineas to be in town to trade your extras with him for what you do need.

So yeah... rant over, I guess. I just hate wasps and I wish there was a way for me not to worry about them.
Ok so when I started to read this I definitely was thinking “oh boy, someone complaining about a mechanic that has existed forever”. And that’s on me for judging a thread by its first paragraph. However, your ideas are absolutely fantastic. A beekeeping outfit is SUCH a good idea. A safe haven ordinance is also really clever, and in general all ordinances should return. The person to trade stuff with I don’t imagine ever happening unfortunately, but that’s also a really good idea.

You’re right though, wasps should disappear in the winter. Maybe the nests can still fall, but it doesn’t make sense that the wasps are there. That being said, Nintendo doesn’t seem to care about that accuracy as we currently have butterflies and damselflies in winter which is not possible. I think they just didn’t want the bug count to be so low like it was in past games.
Ok so when I started to read this I definitely was thinking “oh boy, someone complaining about a mechanic that has existed forever”. And that’s on me for judging a thread by its first paragraph. However, your ideas are absolutely fantastic. A beekeeping outfit is SUCH a good idea. A safe haven ordinance is also really clever, and in general all ordinances should return. The person to trade stuff with I don’t imagine ever happening unfortunately, but that’s also a really good idea.

You’re right though, wasps should disappear in the winter. Maybe the nests can still fall, but it doesn’t make sense that the wasps are there. That being said, Nintendo doesn’t seem to care about that accuracy as we currently have butterflies and damselflies in winter which is not possible. I think they just didn’t want the bug count to be so low like it was in past games.

Thank you! The part about wasps dying out in winter was mostly just part of the mindless rant, I don’t exactly expect Nintendo to be 100% accurate when it comes to the lifespan of insects in their game about pantless-anthropomorphic animals...

That being said, I do think the solutions I mentioned could be fun. Why do you think an NPC to trade resources with isn’t likely to happen, though? We’ve had new recurring NPCs like Redd being added in, I don’t see why this couldn’t happen :O I think it’s more likely to happen than town ordinances making a comeback, anyway...
I love this idea so freaking much, you've made some amazing points, like a beekeepers suit, the traveling merchant and the wasps in winter. I can see the merchant being something similar to Joan or Daisy Mae in design, maybe like an old billy goat or something? :D
I love this idea so freaking much, you've made some amazing points, like a beekeepers suit, the traveling merchant and the wasps in winter. I can see the merchant being something similar to Joan or Daisy Mae in design, maybe like an old billy goat or something? :D

That would be so fun! I’m always trying to think of how old NPCs could be brought back for New Horizons but an old goat merchant could also be a great addition to the recurring visitors :3
although I do understand it makes sense for wasps to continue to spawn when resource hunting/during winter since they're such an integral part of animal crossing (as in they've always been around), it is definitely frustrating when you're just trying to collect wood and end up constantly running to Nooks to buy medicine. having a beekeepers suit would be super cute though!!
Oops, posted in wrong thread.

I think the wasps won’t go away easily because isn’t it tied to a nook mile achievement or something like that?

That said, you have some very creative solutions. I in particularly like the idea of a functioning beehive suit. Not sure if this clothing item actually exist already in game? if so, might as well make it utilizable right.
I know this may not be the solution you are looking for, and does add a bit more time to resource gathering, but I just always stand at the front of the tree and shake them with my net out before hitting them with the axe. I will usually shake the trees all in one area before chopping to minimize the amount of tool switching. Then I just catch all the wasps (with only the occasional mishap if the area in front of the tree is not clear)

I agree that your ideas might be fun/ useful additions to the game, but in the meantime, as someone who also does not like being stung, I find that being able to almost always prevent myself from being stung has made the wasps no longer annoying for me. They are also another resource of sorts, as I like saving them up for something to sell to flick (early in the game they are a really good source of income)

alternatively, you can plant a lot of coconut trees (obviously I don’t know if this will fit your aesthetic). Since they don’t spawn wasps they could be a quick go to when you want to gather wood.

not trying to put a damper on your rant - who doesn’t love a good rant? But just my own personal approach to the wasps issue.
Another possible workaround: next time you find wasps in your tree, quit without saving and mark that tree in some way (With like a sign, some red flowers, the little nook flags, whatever reminder works for you!).

The game saves where the wasps are and it will not actually change until you shake their tree, so you could potentially just figure out which trees are bad and never touch them again. I usually know exactly where the wasps are on my island and it gives me a lot of peace! ^^
I fly off to the islands when my resources are getting low and use the ‘shake method first‘ the poster described above. It’s a lot less tedious than getting stung, and I may be mistaken but I believe there is only one hive per island. So once you have a hive drop, you should be safe for the rest of the tress. Has anyone ever tested this?

Otherwise, absolutely love the idea of a beekeeper’s outfit!
I mean, is it really hard to keep your net out and shake the trees before chopping them? It takes less time than the animation of getting stung by the wasps.

There's many things in the game that could "respect the players' time" better, but really, this isn't one of them. I've seen people nitpicking about absolutely everything and most of the time, it's just a matter of people not wanting to make minimal effort. The amount of complaints I've seen that are more on the player than on the game (as in, the complaining about something that "doesn't work" when they didn't even try to learn how to make it work) is absurd. I've seen some complaints that made me think that some want the game to play itself.
Another possible workaround: next time you find wasps in your tree, quit without saving and mark that tree in some way (With like a sign, some red flowers, the little nook flags, whatever reminder works for you!).

The game saves where the wasps are and it will not actually change until you shake their tree, so you could potentially just figure out which trees are bad and never touch them again. I usually know exactly where the wasps are on my island and it gives me a lot of peace! ^^

Wait, I'm not sure I understand. Is that something that carries over several days? So, if I quit without saving, know that X tree is gonna spawn some wasps and then mark that tree, is that same tree gonna spawn the wasps the following day? If not, that's more of a short-term solution, though I... admittedly have no other short-term solution beyond just buying a bunch of medicine or something :/
Honestly, I just wish the wasps were worth more bells. It was better when they were worth 4,500.

At 2,500 bells, they really are more of a nuisance than they're worth.
I fly off to the islands when my resources are getting low and use the ‘shake method first‘ the poster described above. It’s a lot less tedious than getting stung, and I may be mistaken but I believe there is only one hive per island. So once you have a hive drop, you should be safe for the rest of the tress. Has anyone ever tested this?

Otherwise, absolutely love the idea of a beekeeper’s outfit!

yes I have tested it and there is only one hive per mystery island! I often still shake all the trees out of force of habit though 😅
Wait, I'm not sure I understand. Is that something that carries over several days? So, if I quit without saving, know that X tree is gonna spawn some wasps and then mark that tree, is that same tree gonna spawn the wasps the following day? If not, that's more of a short-term solution, though I... admittedly have no other short-term solution beyond just buying a bunch of medicine or something :/

Correct, as far as I can tell it is saved and never changes until the wasps come out. Doesn't seem to matter how many days you leave them in there. :D
Wait, I'm not sure I understand. Is that something that carries over several days? So, if I quit without saving, know that X tree is gonna spawn some wasps and then mark that tree, is that same tree gonna spawn the wasps the following day? If not, that's more of a short-term solution, though I... admittedly have no other short-term solution beyond just buying a bunch of medicine or something :/

no disrespect intended honestly, but is there a reason you don’t want to/ can’t catch them? As @Raz noted, it is much shorter than the animation for them stinging you and once you get used to shaking the trees with your net out it becomes second nature and really adds no significant time to resource gathering. Everyone is entitled to their play style preferences, I am just curious.
yes I have tested it and there is only one hive per mystery island! I often still shake all the trees out of force of habit though 😅
I usually do as well, but have never seen more than one hive drop. Maybe next time I’ll be brave and ditch the net once the hive drops!
no disrespect intended honestly, but is there a reason you don’t want to/ can’t catch them? As @Raz noted, it is much shorter than the animation for them stinging you and once you get used to shaking the trees with your net out it becomes second nature and really adds no significant time to resource gathering. Everyone is entitled to their play style preferences, I am just curious.

No worries, I get that this complaint (More of a nitpick that bugged me, really) isn't something that everyone's gonna have, it's just really been bothering me. It's a fair point, though, it's not really that I don't want to catch them, more that I haven't really tried to proceed that way. I'd still rather just... not have to worry about it since, well, if the point of the game is to collect resources, I still think I shouldn't be punished for collecting resources (Especially since tools breaking is already sort of a punishment in itself) but if it's something I have to live with and that none of the the solutions I mentioned will get implemented (as they likely won't, let's be real) then yeah, I guess I should just... get used to shaking trees to catch the wasps prior to harvesting the wood.

It's usually 4 hives that get dropped per day, right...?
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I usually do as well, but have never seen more than one hive drop. Maybe next time I’ll be brave and ditch the net once the hive drops!

To be honest, I didn't even think of traveling to a Dodo island to do the harvesting... That's a really sweet idea Oo I do have an abundance of Nook Miles that apparently won't be used for much in the coming future so I may as well use them for some NMT to collect that wood. Thanks for the tip :p
I agree that the wasps are a pain. Also agree that I get regular wood the least. I have more softwood than any other wood, there seems to be less that requires softwood to make than other woods. I love the idea of the beekeepers suit and the npc, the billy goat npc would be adorable).
To be honest, I didn't even think of traveling to a Dodo island to do the harvesting... That's a really sweet idea Oo I do have an abundance of Nook Miles that apparently won't be used for much in the coming future so I may as well use them for some NMT to collect that wood. Thanks for the tip :p

I love using the mystery islands to collect resources because you never have to worry about cleaning up after yourself and there are no ‘items’ in the way like there prob would be on your main island. It also saves using your regular tools. I always get the nook miles flimsy tools. Two flimsy axes will get you through all the trees on the island for only 200.

And once the hive drops you can (more than likely) ditch the net to speed things up.:)