So, after two years, I'm giving painting a shot again


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
Snow Globe
I used to do a lot of landscape painting, but was never that good at character painting. It's been two years since I've touched my tablet and painted something in Photoshop and I decided to start afresh with a new look at character painting. It's not finished yet but wondered what people thought so far?


and while I'm posting, here's some of my old landscapes in case anybody's interested:

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I, personally, really like all of the examples. Very beautiful stuff!
Love the landscapes! That cat is super cute too ^.^ I'm so creative but suck so bad at art - So I'm jealous of your skills xD
whats the betting we'll get banned if we say we don't like it LOL
im joking, im in love with your landscapes!
Wow! Talent like that should not be put away on the shelf! I loved them all ... in particular the beard on your character and the expressive head tilt on the cat ... also in the landscapes i love how you painted the mist and light ... my mother used to tell me that they were among the hardest to paint; even writing about it ... she called it "Capture The Morning Mist" ... anyway, nice work!
Thanks guys, you're too kind.

I don't know about it being a talent though, just a lot of time put into it! I'd love to do more of this stuff but it eats up so many hours.
wow these are amazing!! your landscapes are awesome !
i love your first landscape piece
good luck with working on your character pieces!
I really like them all! I think (and this is just my opinion) that you could work on figure proportions a bit more and definitely try some color theory, since the cat picture looks a bit... too soft? Also, the two landscapes you posted are really different stylistically -- honestly, though the first one is more photorealistic, the second is more interesting and has a more personal feeling to it.
Amazing. Inspiring. Cool. These words are what describe your landscape art. Incredible. Beautiful. Lovely. Not enough words can describe this masterpiece. Love it. Sexy.
I really like them all! I think (and this is just my opinion) that you could work on figure proportions a bit more and definitely try some color theory, since the cat picture looks a bit... too soft? Also, the two landscapes you posted are really different stylistically -- honestly, though the first one is more photorealistic, the second is more interesting and has a more personal feeling to it.

Thank you, your critique is really helpful. I did notice that my colour theory wasn't the hottest, it's probably the next thing I'll focus on. Everything feels a little too flat at the moment.

The first landscape was actually where I was working on photorealism and the second was an entirely freehand paint (no reference), based on a scene from a lucid dream that I had. Definitely more personal.
Done with this now. Not really perfect but still quite happy with what I've achieved
Thanks guys, you're too kind.

I don't know about it being a talent though, just a lot of time put into it! I'd love to do more of this stuff but it eats up so many hours.

I'm sure you could totally sell some of this art. I'd buy, and I'm sure others would. Then you'd be able to practice, do what you love, and make money from it.
Well, I am no expert, but I know what I like! ... And I like the definition you added to the skin, hair and fur! ❤️
Oh, wow! I'd pay for your landscapes.