So...How's school?

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Colour Bandit

Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
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So...How's school for you? I'm happy right now: I finished my short film for media, did a science exam* today and hey, I've made some new friends!
<small><small>*You know that topic I made about how I liked this guy in my science classes, we've been talking a lot today and he had to borrow my Biro for the science exam, he's also been helping me with Physics revision.</small></small>

So...tell me about your school.
It's been great, Well not my grades (Kind of). I got B in Media and C in Business.
<small><small><small>Oh and about the guy, Is he showing any signs that he likes you?</small></small></small>
Josh. said:
<small><small><small>Oh and about the guy, Is he showing any signs that he likes you?</small></small></small>
<small><small>No, but we're good friends and he seems to like the fact that I laugh at his jokes.</small></small>

I'm doing quite well in terms of grades, A for English creative writing and A for English language! ^_^
Tomorrow, I won't actually mind going to school, because we get to move into the classroom that we've been waiting to be built for years. Of course, the classroom is just part of the new building.
I've been extremely busy with school this year. I have almost no time which is why I haven't been posting on TBT that much. I still have time each day to go on though.
I've been fine at school so far, in our classroom, we have a fishtank with 3 fish in it (we had 4 fish but 1 of them died). We have no school at all next week (even though I have sports club there during half term) because it's half term then.<small><small> Also, in my class there's this girl and I think she likes (loves) me, we've always been friends but I think she's beginning to like me even more. I'm not saying who she is because I have a few friends who are in my class on here...</small></small>
ACKid9 said:
We have no school at all next week (even though I have sports club there during half term) because it's half term then.
Same, I need to ask my friends whether they can come over to my place or go into town.

I'm annoyed because at school I signed upfor Graphics but they kicked me into Food Tech! (Which I'll fail because I really can't cook!)
TheDoctor said:
They kicked me into Food Tech! (Which I'll fail because I really can't cook!)
Same, I can't cook, whenever I'm doing cooking at school, I always let everyone do all the work (1. Because whenever I try to make something it falls apart, and 2. Because I always prefer History an Art).
School is not going well for me. It's incredibly hard and I stay up until 1 am every day doing homework/studying. AP Biology and AP English are just owning me right now, I can't get a B-because colleges are going to be looking at my first quarter grades! Plus, I am really busy as it is.
it's okay I guess, I am apparently the smartest kid in my honors bio for getting the highest test/study island scores 3x. I wouldn't mind it if people weren't asses about it telling me I suck. My freshman seminar class (required course about business and the economy) is alright, very easy, but people take advantage of the teacher. Today his test involved multiple sheets, one of them being true or flase with all the answers being true -_-
Been doing fine in school, Doing very well in English but not math. I find that ironic as that i did better in Math last year and English, not so very well last year.
AMAZING! I have my best friends billy & bob. dey secksy

Nah, homeschooling is pretty easy though, & fun, I suppose.
I'm off school this week. :3
Don't ask why. The school district just decided to give us a random week off.
Independent Study is the shizz...
Starting Spanish as soon as school starts back up Monday...
Can't wait. I can finally talk to my family that doesn't understand English! XD
Today was pretty fun.. I tried tripping my friend, but she tripped me instead and I fell on the floor... and then I was dragged around the entire school.
But that was during 7th hour when we don't have a class so no one saw any of that. haha

Then I baked cakes after school for our band concert/bake sale thing... And me and the teacher were just sitting there *censored.2.0*-talking the "helper" lol

So today was pretty fun, aside from the 58% I got on my AP Chem test :l
Pre-Algebra is kinda easy and the teacher gives us lots of time to finish the day's homework. English Language Arts is really really easy, so I have an A to A+ average so far. :DD The History teacher is really hilarious and makes class more fun.
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