Did/Do you go to a big high school?

no, i went to a k-12 and the high school only had 200 students. the younger grades probably had a lot more students but i’m not for certain because i went there exclusively for high school. my graduating class only had 30 people lmao, i’m glad i went a smaller school.
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no, i was homeschooled through high school. it was online and there wasn’t any student interaction.
I think we had about 400-500 kids in my graduating class, around 2000 people at the school total, so I think that’s a medium to larger sized school? Based on this thread, that’s pretty large. I just feel like there were much larger schools as well in other parts of the state, because my marching band was around 70-80 people and I remember going to competitions where the bands were several hundred people.
Lol I remember this one school we'd play against every year whose band had 300 kids. They barely fit on the field! Then our band would go on with like 70 kids 🤣

The difference in volume was hilarious. It was blaring music to a whisper.
i graduated high school with 90 students. i would’ve much rather went to a larger school, i felt quite isolated back then.
Our high school is pretty big for local standards. We were maybe 800-900 kids total in school, 200+ per batch and at the time we only had 4 batches. Each year we were split into multiple sections so it wasn’t really that hard to be friends w some people I suppose. Kinda found my niche for each year.
Ngl I would’ve liked to go to a smaller school, being in larger batches just makes us not as closely knit as I’d like. I’ve seen a trend w people i know who had smaller batches, they felt closer to each other? Sure I had my niches, but that just made cliques more farther apart. Would’ve loved to get to know more people idk.
I honestly don’t know how many people were in my graduating class. I want to say average size. I could look it up in my yearbook but high school is honestly one of the biggest things I want to forget; it was a nightmare for me.
It felt pretty big. I think there were around 1600-1800 students when I was there, so probably 400 something in my graduating class.
would not remember the exact number, but my school had a decent number of students; don't think it would be considered "small" tho.
We were 300 students in our graduating year when I was in high school, it was a big school that was split into different levels based on our grades and language proficiency in French
I want to say that it was medium, because I have seen larger high schools with two-three story buildings in LA county.
I can’t remember how many students graduated in my class but the school definitely had over 1500+ students total. So I’d say it was a decent sized high school. I didn’t mind the size, but I did always wondered what it would be like to go to a small sized school where literally everyone knew each other one way or another.
There were like 2,600 kids in my high school. I have no idea if I would of preferred being in a smaller school or not. Maybe if I had grown up with everyone my entire life I would of ? I mainly kept to myself in high school. But that's probably because I moved schools a few times, and didn't know anyone from childhood. I did manage to make a small group of friends at that school for lunch, but other than that I was pretty much alone for the most part. I think having so many kids it's very easy to fall under the radar. I'm not sure with how I was back then if having smaller classes would of been a positive or negative impact for me.
my high school had over 800 students when i went so id say it was a medium size school? i don't have a preference of smaller schools/bigger schools but honestly i would have rather went anywhere than the high school i went to.
Technically I go to two schools but one is a branch of the other.
The main school has 1,800 students while the smaller one has just over 300.