so i just heard about a new update (spoilers probably)

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  1. 1st anniversary cake - it looks so cute! i love cakes, and the more food items in game the better imo. it would be even better if it ends up having different variations for each season.
  2. sanrio - nothing we didn't already know about but i'm still super duper excited. i've had a love for both sanrio and animal crossing for a long time so the crossover makes me so happy. the items and villagers are so cute.
  3. custom design pro editor + - PHOTO STANDS!!! i've missed them sooooo much. i can't wait to be able to design and decorate with them. being able to customize handhelds is cool too, and i hope it eventually expands into other items like the megaphones. but even more importantly... 50 normal and pro custom design slots!? i was hoping for like... 5-10 max (if we ever got any at all)! this is so exciting, i've had so many ideas i've had to scrap due to lack of design slots. it's going to be a lot of fun redecorating parts of my island to reflect how i wanted to have them originally with custom designs.
  4. custom design portal - it's going to be so nice having access to the custom design portal 24/7! it was annoying having to run to able's each time, and even more annoying having to change the system clock when they were closed.
  5. seasonal items - i'm one of the few that actually likes bunny day and its associated items, so i'm pleased that it's getting some new items. a bit disappointed about the whoopee cushion being all we're seemingly getting for april fool's day, i miss the holiday and that's not an item i really see myself using. the other seasonal items look nice; especially the new plant and tiaras.
  6. nook link "nook points" - i don't really enjoy the idea of having to access an outside app to collect a currency to redeem in-game items, or boxing a well loved and missed npc like katrina into it. if the items and npc are obtainable/interactable in-game without use of the app then i'd have no problem but for right now... just no. on the topic of nso though, i do like the switch lite item.
  7. island tour creator - not actually part of the in-game update, but it still sounds like a fun idea. i'll probably mess around with it a bit and i look forward to seeing others promote their islands and dream addresses.
This is so great!
I'm so stoked to finally try and use those intense paths that have like ten billion slots! I was always too intimidated to use up so many slots (I use a lot of like like speckly ground design things) so now I can use a real path maybe too??
Definitely going to try at least!
I think it's super awesome that there are Pro designs for the fans too! I love handheld items but fans by far are the cutest.
I don't think I'm cool enough to make the brochure thing for my island (at least not at this point) but that is a nice feature!
so pleased with the extra patterns and pattern options like standees and fans! i'm glad they're making in-game accessibility with things like the portal and stuff easier too. i'm also glad they're adding new items to old holidays - i suspected they would do this but i wasn't sure, and i'm glad they decided to! it's a nice little bit of effort.

i think i also like the new nookphone update for the NSO app, though i'll need to see how it actually is first. however, i really, REALLY hope they don't just have katrina appear there and then never add her to the game properly - a fate worse than resetti, and him being minimised to the faceless, pointless role he has still stinggggs for me.

i'm also super disappointed that once again, they're just adding more and more furniture into the game to 'celebrate' holidays instead of, you know, actually celebrating holidays. i'm holding out that blanca will appear alongside the whoopee cushions that i'll absolutely never use but will buy 5 of anyway, but i already know deep down that's not going to happen.

idk... some really good and interesting QoL improvements but very little to add to the actual gameplay experience beyond decorating things or buying things. i don't imagine i'll be playing much more anytime soon unless there's something interesting beyond bunny day again. it's a little disappointing that the only celebration for the 1 year anniversary also seems to be another limited item to buy or receive that i won't use because i just do not have the space in my house.
Ooh, pumped for more design slots and design options! I'm a little bummed Blanca won't be returning for an April Fool's event, but since she wasn't teased at all, I honestly hadn't even thought of it until I saw people here complain, lol. And more Bunny Day items- SWEET! That also means we'll likely get more Hallloween/Turkey Day/Toy Day items later this year~ But I'll actually be bummed if we don't get the from the event- I wanna replay the event, but would like some new rewards for it! I guess I'm the only one who enjoyed the Bunny Day event, but I was actually looking forward to replaying it (I love all the holidays) and will be disappointed if I don't get any/get the same rewards.

I also like the island tour/brochure ideas... but it sounds like you need an external app for it? God, I hope not... I'm so sick of external apps. We have an in-game phone, why can't we have all our apps in it? I'm just sick of Nintendo assuming everyone has a phone they're glued to- I don't. I rarely use my phone, it's crappy and old, and I hate being forced to!
I'm really glad they finally gave extra custom design slots! I actually lost hope a while ago they would add them. I just wish I cared about designing my island like I used to.. I'd have so much fun with them. I do like how they're letting us customize new items too. Very cool.

I wonder what items we get from the Katrina app thingy? And also how many new bunny day items there will be. I really hope they are choosing to add whole new sets of items for the events this year. That would definitely help in keeping things fresh and interesting.

It looks like some people were right in their predictions that they'd start focusing more on quality of life updates after the first year of events. I'm excited to see what other quality of life things they add this year now :)

I'm pretty satisfied with this update so far. Sure I'd much prefer new gameplay/things to do daily but I still like the direction they seem to be going in.
Yay! I'm so glad to see that the standees from NL are making a return and the addition of 50 extra normal and Pro Design slots is such a blessing too. What made me laugh out loud from this upcoming update were the whoopie cushions, it's going to be so funny adding a bunch of whoopie cushions around the house to prank my unsuspecting villagers. Oh, and that anniversary cake that was presented looks very delicious and detailed. I wonder what type of items that we'll be able to receive from the Nook Link Nook Points feature, perhaps new furniture or clothing to use? Bunny Day is also returning too and there's going to be newly added items being exclusive to Nook's Cranny. Time to hunt for the eggs all over again! (Unless you already have eggs in your storage to prepare for Bunny Day). Very exciting for this update to come soon along with the Sanrio stuff coming as well.
I saw this on Twitter and thought it was fan-made, like those QOL update videos from Nick Ha on YouTube back when the game first came out. AND THEN I SAW THE LITTLE BLUE CHECKMARK NEXT TO THE ANIMAL CROSSING USERNAME!!! THIS IS REAL Y'ALL!!! (of course it had to be right in the middle of my finals week though... 👁👄👁)

Bunny Day may be obnoxious (hopefully the mechanic of the holiday changes, but not getting my hopes too high for this one!) but based on that one item they showed, at least it looks like the furniture is a lot more usable. Imo, this makes the event a lot more tolerable, because at least we may actually get some use out of the New Bunny Day furniture probably means we'll be getting new furniture for all of the holidays going forward, so YAY NEW FURNITURE SETS!!!

I'm not even going to get into the more custom design slots thing because it's self explanatory. So glad to see they're listening to fans! AND I can carry around little flags AND face-cutouts are coming back? Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!

I'm super intrigued to see what NookPoints is. I get it's like the NookStop where you check in every day and get the points, but they only showed one of the prizes. That Nook poster looks familiar, though. Is it somewhere else in the game? Will the prizes be that decoration background stuff that we've been wanting since release (museum fountain, Harv's island decor, etc.)? Will there be other ways to get NookPoints besides checking in each day? How will this affect Nook Miles?

Enough said.
Oh, wait... it's an update for the (actual, not in-game) phone app that gives us access to new items?

...C'mon, Nintendo. LET US USE OUR IN-GAME PHONES AND NOT REAL PHONES! I was really hoping I wouldn't be disappointed by anything in this update, but I'd love access to new items, and have no desire to have to use a second device for them 😕
The photo stands!!! I mean let's all just appreciate this absolute adorableness 🥰
Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 11.51.54 AM.png

Do you think they will function in such a way that the villagers would peek through them from time to time?
Oh, wait... it's an update for the (actual, not in-game) phone app that gives us access to new items?

...C'mon, Nintendo. LET US USE OUR IN-GAME PHONES AND NOT REAL PHONES! I was really hoping I wouldn't be disappointed by anything in this update, but I'd love access to new items, and have no desire to have to use a second device for them 😕

even if i had enough storage on my phone for the app, locking things behind a paywall on an entirely different device is still very meh. why should we have to have to use a second device, and then download an app on it, to access not only an entire NPC and her mechanic (seemingly, and however watered down it may be), but also another point system with exclusive items? shouldn't those things be in, oh, i don't know, the actual game? really bothers me.
Can’t say it’s my favorite update. I’m not someone who uses custom design slots a ton, and I’m not super excited for anything else in the update. Still, I’m glad that others are getting what they wanted for awhile now. For me, the brochure thing is the most interesting part of the update. :)
even if i had enough storage on my phone for the app, locking things behind a paywall on an entirely different device is still very meh. why should we have to have to use a second device, and then download an app on it, to access not only an entire NPC and her mechanic (seemingly, and however watered down it may be), but also another point system with exclusive items? shouldn't those things be in, oh, i don't know, the actual game? really bothers me.
Agreed 100%. IDK, it almost seems like the success of Pokemon Go has made Nintedo think phones need to now be incorporated into full, actual games (I mean, Pokemon Go is a lovely phone game... but, IMO, it's only useful if you don't actually have a gaming device for complete Pokemon games, and/or if you DON'T live in the suburbs like me). It's bad enough we have to use the phone app to access the GTS in Pokemon (there is ZERO excuse for this), but now it's being forced down our throats in ACNH, too?

I mean, everyone who buys ACNH is guaranteed to have a Switch (or be wildly disappointed). There really isn't a guarantee people will have and frequently use a cellphone.
Wait I'm confused. So that app that let's you link to Able's qr patterns is for actual smart phones and not the Nook Phone? lol talk about privilege. Not everyone has a smart phone.

Also it's hilarious that they relegated April Fools to a whoopie cushion. I like that people are able to get more qr slots even though I don't use that them much and am nowhere close to maxing the original limit out. And cut-out stands are pretty cool to.

But for an anniversary update? This is kind of crap.
Agreed 100%. IDK, it almost seems like the success of Pokemon Go has made Nintedo think phones need to now be incorporated into full, actual games (I mean, Pokemon Go is a lovely phone game... but, IMO, it's only useful if you don't actually have a gaming device for complete Pokemon games, and/or if you DON'T live in the suburbs like me).

I mean, everyone who buys ACNH is guaranteed to have a Switch (or be wildly disappointed). There really isn't a guarantee people will have and frequently use a cellphone.

or (if they're me) guaranteed to have enough space for a largely obsolete app on said phone. at the very least, there should be a browser alternative for the point system so there's more than one way for people to have access to it. doesn't help that the island tour thing (based on the tweet's wording) is likely to also be a phone app, so if you want to even just experiment with that, there's another app you have to download unless it has a browser version. genuinely not sure why they didn't just add the items as NM rewards and have them cost an exorbitant amount or something given both how obsolete the NMs have become now that we're a year in, and how many of them people have racked up as a result.
Wait I'm confused. So that app that let's you link to Able's qr patterns is for actual smart phones and not the Nook Phone? lol talk about privilege. Not everyone has a smart phone.

Also it's hilarious that they relegated April Fools to a whoopie cushion. I like that people are able to get more qr slots even though I don't use that them much and am nowhere close to maxing the original limit out. And cut-out stands are pretty cool to.

But for an anniversary update? This is kind of crap.

Nono. The design app is in your nook phone. Nook points is in your actual phone app.
Wait I'm confused. So that app that let's you link to Able's qr patterns is for actual smart phones and not the Nook Phone? lol talk about privilege. Not everyone has a smart phone.

Also it's hilarious that they relegated April Fools to a whoopie cushion. I like that people are able to get more qr slots even though I don't use that them much and am nowhere close to maxing the original limit out. And cut-out stands are pretty cool to.

But for an anniversary update? This is kind of crap.

no, the custom design thing is for the in-game phone. it's just the design portal as an app so you can access it out of hours when able's is closed. the irl phone thing is to do with nook link. as far as i understand it, there's a another "currency" that you can acquire by downloading the app (i think it's my nintendo or something?) and checking in daily. then you can use that new currency to buy new exclusive items in-game. oh, and katrina's there too. as a little icon, who presumably tells you your fortune -- whether or not it actually does anything in-game remains to be seen. i'm just going off of the screenshots.
I'm glad about the extra slots and have been trying to stay positive... but I'm finally at a point where im genuinely disappointed that apparently this is all there is to the game. Designing, decorating, collecting, a bit of dialog and thats about it. No extra games, to few old NPCs, no brewster, no shopping buildings/street, no mini games, no multiplayer features besides trading and talking. I mean I get it, they focused a lot on graphics and they are absolutely stunning... but it's heartbreaking to see another thing becoming more about being pretty and earning money, and less
about being immersive, good content and having a more varied set of features.

Also, why the F do we get a NEW currency when the others (nook miles and bells) are becoming useless because of the lack of content?
or (if they're me) guaranteed to have enough space for a largely obsolete app on said phone. at the very least, there should be a browser alternative for the point system so there's more than one way for people to have access to it. doesn't help that the island tour thing (based on the tweet's wording) is likely to also be a phone app, so if you want to even just experiment with that, there's another app you have to download unless it has a browser version. genuinely not sure why they didn't just add the items as NM rewards and have them cost an exorbitant amount or something given both how obsolete the NMs have become now that we're a year in, and how many of them people have racked up as a result.
Yah, I wanted to have a fun game on my phone when I was working for my lunch break (fortunately that has... not been a concern this year, working from home) but it came down to that or being able to use the GTS in Pokemon- which is NOT a choice I should be forced to make 😕
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