so i just heard about a new update (spoilers probably)

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If you're not into custom designs, all this update offers, are the Sanrio villagers (which require amiibo you might have or not have), a couple of seasonal items and a wonky mobile app no-one asked for...
I understand everyone who is disappointed by this update.
I find it odd, that the anniversary update of all things caters to such a specific demographic.
i just wanted a little more for the first anniversary... not that i'm not happy about the extra custom slots and stuff, but if this isn't the time to do something extravagant what is? it's not even like the recent updates had new features aside from events; the dream suite was the last one iirc and it was in the fall wasn't it?

if they're not going to do anything big now i hope we don't have to wait until summer :( i really want a better t&t and new, permanent npcs.

We might still get something for Animal Crossing's 20th anniversary in April. Also, considering we had Mario items + Sanrio villagers (and their items) + this update (which includes design slots, design items, new items, new event items, etc), I think March was pretty packed in terms of new updates included in the game. That makes me think that we won't have to wait long for more updates (I'm convinced we'll hear/see something new for April).
I dont know why, but for such a happy positive game, some of the more "dedicated" fans can be a little... entitled and ungrateful :/

The game is a year old, weve all put hundreds of hours, if not thousands into it. With all the fun and time we have put into the game, I think its more than met its value in price.

Now there are people actually angry that an NPC didn't get added in a free update or they're bored after 100% completing the game because they put more time than a normal human ever should into the game?

Sorry for getting fed up and acting in the same way I'm complaining about, but some of yall really need to get a grip.

And even if you really don't like the game... that's okay too. Not everything has to be designed with you in mind. I've bought things in the past I didnt find fun. It happens.

But no, the anniversary "just" gives a cake and there is an app to use so let's all cry about how bad life is.
People have the right to complain about what is wrong with the game and their reasons are valid. Just because you don't like what they say doesn't mean you have to insult them. You are free to like the game how you want thats fine, its your opinion. Don't try to make them change their mind. Their reasoning of why they don't like certain things in this game is valid, as long as you respect their opinions thats all their is. Like with any other fandom there is bound to be bad ones but, we try and not let them ruin the fun.
If you're not into custom designs, all this update offers, are the Sanrio villagers (which require amiibo you might have or not have), a couple of seasonal items and a wonky mobile app no-one asked for...
I understand everyone who is disappointed by this update.
I find it odd, that the anniversary update of all things caters to such a specific demographic.

To be fair, it wasn't framed as an "anniversary update" but instead we got a 1-year-anniversary cake. And I will also add that Sanrio + more design slots + design items was something the AC community had been requesting for a while now, so I'm super glad Nintendo is actually listening for once.
People have the right to complain about what is wrong with the game and their reasons are valid. Just because you don't like what they say doesn't mean you have to insult them. You are free to like the game how you want thats fine, its your opinion. Don't try to make them change their mind. Their reasoning of why they don't like certain things in this game is valid, as long as you respect their opinions thats all their is. Like with any other fandom there is bound to be bad ones but, we try and not let them ruin the fun.
As I said earlier, it's fine to not like things. I take no issues with that.
I only take issue with those who expect, demand, and then get angry when the game doesn't give them exactly what they want.
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I’m happy with the update. I was only expecting the Sanrio stuff and maybe some seasonal items so all the little additions are a welcome surprise! I know a lot of us were hoping for a big anniversary update (me included) but Nintendo never promised us that.
There's not a lot I'm personally excited about in this update, but there is quite a bit of content when I consider the Sanrio update combined with today's announcement, so I think that's a good sign overall. The custom design spots are something I know a lot of the community had asked for, so it's nice to see that come to fruition.

I think the announcement strategy for this update has been a little clunky. If the Sanrio stuff + today's announcements had all been presented together in one trailer at the same time, I think it would have felt more substantial. I get why they split it up, but I think it may have affected the perception of the update.

I'm curious to see what they have planned for the 2.0 update - whether they are saving something big for it like a new building or NPC, or if it will just be similar to past updates with new items, etc.
Do y’all think there might be another secret update they haven’t mentioned yet? Like a part 2 of this update to celebrate the anniversary properly?
Probably not tho, since this update already goes into April 🤔

A random question that I have about previous seasonal items that can be ordered in the catalog: could I theoretically Time travel back to get them if I missed them/ want more of them?
There's not a lot I'm personally excited about in this update, but there is quite a bit of content when I consider the Sanrio update combined with today's announcement, so I think that's a good sign overall. The custom design spots are something I know a lot of the community had asked for, so it's nice to see that come to fruition.

I think the announcement strategy for this update has been a little clunky. If the Sanrio stuff + today's announcements had all been presented together in one trailer at the same time, I think it would have felt more substantial. I get why they split it up, but I think it may have affected the perception of the update.

I'm curious to see what they have planned for the 2.0 update - whether they are saving something big for it like a new building or NPC, or if it will just be similar to past updates with new items, etc.
Yeah I think if they would've shown us a trailer of whats to come in 2021 like they did last year when all the events were teased we would be able to look forward to what was to come in the future. Seems like they are not doing it. Not yet at least. I would hope later on they would give us a trailer of what to look forward to coming soon so that way we don't have to keep speculating or guessing of what to expect. Take for example the trailer we saw last year when Leif, Redd, May Day and Stamp Rally was shown to us. That gave a lot of people excitement and there was a lot of stuff to look forward to.

I will agree that it is clunky and slow considering how January we didn't get much, February we got the Festivale event which we already knew for a while, and of course the Mario day update where we knew about this since last year yet for some reason Nintendo had to remind us several times. They should at least focus on the new stuff they want to show off later in the year and of course what changes will be made to the game, but for now what they showed us is a step in the right direction so we'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Do y’all think there might be another secret update they haven’t mentioned yet? Like a part 2 of this update to celebrate the anniversary properly?
Probably not tho, since this update already goes into April 🤔

A random question that I have about previous seasonal items that can be ordered in the catalog: could I theoretically Time travel back to get them if I missed them/ want more of them?
I wouldnt be surprised if we did get a larger update over the next few months.

I think people are putting too much weight on the anniversary.
With covid going on, I wouldn't be shocked if there were delays to their schedule and couldn't hit that sort of timeline anymore.

The game did get delayed for release due to not wanting to put crunch onto the team.
Speculation of course but I wouldn't be shocked if that's happening again now
Ah this is so exciting! It’s things like this that will keep me interested in ACNH. I feel like each time I was bored in past games there was no reason for me to pick it back up until I felt like I wanted to play again. At least with free updates like this it gives players more incentive to play when we’re lacking motivation to pick the game up!
I’m still excited about this update. Just not sure why they have to put some of it on a smartphone app and not the in game app, I have the app so it’s not a problem for me it’s just another thing some people won’t have access to. As much as I’m excited for the Sanrio items and villages getting the cards to get them will be a problem. I like the cake we are getting and figured that’s what we would get. I think I will be making a bakery on my island now that we have another new food item. The extra design Slots will help so I can have bakery signs.
Ooo I want that whoopee cushion so bad and I wonder what the prom clothes look like. :0

The custom design stuff doesn’t matter to me because I don’t use custom designs anyway. I’m glad they added more slots for those that wanted them.

edit: I just realized that many people apparently are not happy with this update. But I’m so happy lol I wasn’t expecting anything so I’m officially HYPE!
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I’m still excited about this update. Just not sure why they have to put some of it on a smartphone app and not the in game app, I have the app so it’s not a problem for me it’s just another thing some people won’t have access to. As much as I’m excited for the Sanrio items and villages getting the cards to get them will be a problem. I like the cake we are getting and figured that’s what we would get. I think I will be making a bakery on my island now that we have another new food item. The extra design Slots will help so I can have bakery signs.
I doubt there will be any particularly good stuff on the app. I think its probably just there to remind people the app exists XD

I would rather they hadn't of done it that way, but like you I have the app so it's not an issue. Just a little odd.
I doubt there will be any particularly good stuff on the app. I think its probably just there to remind people the app exists XD

I would rather they hadn't of done it that way, but like you I have the app so it's not an issue. Just a little odd.
Your probably right I usually forget that it’s there lol. I’m curious about the items and how much each would cost with the new points.
Ooo I want that whoopee cushion so bad and I wonder what the prom clothes look like. :0

The custom design stuff doesn’t matter to me because I don’t use custom designs anyway. I’m glad they added more slots for those that wanted them.
I had it in NL, when you sat on it, it farted lol
Although I'm not someone who cares to utilize patterns for paths, I'm on board for more design slots. I might like to download some outfits. I also like that they're adding the ability to make designs for fans, flags, standees, and umbrellas.

Definitely love that Prom Wall and totally have a use for it in one of my characters' houses.

On the more negative side, not at all a fan of more items being tied to the Nintendo Switch Online phone app. Like a few others members throughout the thread, I don't have a phone (and, personally, I don't want one), so whenever games do this sort of bonus exclusive content for phones it just sucks. Also not fond of Katrina likely being relegated to just the NSO app. She seemed like one of the missing NPCs that they could easily have justified bringing back in the actual game.

Mixed bag for me.
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