So, um collectibles...?


( ̄。 ̄)~zzz
Jun 3, 2015
Red Holiday Candle
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
New Leaf Token
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Blue Candy
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
Green Candy
Can someone explain what these collectibles are? I've seen them for sale but what is the point of them?
They're really just impressive looking pixels.

They're good if you has nothing else to spend your TBT(or BTB) on.
What do you mean by "What is the point of them?"

They're called collectibles
You collect them??
What do you mean by "What is the point of them?"

They're called collectibles
You collect them??

I think they are wondering, can you actually do anything with them? Do they have value, can you exchange them for something, etc.

And the answer is no, people just collect them for fun to have and show off. I think some of them commemorate special events on the forum? So those would be like souvenirs I guess. :)
Magical creatures that sit under your avatar and show your team spirit, whether it be team cake, team popsicle, team candy, team ice cream, or team cheese c;
When people explain the purpose of them, the thought of collecting them doesn't seem as... Whimsical :rolleyes:
Ima make a team called 'Team NoTeam' where people without collectables can join lmao

I would also join that team. Maybe we could charge people to transfer their collectibles to us for disposal (like getting rid of Katie) so they too could be part of team no-collectibles.

(But, does my mailbox upgrade emblem count as a collectible? cause i dont wanna go back to having to clear out my inbox all the time)
They are little tiny colorful pixels that people will give their limbs for