We weren't in the range of totality (90 something %) but did get to see some parts of the eclipse. Storm clouds kept rolling through and blocked the peak of the event but lead to some pretty cool ominous looking photos of the partial eclipse peaking out between thick storm clouds. It got pretty dark where I was though the storm clouds probably helped a bit too. I had far more fun than I thought I would.
I had a pretty good viewing. Not 100% which would have been really cool but around 90%. I noticed it got a tiny bit darker out, but barely noticeable. My university provided viewing glasses as well as telescopes, so in combination with warm spring weather and clear skies I had a fun viewing! I’ll share some of the telescope pictures below!
It was 98,3% for us, it didn't get very dark outside (was dark in the house though), more like dusk/dawn or day-for-night like in movies, there was sun but it was a bit eerie, and cold.
My area was about 95% totality, but it was cloudy so the eclipse wasn't visible. Similar to what Aniko said, it was still somewhat light outside (equivalent to early evening) but dark inside the house; it was pretty weird and eerie.
mine was so close to totality, like 97% or 98% or something. could have been really perfect, but im super happy that i saw what i could. weather was actually nice for once, and my boss got me a super dark welding helmet to use so i didnt have to fuss with the cardboard glasses. i couldn't see anything out of the helmet except for the sun haha. he's a welder so it makes sense...
overall, really cool. i got pictures but they suck.