solar eclipse ☀️

We are in totality, but I didn’t get around to grabbing new glasses. We were also in totality for the 2017 one so it’s all good, I’ve seen it haha
Of course it's cloudy today where I am so we may not even be able to see it. RIP.
I'm interested in seeing how dark it'll get at least! It should happen in about 30 mins or so for me! Due to the clouds, I'll have to depend on photos online.

Edit: the banner is SOOO cute! Awww!




I was wrong, it was viewable. Enjoy!
That... Was incredible. Just everything about it. There are no words to describe just how amazing totality was. It almost didn't look real! And how quickly it got dark in the minute leading up to it... Even if the rest of this trip doesn't pan out, with that moment it has already paid for itself ten times over.
I just saw the eclipse, and wow! At first I didn't really care about it and just wanted to stay inside, but I guess I should be glad my family dragged me outside anyway. The sky was breathtaking during the path of totality!

I may or may not have accidentally looked at the sun without my glasses, oops.
partial solar eclipse for me, it seems lol. my city's transportation services are offering special transit services to niagara falls to see the total eclipse but i don't have the time to leave my city, go to niagara falls and come back home all in the same day. not to mention, i don't have protection glasses. i'll just settle for watching a livestream :D
update: just watched the eclipse and it was SO COOL!! it was cloudy so no sun (there was sun but you couldn't see it get dark like most did), but i saw the sky go dark as if it was evening time, and become bright again within minutes!! so cool! i'd like to go see it properly next time :)
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wow, uh... that was so surreal 😂

in the ten minutes or so leading up to totality, it was daylight outside but it felt so cold. it's odd to see the sun and not feel its rays, that's an experience I've never had before. I don't even remember that from the partial eclipse in 2017.

as it crept closer and closer, our porch light actually turned on, so I had to turn it off. it started to get darker and more hazy, and the birds stopped chirping. it was a bit eerie.

then of course, totality. and it's funny because you could hear people from miles around, screaming and cheering. it was kinda funny to hear that. but up to this point I was looking at the little sliver of light through my eclipse glasses, and once totality came, even the glasses went dark. I was just looking up at the sun. outside it looked like the early twilight hour, and it was only 3pm. I'm blessed in that there was only slight cloud coverage, so I could see the eclipse in all its wonder.

it was ethereal. I actually cried for a moment because it was absolutely breathtaking. I could see the solar rays surrounding the sun, and I could even see a few stars in the sky. in only a 5 minute window the lighting in the sky shifted so dramatically. I couldn't believe it, honestly.

this really gives new meaning to that line, "and everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon." I understand now just how much we as living creatures are impacted by the sun. it's hard to really put into perspective just how accustomed we are to its presence, until it hides its face for even a fleeting moment. it was almost scary in a way.

it was simultaneously beautiful and unnerving.

once it ended, the sky started to look hazy and grey, and the shadows became very visible again. before we knew it, it was daylight once more. still very odd, though; the atmosphere changes in a perplexing way during a solar eclipse. and the birds started to sing again, after falling silent for a short while. I wonder how they felt?

I'm hoping to go back out there in about half an hour, to see and feel the sun's warmth again. it only takes a few minutes of totality to realize just how important and amazing our sun is.

I tend to take moments just to admire the sun and our solar system, and seeing this gives me a newfound appreciation for it. at the moment of totality I was completely awe-stricken. it's incredible that the moon is perfectly positioned between the sun and Earth to allow us to experience something of this magnitude. and even though I've experienced it my whole life, going back outside to greet the sun once more in its entirety will be interesting in itself. as if meeting an old friend again.

one last thing. I actually feel a very deep connection to the moon, and seeing it in this state touched the most delicate parts of my soul. I feel blessed. it's surely something I'll never, ever forget. 🥹💙🌕✨

anyway, I'll put away my inner amateur novelist now. carry on, friends. 😌
My mom got glasses for us to use and we got to see 94% eclipse! It was pretty cool! It didn’t get completely dark but the world had that dullness to it which was a bit eerie but in a cool way. I stepped outside and could instantly tell it started, plus the neighbors were watching from their lawn! The banner here captured that vibe pretty well ^^ it was fun to see people coming out to check it out too!
I didn’t take any pictures but I did see the eclipse. I thought it would get way darker, but it doesn’t really matter. It was a pretty great experience.
I just realized…Mr. Blue sky was pretty much the perfect song to describe my day. There wasn’t a cloud in sight and it’s been rainy for the past few days. Then Mr. Night creeped over XD
Travelling to see the eclipse in totality was unfortunately out of the question for us this year, and I still hope to be able to see it someday, but from where I live I was able to see the partial eclipse with my eclipse glasses from 2017! The sun looked like a little yellow crescent moon for a while hehe🌙
I wasn't even really paying attention to the time, I just noticed it seemed oddly dimmer than usual and went "oh I bet that's the eclipse" 😅
I got to see 94% coverage in my area. I had classed up until right before so I got to see it on my school's campus. Thankfully they gave out free glasses because I didn't have any. It was really neat! I believe it was more coverage than the one in 2017, which I also saw from the same campus during my freshman year (and now I'm finally almost finished with grad school lol). I wish I had been able to travel to an area with total eclipse, but it was still pretty neat!
it was a partial eclipse -- about 90% coverage here. it's not visible when I tried to take a photo of it, but I was able to see it with my solar eclipse glasses. it was pretty cool!
Got 100% totality. Was fun to hear all the neighborhood kids and even the next-door neighbor’s chickens react to it. Streetlights and nightlights came on. The clouds opened up just enough to see it for most of the 3 or so minutes! Definitely felt the temperature drop a bit as well. Saw the corona and the diamond ring. Very cool!
